Quite the kickoff for the week!
I've passed the three year mark in playing Baby's First Shooter: Child Gladiator Cephalopoid Wars :p, next week I'll have been at Squidboards for the same amount of time (I'm bad with directions and can't find the exit!), Enperry has got a friend enrolled into the
cult pyramid scam forum, we've got more weapons inkcoming, *inhale* and they've announced a weeklong demo in March that'll include Salmon Run AND the Ranked Modes.
Translation summary: weeklong demo in March. Play Turf War, Ranked, and Salmon Run. Saved data will carry over to full game. More details soon.
So, my friend
@link98655 just joined Squidboards and is hoping to be active, so everyone give him a warm welcome!
*flips through welcome manual*
Where's that chapter where we screech at them, calling them a "skrub" and telling them to "git gud" at?