@Akorn, that's not why I am voting you. I'm voting you for misrepresenting Rom when the answer you are looking for, is already in his post. It reads of you trying to cherry pick his post, and you only did so after I asked why you thought the post was 'telling' and 'more suspicious' even though my reasoning refuted your original conclusion of why he was scum. I want you to look at the first quote, and tell me the answer you are looking for is not there. Re-read it.
My original thoughts on Aykorn.
Saying more is pro-town. Yet what you did with Rom, wasn't. You are cautious with voting, but you are not cautious with the 'reasoning' you use. If you were cautious, would you not try to read the quote in depth to be accurate?
Original thoughts on Aykorn.
xP I think this is me being tired and distracted.
I remember reading Rom-Stein's posts earlier and finding the logic to be contradicting, but I can't remember how now. I think I missed that trying to pick it out. I'm going to get some rest before trying to respond again.
This reads as a lie. I asked Reed about this as he said Aykorn isn't a good liar. This post is the most suspicious of Aykorn's entire play to me.
I don't have many thoughts on her [Aykorn]. I mostly operate by either noting whether someone is being different from their town game (but I have no baseline for Akorn) or whether someone is making generally "objective" townie posts. I have nothing noted for Akorn.
Thingy's scum hunting was baloney, but this reasoning is also baloney. Could be purposely not interacting with Aykorn and keeping her at null for no good reason.
REeeeeeeed, the spoilers, ahhh everything is so neat and tidy, I love it. So much.
....Yeah, that's all I have to say for the moment, will come back to this.
Reed talked about me 'building bridges' and buddying in past games. I said this is a good tool to use as either alignment, and here she is definitely buddying Reed without really commenting on why or commenting on it at all. This is the kind of thing you want to watch out for.
...I'm honestly not sure where my vote would be most useful. >.< Thingyman has a couple prominent players with suspicion against him and seems like the easiest to agree on if we're really trying to make a lynch count. But he is attempting to defend himself, and that additional discussion is more comforting than Boolerex's silence. But then again, Boolerex hasn't needed to say anything; Reed and Drez have been carrying the suspicion against Thingy.
I'm ultimately leaning towards voting Thingyman, but I want to see what the consensus is.
@Rom-Steïn If the majority changes, would you vote Thingyman or keep the heat on Boolerex?
@xCoCo You doing alright now? Or still V/LA?)
Her paragraph reads as wishy washy. She doesn't look at Thingy due to his actions but because two players with enough clout are pushing him. She then states Thingy defending himself is more comforting then Boo's silence. Finally she leans to Thingy but does not vote him.
Right behind ya Drez.
Though, they said they'd be off so they can't really defend themselves? Ehh welp.
##Unvote; ##Vote: Rom-stein
When I asked her and others to come on, she came on very suddenly, even though she was leaning towards Thingy. Think about this with a grain of salt, as you may need more context for this point.
Notice how Aykorn has been the most absent from our discussions.
Wanted to quote this to remind people Aykorn was quite absent. She may have had school but so did I. Yet keep this in mind.
Alright, reads.
Boolerex- Town Jailer. I think that's most logic supported since no one else has an explanation for no night kills.
Reed- Townie. Aside from gut feeling and friend bias, he's digging up serious dirt and combing through forums. That's a lot of trouble if they're a mafia member.
Drez: Null- I see the logic behind the night actions and I also recognize the town discussion being prompted by Drez most of the time. So, could be experienced mafia play, could be townie that was targeted and saved twice.
That leaves xCoCo and Thingy. =_= Mmm
Thingy: Null. I've honestly just been having a hard time following Thingy??? I'd probably bandwagon Thingy if that's the consensus, but I just don't have the time to today to look better.
Coco's been been posting more recently so it was a tad easier to look at her posts.
xCoCo: Scum. Seemed like she was suspecting anyone who threw suspicion at her. Reed said she probably wan't good at lying, but reactive townie act, reactive Mafia kills? Going for Drez twice seems like the most simple mafia plan and xCoco has been playing catch up since her V/LA.
##Vote: xCoCo
This post was interesting because of a tone change. Another thing is that she had Reed as townie but didn't factor in his vote on her, as if to ignore it. She puts me in null after seeing Reed's logic on me, and also puts Thingy on null. I don't see a good reason from the change from 'scum lean' on thingy to null. Finally she votes Coco who I think is just trying to go with the bandwagon that isn't Thingy, since Boo was on her.
In conclusion, I feel Aykorn is scum because over the whole game, she has had good effort but it then dropped into silence, which does not equal to a drive to find scum, but a drive to appear town. Second, her push on Rom in the beginning did not seem like she was really trying to determine his alignment, but frame him on a contradiction that wasn't there. (Her post justifying it or trying to clarify it seems like a lie) Third, I still think her town read on Reed is weak, and in the last quote is not good enough to be a town read, especially without considering his recent actions towards her. Just seems like trying to appease his slot.