Lots of weapons are fine as is IMO, there are a few which i would change (Nozzlenose needs more ink coverage, swap subs with the e-litre vanilla and custom sets so pure damage e-litre builds won't be that dominating anymore, ect)
On the other hand, abilities IMO need some tweaking:
: For reasons everyone said already, essential whenever you're playing roller or charger it's too good. I'd rather have it be that a portion of this perk would instead be active w/o choosing ink resist.
: This one should not exist, ever. It makes just as much sense as a soundproof perk to make yourself immune to killer wail, everyone picks this just to counter echolocator and not point sensor/lolhaunt and if none of the enemy has tracking it's a wasted slot. Ideal would be to nerf all tracking slightly and remove this perk entirely, but i don't think that's possible anymore.
:This one needs diminishing returns, seriously.
: Haunt isn't used b/c of the aforementioned cold-blooded, which sucks b/c it isn't a bad ability especially if you happen to get ambushed and you want to warn others. If cold blooded is here to stay, it should at least be less affected by it.
: Needs to save more, period. Compared to main saver it just doesn't hold up.
: I'm fine with this ability, but it really should also affect sprinkers.
:At the moment, i don't find it useful. Maybe have it give warnings for other things instead?
: The 20 second timer means you'll mostly get only a few seconds of mileage out of it when you get back into the fray. Maybe have it last slightly longer?
: Also fine with this ability, but it should also affect killer wail by having it last longer.
: At the moment, it saves far too little whenever you get splat, considering splats shouldn't happen that often while perks like charge up stays active all the time. It really needs a (very) strong buffing.