Yeah, I feel bad squishing tiny baby squids, but if go full soft-mode on them, they won't get better.
So I try to booyah every cool kill I see them do when playing with, and "pull my punches" when playing against newbies. (Thankfully, nEWb get is an impossibility in S ranked games, were anyone near level 20 is 100%, guilty as charged, sky-net controlled, homegrown
smurf. Only charity I give to little blue men is my bullets to their tiny cerulean posterior)
one of my first memories was being absolutely stomped in a lobby i ended up in that i wasn't ready for. it was kind of discouraging.
Nah, not for me. It was very frustrating, getting paired up with lvl 20s the very first day I played(two days after release) every other game. This didn't discourage me much however, and mostly served to fuel the ever growing, dark desire to make these players' time on splatoon a nightmarish gauntlet of suffering and defeat whenever I connected
I don't think most players will react this positively to getting ceaselessly rofl-stomped
Also I would crack up every time me and another roller charged headfirst at one another and exploded, so that helped a bit.
I'll only feel bad if some foolish S rank brings his C/B buddy into a squad battle, because THAT is throwing them to the wolves.
Yeah >_>, who would do.. such a... thing <.< ;>_>
if they're on my team i leave them to fend for themselves and use them as bait or meatshields when they are nearby.
[;;;> _ >;] we win though
Being paired with lower ranks is really starting to become a problem with squads lately. o_O It used to be really rare for an S/S+ quad to be paired with a full B rank squad who has just one S rank in it yet I'm finding it happening more often.
Meh? This has
been a notable problem for my squad ever since I nabbed S rank and has only
just started alleviating a bit in the past month (this was back in Nov., a majortiy of da team was B+/A- and one C, now we're all A/S and a B-)
It seems that I get the opposite of a lot of complaints I hear and read here. Splatoon match making program is wiggidy wiggidy wacked yo <_>