Infestation in Inkopolis! Character Sheets


Inkling Cadet
Jan 2, 2022
Eagle City, Komerika, Ninjala
Switch Friend Code
  • Zia Ramirez (character based on me)
  • 19
  • Inktoling (inkling/Octoling hybrid). Looks like my pfp but with round octoling ears and octoling eyes, but still with the inkling line between her eyes.
  • A secret agent-esque badassh chick who loves combat and martial arts. struggles with depression and wont back down from a fight. has green hair that almost looks like its made of jewels. is a big fan of the Trail Hogs and studies their techniques almost religiously. Her quirk is that she glows in the dark. She speaks in Morse code. Introverted until you get to know her, likes making people happy but struggles to find happiness herself. Always one up for an adventure or challenge!
  • Weapon: Hero Shot/Roller
  • Relationships: single, straight. No friends yet except for her loyal sea butterfly named Cory. Cory has empath powers and can telepathically transmit translations of what Zia says into people’s minds.
  • Family: Unkown
  • Not known to be scared of anything.

  • 318D0628-F5B3-418A-86D8-BF165187039D.jpeg
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Inkling Cadet
Jan 2, 2022
Eagle City, Komerika, Ninjala
Switch Friend Code
Well I’m gonna take a shot in the dark with this character \_.w._/

Name: Vin

Age: 18




History: Vin is a odd fellow. He grew up as to play turf wars with the rest, but he often tended to do it in his own way. He was headphones on (under his hat) and listen to music during the battle. Then, he would splat and ink to the music using a brella. He often started singing and dance fighting. Often he can be see walking around on the street just singing like there's no tomorrow. Often he gets himself in predicaments because of this though.

Weapon: Sorella Brella but when held out it will show a equalizer of whatever the song he is listening to.

Uh. Anything else?


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Name: Clam

Gender: Male

Species: Octotrooper

Age: 16

Eye color: Brown

Personality: Very protective of his brother, even going as far as to pummel down anyone who threatens him physically.

Appearance: A yellow Octotrooper with the white of the eyes, being, well, white and the lenses part being brown (both are natural btw), hazelnut colored lips, and a ring pattern on the tentacle, another notable feature is that the circles around his eyes are actually black.

Bio: Clam is Coral's older brother and unlike Coral (who hatched out of an Octoling egg laid by now his deceased mother), Clam was actually a tentacle cut from his now deceased father. When Coral is out and doesn't come back in time, Clam starts getting impatient with Coral's absence and annoyed at him for any potential trouble he could be getting himself into.
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Aug 20, 2021
(ALL of these are my characters, and I promise that I WILL keep up with them! this all okay?)

