Inkopolis Underground- a truly unique squad!


Inkling Cadet
May 30, 2015
The Squidhole
Apologies for the late response! We will probably hold trials from now on along with selective recruitment, but this part is still under development, as our squad has a lot of things to sort out.


Jun 12, 2015
Apologies for the late response! We will probably hold trials from now on along with selective recruitment, but this part is still under development, as our squad has a lot of things to sort out.
Feel free to ignore my application, I recently got accepted in a different squad.


Jun 1, 2015
Name: Chissy
Nintendo Network ID: Chissy05
Skype Name: Cantonio05
Country: United States

Inkling Name: Bel
Age: 15
Personality: Bel is shallow and vain squid teen. With a love for fashion, she finds herself fight at home in the fashion hub that is Inkopolis. She can wear anything, and no matter how clashing she somehow makes it work. She loves the spotlight and find the attention almost intoxicating. She hates losing, and can be quite the sore loser. At times, she can be dismissive to those she finds not worth her time, because of this, she has gain the nickname 'Princess'. But if you are ever able to make friends with her, Bel will be there for you, on and off the battlefield.

History: Bel has loved fashion since she could remember. Ever since she was little, she wanted to grow up and be a model. Now that shes a teen, Bel feels its like to take the stage and become the model shes always dreamed of. But she won't become a model through the traditional ways. She wants to be like no other model. As such, she will showcase her fashion sense on the battlefield. Bel wishes to captivate the eyes of the enemies and show they that this fashionista isn't just a pretty face. She hopes to join a squad that also shares her love of style and flair.


Inkster Jr.
Jun 27, 2015
Name: Wanderson
Nintendo Network ID: Warss89
Skype Name: pandamonium_42
Country: Brazil

Inkling Name: Panda kid

Personality: The Panda kid, although he is very calm and optimistic, don’t be deceived, because he is very competitive. Panda is always trying to have fun with his friends no matter the situation, but he is also very thoughtful about his and his team action, because he always wants to win, but he also understand that he can’t win every time, and is always learning with his mistakes. He tries to pass that feeling to all his teammates too, by giving friendly words to try to calm them when they are stressed or frustrated, remembering than that this is all about having fun!

On the Field: The panda loves to help his teammates with support specials and subweapons. He prefers shooters with long range, like the jet squelcher and the dual squelcher(which has the awesome echolocator special) , but sometimes use weapons with a shorter range but with support specials, like the splattershot jr, which has the bubbler, a special that protects every teammate around him. He is trying to learn to be effective with the chargers, but he still is not very good with that class, but he hope to perfect it one day. But one thing is for sure, he is always thinking of his teammates when choosing a weapon, something that will support the team to victory!

History: When he was still a baby, the inkling was abandoned. Ending up in a shore near some mountains. He was all alone and very lonely, but he have hope, hope that he would find someone to be with him, that he will find his parents and discover why he was abandoned. When he learnt how to take the humanoid form he wanted to climb the mountains that he could see far away, he had hope to find someone there and learn where could be not only his parents, but others from his own species.

After getting used to his humanoid form, the nameless inkling went on a journey to the mountains. After much climb he was very tired, hungry and thirsty…and as he was about to faint he saw some black and white feet walking towards him, and then he closed his eyes. When we woke up he was on a hot spring, surrounded by pandas! He found people, he was so happy, he had never seen anyone in his entire life! The pandas liked him, and they took care of him. Gave him food and taught everything they knew about life. So the inkling grow up even more, become a strong willed and happy inkling, but there was something that still bothered him, his real parents, who were they? And his species? He knew he was not a panda, so what was him? He told his feeling to the pandas which told him that he was old enough to go to inkopolis, where the rest of his species are. There he could find more about himself. So he sad goodbye to the ones that took care of him for so long with a big panda hug! And then, at the sunset, he very sadly went way to his journey. As he was walking in the direction of the sunset, he waved his hands to the pandas, until he couldn’t see them anymore.

So, when he arrived at inkopolis he was very happy and hopeful. His eyes filled with awn from all the big building and all those inklings! He never saw others from his species before. He learnt about their traditions of fighting in turf war, and was intrigued. He figured, with he became good at this sport, maybe his parents would recognize him, and enter in contact. When training he wanted to fight using black or white colors on his ink, because that is what he was used too after all these years with the pandas, but it was against the rules. He was very sad since these were his favorite colors, but he understood. Since he had no name, after that story the inklings started calling him the Panda Kid. He liked it, so he kept that name.

