In terms of Splat Zones, there are way too many maps I dislike playing in that mode. The worst culprits are Walleye, Port, Hammerhead, Blackbelly, Bluefin, Saltspray and Triggerfish. Walleye and Port are notoriously bad because as soon as one team pulls an ace and gets the zone, it turns into a spawn camp until the score hits 0 on the zone. Splash Walls cut off any exits you have on both when they approach your spawn, and jumping onto the container (Walleye) or going round the sides (Port) doesn't help out at all. The container basically puts you into a boat surrounded by 4 hungry sharks whilst Port just traps you into a corner where you can't approach your zone with getting splatted jumping down from the sides. .52 Gals are pretty strong on both too since they have Splash Walls and the Killer Wail which closes off most of the map.
Hammerhead is pretty bad too because if you get splatted, your spawn is too far away from the zone to get back and set up a decent position to strike back, especially with the lack of inkable areas. I used to really enjoy Blackbelly zones until most matches now end with one team closing down all options back to the zones with relative ease. Bluefin is pretty pathetic since they have ramps to change sides but only have 1 zone (this means there's a disadvantage concerning snipers and right-side peeking). Ideally it would have 2 zones on both sides to actually utilise the tilted platforms so you do jump back and forth to keep both zones in your team's control. Triggerfish is just awful because of the walls where snipers prevent you from approaching your own zone without being splatted, there's just too many chokepoints and not enough options for pushing a comeback. Saltspray is just flat out horrible on zones, you can do nothing once one team grabs the zone and close down the corridors, as well as the disadvantage Team Alpha has over Bravo. Arowana is also pretty bad, but I can live with it for the most part.
With Tower Control, I'm fine with most maps on it, but Piranha Pit has a really convoluted route and doesn't make sense at all. Port Mackerel no longer appears in TC (it hasn't popped up once since September) and that's probably due to how Splash Walls prevent pushes as well as Killer Wails (recently I got 2 quads in Rainmaker Port with Killer Wails in the same day). Killer Wails are really powerful in TC and maps that are very narrow and are essentially long corridors. I hate Bluefin Tower with a passion, it absolutely sucks, the centre gets closed down by snipers, then when you get past that point you have a chokehold every few seconds, first raising the Tower up to the 2nd level, then various points past there and up to the final level. In my opinion, Saltspray is only good in Tower Control which is annoying when it hasn't popped up since September. I quite like the route and it the lower corridor isn't full to bursting with obstacles (like Rainmaker is).
With Rainmaker, I can live with all maps bar Blackbelly and Saltspray. Walleye, Arowana, Moray, Piranha and Bluefin are very questionable maps but the rest I quite enjoy. Blackbelly just fails because you can literally get to the Rainmaker pedestal in about 10 seconds if you ace the enemy team. There's not enough time to respawn and prevent them from dunking the RM, especially as the other 3 member of the team will just spawn camp to give the RM enough time to get the knockout. Saltspray has spawn camp issues because they just throw Splash Walls at your spawn and with the extra obstacles you can't get out of that before they get the knockout.
Walleye is questionable since it's impossible to get past 40 or so without a lucky break, and when you get that you usually win the match. Too many chokepoints and too easy to spawn camp (as mentioned earlier). Arowana is very questionable since I've had my entire team wiped out and lose in 20 seconds from the Rainmaker's shield being popped. Moray is just silly because everyone goes for the big wall to jump the score from 8x to 42-40 and it's such a silly way to gain or lose the lead, too many walls are allowed and should have glass added partway up for Rainmaker to prevent the ridiculous shortcuts from being taken. However, in doing that snipers get an easy time of killing the RM since they would have less shortcuts and have to be a bigger target going through the narrow pathways to get up the map. Piranha is flat out stupid for similar reasons to Arowana as well as the fact that the moved spawn point is very easy to spawn camp whilst the RM gets away. The conveyor belts don't work and are more of a hindrance than a help. Bluefin is very bad too since it has a ton of chokepoints and you have to use those chokepoints to get anywhere with the RM and the score.
I've left out Ancho-V Games since I haven't really played it outside of RM in ranked (the day it came out). I should get to experience it in Tower Control in the next rotation, and I'll have a better verdict on it. My issue with Ancho-V is that it's fairly easy to spawn camp in Turf (I did it quite a bit in the last Splatfest). I don't care too much for maps in Turf, since I scarcely play Turf nowadays, though most of the time my opinion is that the spawn camp maps (generally the corridor ones) and Saltspray are pretty bad, especially since teammates often over prioritise the top of the map and lose despite having the top secured and covered in our colour.