Name: Neptune
Age: 23
Gender: male
Species: Inkling
Personality: Neptune is a surprisingly calm Lugia-turned-Inkling figure after his turn. If he sees someone attacking, though... if it's his friends, he's simply just confused on why they attacked. If it's a threat to him, his newfound friends, or Inkopolis Square as a whole, he goes right back to acting like a vicious monster and attacks the threat with all he's got! He's currently eating fruits and veggies, claiming that his meat-only diet is done. He still needs meat in his system, though, so he scarfs down food like steak if he sees it and he's running on empty.
Appearance: Neptune has black eyes, his eyebrows are the "Thin" eyebrows, and his ink color is white; he has the "Slick" hairstyle and the lightest possible skin tone; he wears the Fake Contacts, the Sudadera Celeste, and the White 3-Straps, and his legwear is the Colored Leggings
Main Weapon: Classic Squiffer (
Classic Squiffer (Splatoon 3).jpg
Bio: Unlike other Lugia, Neptune was man-made in a toy factory in the distant Johto region as a tie-in to his movie, "Pokémon the Movie: 2000". After his creation, he was bought by Emily, the same human that bought Mirage. She had another electronic Lugia figure, who was already broken by the time Neptune joined the cast. When she eventually grew out of Pokémon, some people in lab coats arrived, wanting to see Neptune and Lugia. Emily refused, so the strangers took the two by force. They swapped the motherboards so Neptune would keep the memories Lugia had with Emily, (leaving Lugia a blank slate, aside from his inability to work,) then returned Lugia to Emily. After bringing Neptune to a laboratory, the scientists then did experiments on him in an attempt to bring him to life. After the experiments were completed, he had gained sentience. The scientists eventually did some tests on Neptune, testing his strength and durability. The tests were neverending, eventually pushing the calm Lugia to blast away the wall with Thunder and escape. Since then, he's found a portal leading to the Splatoon universe (more specifically, the Deepsea Metro), with the portal converting him into an electronic Inkling figure (same size (around 10 inches), same colors, and same powers) to better fit in with the locals. He jumped in without hesitation, knowing Emily has moved on to greater things in life.
Other: Neptune has two adopted Octoling sons, an Octoling with blue ink named Chris, and an Octoling with yellow ink named Sheldon (no relation to Sheldon the horseshoe crab) - they both have the "Afro" hairstyle, though Chris' preferred weapons (including subs and specials) are ones that are more focused on high attack, while Sheldon's preferred weapons (again including subs and specials) are ones that are more focused on high defense; please don't say 'Fly' around Neptune: it brings up bad memories; he has a little friendly rivalry with Volt, usually over something subjective like good dancing; surprisingly, ink doesn't cause Neptune to malfunction in this world, only water and similar liquids
Name: Volt
Age: 17
Gender: male
Species: Inkling
Personality: Volt is often seen training to land a Charger shot or a Volt Tackle, missing even on a stationary target. He keeps trying, as he's determined to master it! ...though he does get upset and give up after several missed shots or Volt Tackles, having no hope that he'll ever land a hit on a target.
Appearance: Volt has black eyes, his eyebrows are the "Thin" eyebrows, and his ink color is electric yellow (hex code #f2db24); he has the "Spiky-Haired" hairstyle and the third lightest skin tone; he wears the Fake Contacts, the Squidmark Sweat, and the Yellow FishFry Sandals, and his legwear is the Colored Leggings
Main Weapon: Splat Charger (
Splat Charger (Splatoon 3).jpg
Bio: Unlike other Pikachu, Volt was man-made in a toy factory in a distant land called Kanto. After his creation, he was bought by Emily, the same human that bought Mirage and Neptune. She had another electronic Pikachu figure, who was already broken by the time Volt joined the cast. When she eventually grew out of Pokémon, some people in lab coats arrived, wanting to see Volt and Matthew. Emily refused, so the strangers took the two Pikachu by force. They swapped the motherboards so Volt would keep the memories Matthew had with Emily, (leaving Matthew a blank slate, aside from his inability to work,) then returned Matthew to Emily. After bringing Volt to a laboratory, the scientists then did experiments on him in an attempt to bring him to life. After the experiments were completed, he had gained sentience. The scientists eventually did some tests on Volt, testing his strength and durability. The tests were neverending, eventually pushing the Pikachu to blast away the wall with Thunderbolt and escape. Since then, he's found a portal leading to the Splatoon universe (more specifically, the Deepsea Metro), with the portal converting him into an electronic Inkling figure (same size (around 8 inches), same colors, and same powers) to better fit in with the locals. He hesitantly jumped in, a bit unaware that Emily has moved on to greater things in life.
Other: Volt is cousins with another Inkling named Phil, who in turn is friends with two more Inklings named Glitter and Thunder (Thunder is Glitter's boyfriend, and she is his girlfriend) - they all have the same ink color and hairstyle, though Volt is a bit bigger than the other three, and Glitter is wearing a pink bow, while Thunder is wearing a green scarf; Phil is more than willing to help Volt land a Charger shot/Volt Tackle, as he has a Splat Charger/knows Volt Tackle himself; Volt has a little friendly rivalry with Neptune, usually over something subjective like good dancing; he's able to use Volt Tackle, where he throws himself into the opponent's general direction, but there's never any electricity at all, and he always misses; he can paralyze an enemy that comes into contact with him (special ability: Static); surprisingly, ink doesn't cause Volt to malfunction in this world, only water and similar liquids
Name: Mac
Age: 16
Gender: male
Species: Inkling
Personality: Mac is a very... odd Inkling, often having a crazed look in his eyes if he's talking about something that excites him, if he gets an idea for a prank, using Metronome, or just... randomness. He's also sometimes seen participating in various events and other activities, such as an Easter egg hunt, a hot dog eating contest, being in a rock band, etc. He does have his calm moments in between all the randomness, though, as he seems to worry about Mirage the most, given his friend's alternate personality - especially his mental state. Mac often goes to check on Mirage and see if he's okay after his friend's little random outbursts of himself as Georgie-Poo. ...also, Mac often says "You bore me!" when someone bores him beyond belief and/or when he's fed up with them.
Appearance: Mac has blue eyes, his eyebrows are the "Thin" eyebrows, and his ink color is light pink (hex code #ffdcfb); he has the "Wave" hairstyle and a pink-ish skin tone; he wears the Fake Contacts, the Barazushi Sakura Tee, and the Punk Pinks, and his legwear is the Colored Leggings
Main Weapon: Splat Roller (
Splat Roller (Splatoon 3).jpg