So, after months training the Panda Kid got very good, however, one thing bothered him. He finally learnt the inkling language, but nobody would listen to him when in the turf, he would do stuff, tell strategies, everything in his mind worked perfectly, but the teams he participated in would never listen, and he knew he would never be good enough until he found a good team, so he finally found the inkopolis underground. He is hoping that he can finally enter in a good team, he wants to help his teammates so together they can always achieve victory and become some of the better players around!

So, inkopolis underground, it is up to you now! Help this inkling achieve his dream of become an top player together and finally find his parents!

But seriously now, talking as myself, I loved the idea of this group. Since the game was out I wanted someway to play with other people, communicate and make strategies, so my team could be the most efficient possible, and this is finally possible with the squad battles. And searching the internet I was happy to find groups like you guys. I really hope you accept me so I can do my best as a team!
And sorry with the story was too long, I ended up having fun writing it, hope you guys like it. Also, although I am from Brazil, I can speak english and write very well, and my clock is only 3 hours ahead compared to the PT time, so I think I will be able to play with you guys just fine. I am really looking forward to play using headsets through skype:D:D
That, is an INCREDIBLE application O.O sheesh.


Aug 11, 2015
Middle of Nowhere, Pennsylvania
Name: Marceline
Nintendo Network ID: ladyfoster
Skype Name: ladyfosterable
Country: United States
Inkling Name: Marceline
Age: 16
Personality: Marceline is rather inconsistent and the side you see of her depends on your role in her life. If she doesn't talk to you much at all she tends to come off as a bit innocent and gentle, or even not much of a character at all. However, if you're one of the fewer amount of people she talks to regularly you get quite the squid kid. She's often exhausted, but the rush of the turf war (and other ink games) tends to revitalize her to great amounts. Once revitalized she can get rather loud and pumped (or horribly aggravated if hit with a bad losing streak with random squids). She also might not realize whenever she's becoming a bit of a glory hog when it comes to her wins. If not inking it up she's usually rather chill and is working on making mixes perfect for the atmosphere of the turf war or inspired by her favorite residents of Inkopolis. Although she takes pride in seeing herself as great and fresh, if you give her no reason to dislike you she's not going to see you as any lesser than herself (unless you're not even fresh enough to buy clothes from Booyah Base, in that case, keep practicing until you can do that and then things might be different). Her life thrives on looking fresh (though she tries to avoid sounding vain when it comes to how she looks), sharing music with everyone, and dominating the battlefield with the few friends she has. The most ego she has is in her rank, but otherwise she tries to stay more humble and chill.

On the Field: Nothing makes me more annoyed than inklings that forget the purpose of the mode she's playing in ("HAVE YOU ALL FORGOTTEN THAT WE NEED TO GET ON THE TOWER?"). She's the most forgiving in turf wars as she tends to experiment with all different kinds of weapons. Despite this, her favorite turf war weapon is the N-Zap '89 partially because she loves the sprinkler, but mostly because she loves the way the gun looks. She's not just huge on being good; she's also huge on looking super cute at the same time. She keeps this attitude in ranked battle, but is stricter on her weapon choices. Inkstrikes or Bomb Rushing is vital in her eyes for Splat Zones, but for Tower Control she's all about providing her team the benefit of the bubbler with her handy-dandy blasters. She's a bit more of a lone wolf that does what she wants in turf wars, but that's only because she knows she can pull it off just fine there. In ranked she believes in teamwork and will do what she can to help her fellow teammates, but is one to rage quit when her team (random squids) doesn't do their fair share She's not one to splat someone else for the sake of splats, but if she knows she has to in order to survive she will and if she can't survive she makes sure to take someone down with her. When with the right team she loves to provide nothing but positive energy, support, and will always think quite fondly of you.

