I agree. At the very least, have a mega-thread for Shooters, one for Chargers, one for Rollers. Especially when it comes down to Rollers. So far there are only two types in the game, with the paintbrush one coming as a free download later. There are different sets for all items, but I'm guessing most of the discussion on these weapons would be the weapons themselves, with only a little on the sets. It's possible someone would want to discuss why they use a particular set over another, but the main topic is the primary weapon.One board each for Primary, Super, Sub, and Gear is about as granular as it ought to be. Dividing between Shooters, Chargers, and Rollers, in my opinion, would be going too far and would hinder discussion. Mega-threads would be preferable.
If you have a section for all Primary weapons, you could sticky any mega-threads to keep it tidy. However, there is still a small problem with that. You're almost creating a section just for three threads, and a similar thing applies with Sub and Super weapons. Gear is the only one that would have a constant amount of activity with a good number of discussions. With that being said, I'm sure there are threads that can be created in each section. For example, you can easily create a thread to state which primary users prefer as it covers all three instead of one. Another example would be DLC Primary ideas. I'm afraid I don't have many ideas here, but I do think it's probably the best option. If you separate them too much, the discussions get spread too thin. If you don't separate them enough, threads become crowded and the topic changes too frequently.
Now as DaBoss said, you could just have a section for Weapons and one for Gear. Mega-threads would sitll be a viable thing for a Weapons section, one for Primary, Sub, and Super. They might get a little cluttered, so I think it's possible to separate the Primary one into three, but it would be far too much if you do the same for Sub and Super.
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