Bio: Unlike other Mew, this one was man-made in a toy factory in the distant land of Kanto. After his creation, he was bought by a human named Emily, who also bought a Mewtwo figure. When they arrived at Emily's house, Mewtwo and Mew met and became fast friends. In several instances when Mewtwo ended up entering his Georgie-Poo state, Mew snapped him out of it. When Emily soon grew out of Pokémon, Mew realized that his best friend was missing. Later, some strangers in lab coats arrived and demanded Mew. Emily refused, so the strangers took the little guy by force. They took him to a laboratory, where the scientists then did experiments on him in an attempt to bring him to life. After the experiments were completed, he had gained sentience. The scientists eventually did some tests on Mew, testing his strength and durability. The tests were neverending, eventually pushing the Mew to blast away the wall with Metronome [Hyper Beam] and escape. Since then, he's found a portal leading to the Splatoon universe (more specifically, the Deepsea Metro), with the portal converting him into an Inkling figure (same size (around 5 inches), same colors, and same powers) to better fit in with the locals. When he arrived in the Deepsea Metro (he used Psychic to slow his fall), he found out that the Inkling figure already had a name - Mac - so that's what Mew decided to rename himself until he gets back home.
Other: Mac is the only one out of the group that knows what to do to snap Mirage out of his Georgie-Poo state; he knows Metronome, where he wags his finger and uses any move (with some exceptions); he always says "Metronome, and it turned into [insert move here]!" whenever he uses it; he also knows Psychic, where he uses his innate psychic powers to lift something and carry it to wherever it's needed
Name: Sammy
Age: 11
Gender: male
Species: Octoling
Personality: Sammy is a very kind squeaky Octoling toy, never wanting to fight and always having a smile on his face. Sammy is also surprisingly jovial for a squeaky Octoling toy, as he loves being squeezed and squeaking as a result. He dislikes being alone, squeaking sadly to try and get this point of his across. He greatly dislikes being separated from a group, as whenever he is, he'll try to find his way back to where they are - unless he's trapped and stuck somewhere or taken hostage, that is.
Appearance: Sammy has black eyes, his eyebrows are the "Thick" eyebrows, and his ink color is orange (hex code #ff9f03); he has the '"Afro" hairstyle and an orange-ish skin tone; he wears the Teddy Band, the Pinapple Ringer, and the Orange Iromaki 750s, and his legwear is the Colored Leggings
Main Weapon: Splattershot Jr. (
Splattershot Jr. (Splatoon 3).png
Bio: It is unknown how Squeaky came into existence. He just sort of... did, already under ownership. After some fun with his owner and their human friend, Squeaky was squeezed a bit too hard, fell in a stream, and was washed away, spurring his owner and their human friend to save him. After Squeaky, his owner, and their human friend were reunited, they put the toy in a basket. Shortly afterwards, some strangers in lab coats arrived and secretly toynapped Squeaky, taking him to a laboratory and doing experiments on him in an attempt to bring him to life. After the experiments were completed, Squeaky had gained sentience. Since then, however, a portal appeared under Squeaky that led to the Splatoon universe (more specifically, the Deepsea Metro), with the portal converting him to an Octoling squeaky toy (same size, same colors, and same squeak) to better fit in with the locals. He fell in, squeaking in confusion the entire time. When he landed in the Deepsea Metro (accompanied by a LOUD squeak), he found out that the Octoling squeaky toy already had a name - Sammy - so that's what Squeaky decided to rename himself until he gets back home.
Other: Unlike other Octolings, Sammy can safely be in the water without any issue; because he's a squeaky toy, Sammy is rather light and small; he's light enough to be carried, and when he gets in a body of water, he floats on the water's surface; he's also small enough to be grabbed and held in one hand; Sammy squeaks whenever he's squeezed, whenever he walks around, or whenever he lands on the ground or another solid surface after a jump/fall; he also squeaks when he communicates, as he only speaks squeak; shockingly, his squeaker will never, ever break; his arms and legs can move despite the fact that it looks like they're stuck in place
Name: Luke
Age: 17
Gender: male
Species: duck
Personality: Luke is a determined little rubber ducky-turned-actual duck with an indomitable spirit, who'll stop at seemingly nothing to achieve his goals. He's going to try to prove those who might berate and ridicule him wrong, no matter what it takes. long as it doesn't involve making fun of others. He's not one of those kinds of bird tub toys.
Appearance: Luke is a duck that has yellow-orange feathers (#fcb71d), an orange beak (#f37f3c), a blue scarf (#79e0dd), he has blue eyes (the same blue as his scarf), and his wings are permanently at his sides; he wears the FishFry Biscuit Bandana (it's always blue) in place of his scarf
Bio: (the movie should explain it all, though I'll explain just in case) Lucky is a spirited tub toy who gets labeled a reject after finding out his squeaker is broken, therefore he can’t squeak! Aboard a cargo ship, Lucky befriends two other rejected tub toys - a sassy, extroverted hippo with mis-matched eyes named Flo, and a timid turtle named Snap - as they soon find themselves stranded at sea when the cargo ship they're being transported on is caught in a storm. With the help of some dolphins and seagulls, Lucky leads the ragtag crew of tub toys in pursuit of finding the perfect home and a kid who will love them just the way they are, defects and all. They eventually do find that perfect home and kid after a long journey through the ocean, and Lucky's squeaker was fixed, too. What they didn't expect, however, was a portal opening under Lucky when Danny and his dad weren't paying attention, with the portal leading to the Deepsea Metro. The portal also converted him to an actual duck (same size, same colors, and converting his squeak to a quack) to better fit in with the locals. When he landed in the Deepsea Metro (accompanied by a LOUD quack), he found out that the duck already had a name - Luke - so that's what Lucky decided to rename himself until he gets back home.
Other: Unlike other ducks, Luke can safely be in the water without any issue; because he was originally a rubber ducky, Luke is rather light and small; he's light enough to be carried, and when he gets in a body of water, he floats on the water's surface; he's also small enough to be grabbed and held in one hand; Luke squeaks (quacks) whenever he's squeezed (hugged), whenever he hops (waddles) around, or whenever he lands on the ground or another solid surface after a jump/fall; he's able to take some squeezes (hugs) before losing his squeak (quack) entirely; Luke is also able to squeak (quack) a while before losing his squeak (quack) entirely; he can speak normally, and he also squeaks (quacks); Luke has two tub toy friends back home - Flo and Snap
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Banned (6 points)
Oct 10, 2021
Hog Haven the BIcycle City
(New Trail Hogs bicycle gang characters. Ignore others. Been working on Trail Hogs lore a lot so some rewriting. Ok, here it goes!)