History: She was raised as a fairly average inkling. She was brought up with the love of turf wars, music, and clothing. After some major money troubles when she was first starting to be able to become humanoid she ended up being allowed her own apartment while she practiced her skills of turf war with the hopes of being able to support herself financially. She first started with great success with rollers and received much praise from those who gave her guidance. As she got more skilled she shifted over to weapons like the .52 Gal Deco and Areospray RG. In a matter of weeks of her weapon changes she earned a great deal of cash to spend as she chose. She would have tried to help her folks, but she couldn't ever seem to get in proper contact with them in order to do so. Instead she began talking to the shady figure in the alley with a thing for snails. Not only did he provide her with some new perks on her fashion he also told her about a place called the Squidhole where some pretty talented inklings tend to dwell. Being interested in the idea of maybe gaining a new friend or two (especially considering how few she had back closer to Booyah Base) she one day decided to venture out with her N-Zap '89. It gets lonely being fairly rich by yourself in a big city.


Dec 12, 2014
United States
Name: Vera
Nintendo Network ID: Colinpy
Skype Name:
Country: United States

Inkling Name: Vera
Age: 21
Personality: Never turning down a challenge, this squid always looks for a new way of approaching a tough situation. His name is Vera and although he prefers the in-your-face strategy of outgunning his opponent, he also knows when to stay back and be defensive. His freshness levels are off the charts, and he knows how to have fun. Booyah's are abundant and good times are always had.

History: When Vera first began his journey to be the freshest squid of all time, he hit the ground running like a little try-hard aerospraying all the corners of his base. Since then, he made great improvements; he ran through octo-valley, made lots of friends, and developed his own play style that is like none other.

Other Info:
Time zone: EST
Weapon: L-3 Nozzlenose/ Dynamo Roller


Jul 19, 2015
United States
Nintendo Network ID: yvetaliscool
Skype Name: John Valencia
Country: United States
Age: 14

Inkling Name: Safari ⭐

Weapons: Splatterscope, Kelp Splatterscope, Range Blaster, Tentatek Splattershot.

Personality: Safari is an observer who likes to learn new things via trial and error. He has no trouble in solving situations that others find unnerving and prefers to dress comfortable while also acting professional in day to day situations. While being a lone wolf from time to time, he has no trouble being in a team and working together. He prefers to keep his friends close and his enemies in the range of his scope.

On The Field: Safari acts like a living squid beacon in his battles, he doesn't push forward until the enemy is pushed backed and let's his teammates jump to him when the opportunity rises. Despite being a charger, Safari excels in mid range combat and can effectively poke holes in teams. He also has a extremely keen eye and can detect danger almost instantly and react just as effectively.

History: Safari was a very happy and oblivious child when he first started out. He had a hunger to learn however and liked to explore and experiment. Unfortunately his curiosity made him face hurdles that no child can accomplish and suffer betrayment from what he thought were his closest friends. As he grew up he learned more about the world and its inhabitants, he was a above average student and was generally a 'good boy'. He searched and studied things that other kids weren't interested in and made some close friends along the way. However Safari knew that he was still a broken soul that was too damaged to be repaired. This made him start his lone wolf reputation and his sniping career. However things got lonely and boring after a while, so he started to search for a clan that would fit his expertise and love for battle. His journey has gotten him far, but sadly no where. Luckily a friend of his by the name Mute Bard promised him a spot in a squad called Inkopolis Underground. Safari being the nice guy he his, couldn't turn down this request made by his friend, so he decided to apply and see if he gets accepted.

Time Zone: EST


Inkling Cadet
May 30, 2015
The Squidhole
Nintendo Network ID: yvetaliscool
Skype Name: John Valencia
Country: United States
Age: 14

Inkling Name: Safari ⭐

Weapons: Splatterscope, Kelp Splatterscope, Range Blaster, Tentatek Splattershot.

Personality: Safari is an observer who likes to learn new things via trial and error. He has no trouble in solving situations that others find unnerving and prefers to dress comfortable while also acting professional in day to day situations. While being a lone wolf from time to time, he has no trouble being in a team and working together. He prefers to keep his friends close and his enemies in the range of his scope.

On The Field: Safari acts like a living squid beacon in his battles, he doesn't push forward until the enemy is pushed backed and let's his teammates jump to him when the opportunity rises. Despite being a charger, Safari excels in mid range combat and can effectively poke holes in teams. He also has a extremely keen eye and can detect danger almost instantly and react just as effectively.

