Doesn't your own rank/level have an impact on who ends up being in your turf war lobbies? Most of my TW lobbies are like the ones you described: mostly level 50s with the occasional lower level squidkid. But when I join up with people who are a different level/rank than I am, I've noticed that the rest of the people in the lobby also tend to be lower levels that what I usually see in TW. Granted, that's just my experience; I don't really know how TW matchmaking works.
Did I just hear someone asking for theories on Splatoon's matchmaking system?? :p
IMO the system tries to match you with your actual skill, not your rank or level. On my alt accounts, by the time I was level 4 and unranked it was throwing me against the level 50 high skill players. By the time I was level 11 and had a C- rank still most of my TW lobbies consisted of my usual A/A+/S/S+ players. it learned VERY fast my actual skill and matched me accordingly. Thus when you join lower skill players it's probably building lobbies based on those players measured skill, and there's a common thinking that "alts get matched with alts" (not because it knows they're alts but because it knows their skill.)
Which of course doesn't cover that the matchmaker is overwhelmingly outrageously horrible at measuring skill. It also doesn't explain splatfests where two teams have the same splatfest power and thus similar ranks and yet clearly demonstrate wildly different skill levels.
I was feeling morbid at work today and thought I would like to join Team Never Wake Up At All.
That's SOOOOO Marie!
Well, it looks like I won't be Splatfesting after all. A good friend died and the funeral is Saturday.
You guys better rep night owls for me!
"SyMag, DualQuelcher, CM2, and GG1ng3rGar1 like this"
Either you four are simply horrible, horrible people or this represents the problem with a 'like' button. :p
Sorry to hear that Tim! :(
This might actually be the first splatfest where two people like us can actually be on the same team! Also, why is there no join a friend mode? Seriously, why can't I just immediatly go to one of the squads my friend is playing in and join him/her?
Allowing allied players to wield voice/discord/PM chat to the detriment of unfair advantage? And you couldn't just swap teams like regular TW since you're assigned on different actual teams. So whoever was in a lobby against a team of friends would be at extreme disadvantage.