Octoling Hype Thread (prev. Assets in SplatNet)


Inkling Cadet
Aug 25, 2015
Truth to be told, I don't want to be teased anymore. Either release them or don't. I can't take any more of this ****. I'll focus on getting the Octoshot for this month and hopefully we'll learn of some important Octo related information come December. By the way, Nintendo has stated in the direct that updates stop at January. It's either December or then. Or they just put the Octoling files to **** with us the whole time.


Inkling Cadet
Jul 22, 2015
And why would they waste time and resources into updating something that is never meant to be released anyways?
Doing it just for teasing means they have been wasting valuable development time.

I don't think Nintendo would do that.

Either way, we just have to wait and see what this is all about.
The presence of seperate Octoling-model for Multiplayer and the frequent updates it has received, cannot be denied.
There must be a reason for that.
Sep 28, 2015
Minnesota, USA
Switch Friend Code
Truth to be told, I don't want to be teased anymore. Either release them or don't. I can't take any more of this ****. I'll focus on getting the Octoshot for this month and hopefully we'll learn of some important Octo related information come December. By the way, Nintendo has stated in the direct that updates stop at January. It's either December or then. Or they just put the Octoling files to **** with us the whole time.
They said they'll be releasing updates until at least January, which means it could go later. Remember back went they only planned to do updates through the summer? But please don't stall anymore, Ninty, we can't handle the teasing. All I really want for Squidmas... is Takos...


Inkling Cadet
May 21, 2015
if we don't hear anything by squidmas, my hype and hope will break.

this recent staggering content to keep interest is not a good thing nintendo. they even patched it out of mario maker because it was too demanding. people will not stay interested in your game just because you withhold content. you need it to be a wonderful experience with real reason to return. not just some gimmick.

splatoon was that game for me, but i'm getting whittled down. if it weren't for all the teasing they're doing, i would've been fine. but now there's more octoling clothing. i get they're waiting to release them, but it's too much. it's not fun or exciting to do that. just annoying and trolling.

sorry for the rant. but nintendo really needs to stop.

and if there's a response telling us it's our fault for hyping ourselves up, please re-read my examples above, and read all the posts we've made as a community since the thread's creation. nintendo's just as much at fault for building hype, but not delivering. they're still doing it too. but sorry. i'm repeating myself.


Inkling Cadet
Aug 25, 2015
They said they'll be releasing updates until at least January, which means it could go later. Remember back went they only planned to do updates through the summer? But please don't stall anymore, Ninty, we can't handle the teasing. All I really want for Squidmas... is Takos...
I agree with that. Though my gut is saying December. It gives me an excuse to get that Octoshot before they come out so I can have the proper weapon for them. Hopefully they'll deliver for Squidmas this year. "Santa Squid, can I please have playable Octolings? I've been a good squid this year! Love, Noire."


Inkling Cadet
May 21, 2015
I agree with that. Though my gut is saying December. It gives me an excuse to get that Octoshot before they come out so I can have the proper weapon for them. Hopefully they'll deliver for Squidmas this year. "Santa Squid, can I please have playable Octolings? I've been a good squid this year! Love, Noire."
my only gaming wish for squidmas is to have octolings. please santa claws... don't break my calamari heart...

Zombie Aladdin

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 19, 2015
Why does Nintendo keep pleasing the otakus anyway? It disturbs me.

Meh, at least we got new gear & stages coming up. *sighs*
Because the otakus are the ones who will spend and spend and spend. That being said, I didn't really see THAT much otaku-pandering in the Direct. They seemed pretty normal stuff to me.

It was pretty neat watching it though. Since I play a large amount of Nintendo things, I was excited the whole way through. The only disappointment I had was that the Final Fantasy VII stage will be completely wasted, as hardly anyone seems to buy the paid-DLC stages. Well, that and the lack of any word of new content for Mario Kart 8. It is one of the Wii U's best-selling games and continues to sell tens of thousands every week long after it came out! It continues to be a killer app for the system. (That being said, Splatoon will now come bundled with the system. That's about as high an honor as you can get for a system that isn't a release title.)