Name: Frankus
Age: Probably 20s. (Definitely older than 20)
Species: Inkling
Appearance: He is an Inkling of average height who wears clown hair as a hat and dresses in a reflective vest and reflective pants. His clothes glow in the dark as a bright green color. He rides a
which is varnished with Hog oil (The composition is unknown but most likely Mulberry oil.). His bike has a bright red flag on the back and he puts a feather on his ear to signify his leadership of the Hogs.
- Trail Spear
- Hedge Gun
- Fishing Line
- Ink Hammers
Personality: Frankus is a very innovated person and is constantly working on some project. There is never a time when he is not doing something.
Frankus originates from Hog Haven which is exists in the corner of Calamari County. The land, not being too small or too big takes up an area of 320 Hogs which is the unit of measurement for Trail Hogs. It is located near the Calamari River (Olentangy which is what Trail Hogs call it).

At the time Frankus built a bicycle shop known as Trail Hog bikes to construct strong bikes that could go down hills. His friend Hong Kong John was quite impressed with his work and constructed a similar bike. Once Frankus used his skills of building and innovation to construct houses, skyscrapers, bikes, zip lines, and even tree houses effectively building a kingdom for him and his hogs. This however, was not without consequence. Like any project there is a need for materials and the forests of small trees provided some materials for building. However, there was not enough so Frankus and his Hogs raided old barns and abandoned houses to use for building materials. At first no one noticed until a number of houses that urban explorer would visit started disappearing. This led to a group of cyclist to found their own bicycle gang called the Skidmarks. They, in turn founded the Skidmark Kingdom.

For the next few years the Trail Hogs would engage in a variety of battles with the Skidmarks which involved Ink Wars, Pie Throwing, Stench Bombs, and rap battles. These often led to land being conquered from each kingdom and the general growth and development of the Kingdom of Hogopolis. Eventually, the Skidmarks fragmented in the Olentangy River Bicycle Gang, The Porkchops, the Egg McMan Bicycle Gang.

Eventually, Frankus got tired of all these fart knockers ruining his bicycle experience so he left Hog Haven in search of a better experience. Now in Inkopolis Frankus is not sure if he will find what he's looking for. He has rejoined his fellow Hogs and retaken leadership but is now thinking where he can build his new kingdom. Maybe Mount Nanatai? Or maybe somewhere in the Splatlands...

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