History: Safari was a very happy and oblivious child when he first started out. He had a hunger to learn however and liked to explore and experiment. Unfortunately his curiosity made him face hurdles that no child can accomplish and suffer betrayment from what he thought were his closest friends. As he grew up he learned more about the world and its inhabitants, he was a above average student and was generally a 'good boy'. He searched and studied things that other kids weren't interested in and made some close friends along the way. However Safari knew that he was still a broken soul that was too damaged to be repaired. This made him start his lone wolf reputation and his sniping career. However things got lonely and boring after a while, so he started to search for a clan that would fit his expertise and love for battle. His journey has gotten him far, but sadly no where. Luckily a friend of his by the name Mute Bard promised him a spot in a squad called Inkopolis Underground. Safari being the nice guy he his, couldn't turn down this request made by his friend, so he decided to apply and see if he gets accepted.

Time Zone: EST
You've been accepted in! Make sure to add me on Skype: ZypkerGaming.


Splash Wall of China
May 30, 2015
Catskill, NY
Hey there, IU.

Would you guys be interested in a first to five scrimmage tomorrow against my team sometime after 7pm EST?


Full-time TO
Site Moderator
Event Organizer
Jun 6, 2015
The Squidhole
Hey there, IU.

Would you guys be interested in a first to five scrimmage tomorrow against my team sometime after 7pm EST?
Love to set something up with you guys! I'm trying to contact some people now to see if we can play.

I can't play myself, but I'll try to get a team together. Please feel free to contact me on Skype: live:ktkres_1


Splash Wall of China
May 30, 2015
Catskill, NY
Love to set something up with you guys! I'm trying to contact some people now to see if we can play.

I can't play myself, but I'll try to get a team together. Please feel free to contact me on Skype: live:ktkres_1
Sweet! Sent you a friend request on Skype.


Full-time TO
Site Moderator
Event Organizer
Jun 6, 2015
The Squidhole
@NovaSpriter @LittleMissInquiry @M-Man @Pandamonium @Chissy @ladyfoster

I have yet had the time to sit down and review your applications. For those who are not aware, we've had a slight staffing change. @ZypkerGaming, who was basically managing us as a whole, decided to retire his time at IU for the time being. @NeoStar has been busy with his job recently. I was appointed co-leader about a week ago. So, this leaves me attempting to manage everything. I have been more focused on more immediate matters, setting up Ink or Sink matches, as well as getting a few teams together for the Salty Splatoon tournament.

TL;DR I apologize for the wait. Stuff has happened recently on the other side and none of us have had the time to review your applications. I will get to you all hopefully by the end of next week. Thanks!
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Jan 18, 2015
New York
Name: Justin
NNID: lLifeAmazesJay
Skype Name: ohhheyjustin
Country: United States

Inkling name: Air
Time Zone: USA (EST)
Age: 19
Lv: 33
Rank: A+
Weapons: SSJ, Kelp Splatterscope & Inkbrush. Also working on the 52 Gal, Heavy Splatling & the Tentatek Splattershot.

Personality: Despite his laid back personality, Air prefers to be consistent, reliable and fearless in all aspects of battle. He senses when he is needed in battle or when it's ok to lay low and terrorize his enemies through stealth. Alongside turfwars he enjoys the company of friends, checking data for the freshest gear with perfect abilities and working on his own tech outside of the battlefield.

History: Air had dreamed of being a part of Splatoon since he was young. His first days out on the turf were not only his worst but his best days. He met a new inkling friend by the name of OHKO and they grew together as comrades, nevertheless becoming brothers to this day. As he sits in front of his laptop studying new splatoon gear, tech and weapons he tries to find the weapons most suitable for his play style. He has flashbacks to his first days out on the turf, not knowing where he needed to be for his team and what weapons really intrigued him throughout his beginner days. Other then his comrade OHKO, Air is a lone wolf out on the turf but chooses to still assist his allies in stealth throughout all his battles. Nobody knows who he is or why he cares so much for his comrades even if they are complete strangers. 3 weapons that truly inspired him are the Splattershot jr, Kelp Splatterscope and the Ink Brush. He realizes that all this time his weapons change his personality on where he needs to be in the heat of battle and how he can assist his team. Air truly understands why his worst days were also his best days and the love that he brings for his comrades. It inspires him to grow as a player and to continue his journey in Splatoon. His adventure has only just begun.
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Aug 20, 2015
Hi there! I've been looking around at different squads to join for awhile now and this one really stood out to me... the roleplaying aspect is unique and quite adorable, and makes me feel like you guys are truly invested in getting to know one another rather than solely compete! It would be an honor for me to join so here's my lil write up.

