Clam gets a flashback of his own, the leader of the Ringed Octarians, a Ringed Octohurler paces back and fourth. Explaining the mission while the Ringed Octolings form a single file line and the other types of Ringed Octarians forming another single file line.
"You may have noticed a severe decline in our population, Octo Valley is not a safe place anymore. The reason for the severe decline of our population is because the Ringed Octoling population has been declining rapidly. The cause of this is energy shortage, caused by none other than that good-for-nothing DJ Octavio." The Ringed Octohurler stops in his tracks, going over the paperwork detailing their mission. "Now", he resumes. "Our mission is to escort our Octolings to Inkopolis, that's why the Tentacle Troop will be the bodyguard for these Octolings, our future depends on them. If these Octolings can't make it, then unfortunately, our kind will face extinction."
(Tentacle Troop is the group of tentacle-based Ringed Octarians, this memory also refers to the Ringed Octarians being an endangered species, with the only safe place to repopulate being Inkopolis)