Night time hits, Coral tries to get up to go back to his house, but...
"You can sleep here for tonight. I want you to!" Kelp says.
"Oh no, I don't want to trouble you anymore, plus Clam is probably waiting for me to return home." Coral replies.
"I'll give him a call then, no biggie." Kelp picks up her phone and calls Clam.
"Oh hey Kelp! Is Coral with you?" Clam asks over the phone.
"Yes, he's with me. I decided to nurse him back to health to relieve some pressure from the medical bay area." Kelp explains.
"Right? There has been a sudden surge of dangerous activity the last few days. It's crazy! People getting octonapped resulted in some search parties being sent to rescue them, but coming back injured and some Octolings coming back here pretty beaten up by Salmonids. It's all around becoming tougher and tougher for the medical team to make sure everyone is back to normal." Clam goes on a spiel.
"Then I'm glad you understand. I'll make sure Coral is going to be all healed up by tomorrow. See you!" Kelp decides to hang up the call.
"So what did Clam say?" Coral asks.
"You can stay here for the night." Kelp answers. "Also, let me rub some soothing cream on your sore spots, you will definitely feel better by tomorrow."
Kelp goes to a drawer where she keeps medicine and takes a small bottle of cream, returning to Coral.