What? You aren't in charge. You don't get to decide. You're probably from America, where I can say what I want.
I am not, don’t assume things on the basis of thin air. But that’s really the least of the problems with this little quip of yours.
It is not only common courtesy but also common sense to not use right of free speech as an excuse for saying whatever the hell you want with zero regard for whether or not you’re making other people uncomfortable. You have posted some frankly deranged things on this post so far, not to mention your “contributions” elsewhere on the forum. When I say we’re done with a topic I don’t want to know about and nobody in the thread except you (very possibly including you) cares about discussing, you had better believe we’re done with that topic. You can quote free speech at me all you like, I have an equal right to ask you nicely to shut up, and it’d be nice if you prioritized others’ online comfort over whatever motivation you have for discussing the Gem drama.
I would like to discuss the game of Splatoon on the Splatoon forums. Not community drama, nor politics, nor your insofar horrendous taste in music. Is that too much to ask? I assume probably, but I’d love to be proven wrong.
On an unrelated note, for anyone else who actually feels like discussing things about the game, if you could replace all instances of any Splatoon 3 special with a different one, would you? And if so, which would you pick?
The most obvious choice to me would be replacing all Tenta Missiles with Crab Tanks, but I’m curious to hear others’ thoughts.
Or just post something inoffensive. That’s really all the criteria I have.