Truth to be told, I don't want to be teased anymore. Either release them or don't. I can't take any more of this ****. I'll focus on getting the Octoshot for this month and hopefully we'll learn of some important Octo related information come December. By the way, Nintendo has stated in the direct that updates stop at January. It's either December or then. Or they just put the Octoling files to **** with us the whole time.
No, they said they currently have enough material to keep putting out stuff until at least January. They'll be putting out more stuff, I'll bet, as long as people continue to buy this game.
Sep 28, 2015
Minnesota, USA
Switch Friend Code
The only disappointment I had was that the Final Fantasy VII stage will be completely wasted, as hardly anyone seems to buy the paid-DLC stages.
I'm pretty sure the FF7 stage will be tied to Cloud in a DLC bundle, much like how you have to buy Ryu and Suzaku Castle together, you can't just get one or the other.

No, they said they currently have enough material to keep putting out stuff until at least January. They'll be putting out more stuff, I'll bet, as long as people continue to buy this game.
THANK YOU. A lot of people seem to be missing the part where Bill said "at least," lol. Anyway, they used to only have plans to release new Splatoon content through the summer. Well, it's mid-November now and there's still plenty more to come, so I find it a bit hard to take their word for stopping Splatoon content at a certain date. We can only hope we'll get the Octolings soon. Who knows, maybe they're still working on hat placements for the Octos, or maybe even male Octos. Only time will tell.

Zombie Aladdin

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 19, 2015
That's odd, I almost never see Suzaku Castle online either. Are people just not buying Ryu either?

In any case, if it's true that there are now placeholders for 4 more stages, and one wil be released about every three weeks, that would mean at least 18 weeks' worth of material, even if no new weapons will be made during then. That would last until the end of March 2016, even if Museum d'Alfonsino and Mahi-Mahi Resort come out at the same time.


Inkling Cadet
Jul 22, 2015
Alright, now where everybody has hopefully calmed down...
i will quote this one:
They said they'll be releasing updates until at least January, which means it could go later. Remember back went they only planned to do updates through the summer?
Now I have been doing some thinking during work.
I have been wondering...

Why aren't Octolings out yet?
Contrary to popular belief, FIXING THE HEAD-CLIPPING IS A SIMPLE TASK!
And assigning proper eyes and sounds, shouldn't be hard either.

And as we saw with updates, thanks to dataminers, Nintendo have been secretly working on the Octoling Model for Multiplayer.
The evidence is all there.

The Multiplayer-Octolings have been around since June. And it shouldn't be hard to finish them up.
Why is Nintendo still keeping quiet about them?

Just the female Octoling should be about ready for launch.
... just the female Octoling.

Could the reason for thier silence being, that the Octo-Project is still not close to finishing?
Could we get an Octoboy and/or Octoling Single Player Missions after all?

Nikki mentioned something about Moray Towers as a Single Player Map.
Could be an unused leftover... or...
Oct 3, 2015
Why aren't Octolings out yet?
Contrary to popular belief, FIXING THE HEAD-CLIPPING IS A SIMPLE TASK!
And assigning proper eyes and sounds, shouldn't be hard either.
See, I don't know if you caught on yet, but Nintendo is trying out a method to maintain hype. Their thought is "if we slowly leak content in the game, we can keep people interested!" It sounds good in theory, but you know what else sounds good in theory? Communism. Anyways, their method isn't working, they are starving us, they think this is the right way, but it is not. As you can see, it's just tease, tease, tease. Little trickles of content won't keep people interested, but LARGE UPDATES and things of the like are what keeps gaming communities interested. They should be releasing Octolings, but their priorities are messed up right now.


Inkling Cadet
Jul 22, 2015
See, I don't know if you caught on yet, but Nintendo is trying out a method to maintain hype. Their thought is "if we slowly leak content in the game, we can keep people interested!" It sounds good in theory, but you know what else sounds good in theory? Communism. Anyways, their method isn't working, they are starving us, they think this is the right way, but it is not. As you can see, it's just tease, tease, tease. Little trickles of content won't keep people interested, but LARGE UPDATES and things of the like are what keeps gaming communities interested. They should be releasing Octolings, but their priorities are messed up right now.
But can you tell for sure that this is case?
You speak like it's fact.

