So one very important thing I think we need to start implementing in the gear section is either individual weapons boards, (similar to character boards on smashboards), or just a subsection that has a thread for all the main weapons.
With the former, people have a lot more options with discussing it...but at the same time they are just guns, so what is there really to talk about? It could easily be a waste of time to make. Having a subsection for having a main analysis/discussion thread for each of the weapon could also work and is probably the best option as limiting as it can be.
We need all this of course because people are going to want to know more about an individual weapon, so it is key that people can easily navigate to find it.
We also need the same thing with maps, though a character board type deal is out of the question for that. I already made a couple of specific map threads for it myself, though it is possible they could be better.
I think preventing people from posting new threads in these suggested subsections would be key if you are able to do that.