Name: splatroller/Kiri
Nintendo Network ID: kyoukokirigiri
Skype Name: toreasnore
Country: United States
Time Zone: EST

Inkling Name: Kiri
Age: 21
Rank: A+
Main Weapons: Krak-On Roller, Kelp Splat Charger (or Hero Charger)
Personality: Though shy in new situations, Kiri is quick to warm up to others and thrives off of her friendships, for which she cares deeply. Cheeky and sarcastic by nature, she always looks to lighten the mood, but knows when to be serious as well. This also translates over into the battlefield: she is great at determining whether to play offensively or defensively, based on her teammates performance and the general ebb and flow of the match, and is not afraid to take initiative or leadership. At times she gets overly excited or anxious mid-game and has been known to grip her weapons too tight; she takes care in covering the blisters on her fingers with brightly colored band aids. During more relaxed, non-competitive games, it's not uncommon to catch her trying to round up some squids for a party, or drawing hearts around unsuspecting Inklings.
History: A clumsy child who tripped over her own tentacles more times than she could count, Kiri actually feared joining her first Turf War match. Her initial train ride into Inkopolis was mainly to catch a glimpse at the ever illustrious Squid Sisters, but it somehow accidentally landed her in Octo Valley instead, in which the fear in her eyes was misinterpreted by Cap'n Cuttlefish as a determined spark so she was more or less forced into stealing back the zapfish in a big misunderstanding. However, ever creative, the prospect of getting cash and being able to eventually buy herself fresh gear to coordinate in new outfits was all too appealing, so she used this as a chance to get intensive training and paved the way for her first Turf War, and eventually Ranked, battles. A seasoned player now (and competitive, who would have thought), she is interested in finding her "niche" in Inkopolis, with other Inklings she believes can help her grow, and her help them in return.

Thank you for your consideration!
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Inkster Jr.
Jun 27, 2015
It makes me so glad that more cool guys/girls are joining us! :P Even if I was accepted on this same page a while ago

Reyn Time

Aug 24, 2015
Name: Reyn Time
NNID; ExaltChrom
Skype: Exalt_Chrom
Country: Canada
Time Zone: PST

Inkling Name: Jamal
Weapons: Krak-On Roller, .52 Gal

Personality: Jamal is that type of guy that gets really excited over little things. Surrounded by enemies? Rainmaker halfway there? You can bet that you'll hear him screaming in the background. He loves to laugh, and loves to make people laugh. I mean, he's not really that funny and ends up laughing at his own jokes more than anyone else, but occasionally you might breathe heavily out from your nose, and that's good enough for him. At the end of the day though, he's just a fun loving dude. It's also worth noting that Jamal devotes his life to Marie, the epitome of beauty herself.

In Battle: Oh man, where do I begin? He is probably the most MLG player you'll ever meet, often getting an astonishing 3 kills per game! He's good at following orders, but his main strategy is to just ninja squid around and take pot shots as needed. He excels more at covering ground than hand-to-hand combat. Recently, he's taken a liking for chargers, despite being absolute trash with them. But I swear it's not his fault like, everyone else is clearly hacking. This guy is just too MLG. His main selling point is making everyone else look good in comparison.

History: Deep in the jungles Zimbabwe, Jamal mastered the art of stealthily killing octopus, the vicious beasts the wiped out his village. Determined to get revenge, he decided to join the military, but after realizing how dangerous it was, he said screw that and moved near Inkopolis to have fun instead. After getting his butt served to him on a silver platter a few times, he realized he could put his jungle skills to use, and mastered the art of stealthily killing squidkids.
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Aug 26, 2015
Name: shibi
Nintendo Network ID: phremature
Skype Name: kaitonakao
Country: Philippines

Inkling Name: shibi
Age: 28
Level: 37
Rank: A-

Personality: Creator of Luna Blaster. Silent killer. Enough said.

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