It could very well be like this OR they are trying to make it perfectly and thus spend extra time into it.
Nintendo always gives their content proper polish, before releasing.

Female Octoling works perfectly, aside from the head-clipping.
But right now, I am curious. Will they make an Octoboy and keep proper gender-balance, even among Octolings?

Of course, I used to say no. And I am still not too big on it.
But I can see the possibility now.
Oct 3, 2015
But can you tell for sure that this is case?
You speak like it's fact.

It could very well be like this OR they are trying to make it perfectly and thus spend extra time into it.
Nintendo always gives their content proper polish, before releasing.

Female Octoling works perfectly, aside from the head-clipping.
But right now, I am curious. Will they make an Octoboy and keep proper gender-balance, even among Octolings?

Of course, I used to say no. And I am still not too big on it.
But I can see the possibility now.
I really hope they are just super polishing right now, but it's taking FOREVER

Like you said, I thought that them being released would be easy, but the silence is confusing.


Inkling Cadet
Jul 22, 2015
Well you can tell Splatoon wasn't their highest priority on the Direct.
Plus, it seems they have no clear plan on what to work on.

Back then, they had everything planned out up to the August Update and then some.
Remember the 30 minute long clip about Splatoon from back then?
Now that was something.

But yeah, seems like we won't be getting that again.
Perhaps the unfortunate passing of Iwata threw a spanner in the works.
I mean he was the face of Direct, if I am not mistaken.

This was most likely a filler, until they find a proper replacement.
But just me theorizing.

Right now, we have no choice but to keep playing the waiting game.

PS: Some YouTube comments really tick me off though.
It seems everyone on YouTube is against playable Octolings, for stupid reasons.
As far as I have seen at least.
Then again, why am I surprised?


Inkling Commander
May 31, 2015
Switch Friend Code
PS: Some YouTube comments really tick me off though.
It seems everyone on YouTube is against playable Octolings, for stupid reasons.
As far as I have seen at least.
Then again, why am I surprised?
Care to give examples? I think we can agree to not return to that cesspool afterwards.

Heroine of Squids

Inkling Cadet
Aug 30, 2015
Speaking of the Direct last night, did anyone else think besides me that the entire thing had a depressing feel about it? It certainly didn't have the same energy as before when Iwata was still alive. It almost sounds like Nintendo's been defeated when it comes to not offering much of anything new to get everyone hyped.


Inkling Cadet
Jul 22, 2015
Care to give examples? I think we can agree to not return to that cesspool afterwards.
Well, if you want. Some reasons include:
- "Because they're evil."
- "Because they are enemies"
- "Because head-gear clips"
- "Because they are too popular"
- "Because they would replace Inklings"
- "Because they suck."
. "Because <insert whatever stupid reason floats your boat>"

Anyway back to topic.
And I hope the anger will subside eventually.


Inkling Cadet
Aug 25, 2015
Speaking of the Direct last night, did anyone else think besides me that the entire thing had a depressing feel about it? It certainly didn't have the same energy as before when Iwata was still alive. It almost sounds like Nintendo's been defeated when it comes to not offering much of anything new to get everyone hyped.
It's definitely not got the same air as before. It's got more of a sad and depressing atmosphere to it. I mean, they clearly tried with what little they got (Splatoon and Mario Maker aside, that's a discussion for another day) but it feels all we got in the end was Cloud, Dragon Quest 3DS games, and.... a Bill eating donuts meme. It's not the same as with Iwata and it won't be as the direct was his child and now he's gone.

I do give them credit for at least trying to continue without him and not just throwing it in the trash. But please Reggie, for the love of god, show more interest in the direct. You sound, really bored. Bill clearly is more interested in the direct and shows more character and makes it slightly more fun to watch than Reggie these days.

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