"So, we were underground, my brother and I lost our parents and we were fleeing for our lives. We were too young to fight back at the time." Coral muses for a second, trying to keep his composure to tell the rest. "So we lived in an orphanage until our former enemies, the Crimson Octarians attacked. Believe it or not, we were just one Octarian species, but that horrible DJ is the one who caused our species to split into two, we were the Ringed Octarians."
"When are you going to tell her that we met?" Kelp says impatiently.
"Hold on, I'm getting to that part." Coral replies. "Anyways, this happened before the battle that our parents fought in, before I was born and during the first two years of Clam's childhood. However, when Octo Valley started crumbling a big piece of the skybox fell right on my house, or what used to be my house, Clam and I were children at this time, we were outside playing with each other while our parents were inside."
"I can see how these meeting stories can be long." Kelp realizes.
"When we were taken into the orphanage, I was very depressed, and even cried a lot due to the death of my parents. I didn't play with other kids there much because that horrible image was a dominant thought that wouldn't go away." Coral continues. "When I finally reached 14, I got a package with what my dad has bought me when he visited Inkopolis which is the clothes that I wear now, along with his one-of-a-kind Octo Shot that has the ability to change sub and special weapons for different situations, the exact same one you see me using." he remembers clearly. "When he used it during the war, he had used the Inkzooka."
"This is interesting." Kelp says.
"Now back on track, the crumbling situation became worse little by little every day, the real war between the Ringeds and Crimsons, the two sides that used to be one began again and this time, I was fighting in it along with my brother. We were enlisted by General Anemone, little did I know that his entire army was only composed off survivors as he didn't know where else to look, so we were a very small group." Coral explains. "But our general didn't give up hope, he had an idea to rescue the Inklings who were squidnapped by our former Crimson enemies and have them join his army with the promise of returning to Inkopolis. This is before we knew of that plan. But before then, we had to acquire a special kind of bus, Clam and I were sent on a path together while Kelp, whom I didn't know was in the army before was sent by herself."
"This is getting exciting!" Kelp exclaims.
"So, as my brother and I were looking around while escaping a big squad of enemies, we see this girl being surrounded by another squad of enemies." Coral points to Kelp. "She ran out of ink and was surrounded, she tried her best to fight back then she called for help. So my brother and I sprang into action, splatting the enemies that surrounded the Octoling. We introduced ourselves when a rebel Crimson, joined us. The first of many Crimson Octarians and Octolings to help us."
"I couldn't take my eyes off Coral." Kelp adds.
"So when we finally got that last bus to combine with the others to make a base that can split to move to another place and merge to become a base again, Clam drove us back to our camp, where these busses combined for the first time." Coral continues the story.
"We didn't have uniforms at the time and the buses had a rainbow Spawn Point inside of them." Kelp tells the smaller, but important details.
"So, General Anemone has decided on who sleeps in which room. After his speech of hopefulness through our efforts and getting the Inklings rescued to join us, we were given our uniforms, then we were free for the rest of the evening, Kelp and I were assigned to the same room. The way that the uniforms looked made Octolings look attractive to the opposite sex. So when both Kelp and I tried our uniforms, we were nervous at first. But then I realized something: I was in love with her. So I did something bold, which I asked her to be my girlfriend." Coral finally gets to the part. "Almost forgot to say that she yelled 'yes!'"
"Wow, I didn't realize I was that excited." Kelp says.
"Since then, Kelp and I had done so much together." Coral concludes his story.