

SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
I sure know I didn't: I'm not a member of either political party. (But I did request a crossover democratic ballot so I could vote against her.) Both of them want to criminalize me in some fashion, so I have a very scary future in front of me. (Why did the UK have to get into this EU exit mess right now of all times?!)
There's always Canada...or Mexico. Or Mars. Mars sounds nice.

Ronald Reagan was a movie star before being elected Governor of California, and then later POTUS. :rolleyes:
But he was at least semi-successful and had a decent popularity rating. Plus, you know, he wasn't xenophobe/homophobe who wanted to make the country great again by kicking everybody out. So there's that.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
To make up for the fact I forgot to put questions on literally all of my last replies, i'm making some now!

@SyMag @Anaru @DualQuelcher @G1ng3rGar1

1. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
2. What's your dream job~?
3. What is your favorite type of snack?
Probably somewhere in nature.
I've wanted to be a game developer for a while.
I don't eat snacks very often, just meals, but if I do, it's usually something like crackers or bread. Or very rarely I'll eat cereal as a snack.

@Achamo @Babycowland @Anaru
1. If you could be any character from Smash, who would it be and why?
2. Do you sleep with your window open?
3. Describe your house/apartment in a ten-word sentence (not a question I know, but why not).
If we got our characters weapons, Shulk. If not, I'd choose Marth or Yoshi.
I've never even considered doing that. It seems like that's not safe since someone could more easily get into your house while you're sleeping. And you'd hear louder noise from outside.
Five rooms, nearby park, four windows, two TVs, wood floor.
(That's not a sentence at all, but if I made it a sentence I couldn't describe very much)

Free for all.
1. Your favorite name.
2. Do you like holidays?
3. Are you ready to get out of America once Trump wins?
Hannah is a neat name, it's the same if you spell it backward. I also like Zelda, Julian, and Emma.
Yeah, I get time off from school and sometimes presents.
I want to try to leave as soon as possible whether he wins or not, they're both awful and I there's a lot of stuff I don't like about America anyways. Such as being one of the 2 countries able to advertise medications like painkiller, sleeping pills, and anti-depressants that are very harmful and don't do anything good on TV and getting people to think that they need them and harm themselves just so the companies can get more money, people are unhealthy because they eat fast food most of the time since it's way cheaper and it's difficult to buy more healthy foods if you need to conserve money, I feel like a lot of people here are very unintelligent, there's a lot a violence/fear of violence here, and most people are really mean and disrespectful, and most of those things are hopefully better in other countries. And, this probably isn't specific to America, but I don't like how school grades are mostly just based on your ability to memorize everything that you're told rather than actually being intelligent, and I feel that grades don't accurately reflect intelligence. And there are only 2 political parties that even matter, so if you're not extremely conservative or extremely progressive, you have to vote for someone who is, or else you're basically just throwing away your vote, since every other party has no chance of winning. Bu this particular election sucks even more since they're both to be awful choices no matter which side you're on.

Free questions to all whom they may (or may not) concern!
  1. Favourite musical instrument? Do you play that, or any others? Or did you use to?
  2. Do you have a favourite Koopaling? Can you even name them all? If they don't interest you, more broadly, favourite Mario character?
  3. When you read those things that describe you based on your Latin zodiac sign, do you find them surprisingly accurate?
I like piano and guitar. I took piano lessons for a little more than a year but after just a few months, it got extremely boring. I felt really bad for quitting after a year of practice but I still played for a few months after it got boring and it wasn't getting any more fun, and was actually getting even more boring to do, so I decided it would be better for me to stop rather than keep trying to do something I now really disliked. And I'm not going to attempt guitar since a similar thing would probably happen.
I'll try. Lemmy, Ludwig, Wendy, Roy, umm... that's all. I've never paid much attention to them. My favorite Mario character is probably Yoshi, or a partner from TTYD. I don't really have a preference to any of the TTYD partners, they've all always felt like really good friends to me.
Almost all of them describe me somewhat, it feels like they're intentionally vague to make it seems like they work. Why would stars determine my personality?

@Achamo @Cuttleshock @DualQuelcher @G1ng3rGar1 (I've got questions to ask. Just a few) @Goolloom @Ikaheishi @Magolor @PORYGON.zip @Rustic @shy @SilverBlue-Neko @SurrealSquid @SyMag @woomycheri @⭐️Zapfish⭐️ and anyone else who wants to answer.
1. What kinds of pets do you own/used to own/would like to own?
2. What's the optimal temperature that you'd like to be in? You can answer in either Fahrenheit or Celcius (Or Kelvin if you really want to).
3. How many times can you listen to most songs before you get bored of them?
4. What's your favorite fictional species of animal? Cuttleshock and anyone else who wants to can replace the word fictional with undiscovered.
5. Do you ever use allintext: while doing google searches?
6. What's the best work of art you've made? This can include music, it's not limited to visual art.
7. Are you afraid of most bugs or do you usually enjoy being near them?
8. What countries have you been to?
9. How often do you ride on a plane? If you've never been on one, would you like to sometime? And do you enjoy plane rides or are you afraid of them?
10. What's your favorite book genre?
11. How many games have you played? Give an estimate if needed.
12. What's the most boring game you've ever played?
13. What's your least favorite number?
14. Which Mario Kart track would you choose to do a race on in real life?
15. What's your favorite Nintendo character that's not included in any Smash Bros game? As a main character, you can choose one if it's from a pokéball/assist trophy.
16. Do you usually pace around instead of standing still, and/or sway while sitting down?
17. How often do you get injured?
18. Do you prefer prime numbers or highly composite numbers?
19. What do you think the most improved game remake is compared to the original? Remakes usually just have updated graphics but some actually add content.
20. What's your favorite day of the year?
21. What kind of position do you usually sleep in?
22. Do you enjoy riding on horses?
23. Have you ever been in a large cave?
24. Which second Mario game do you like better?
25. Think of some homographs. Which versions of those homographs do you usually think of when you see them alone? (Examples: Bow, Wind, Kiwi)
26. Write a scary story using only 4 words. If you must, I'll let you use 5 or even 6, but try your best to use 4 if possible.
27. List 10 things that make you really happy. Oops, I'll rephrase that, what are 10 things that make you happy?
28. Are there any interesting but almost completely useless skills you have?
29. What's a good story about your life that you enjoy telling and are comfortable sharing online? If you've done one before (SyMag did a few), do a different one.
30. (Optional Question, it's totally fine if you'd prefer to refrain from answering) What are your thoughts on religion?


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
Probably somewhere in nature.
I've wanted to be a game developer for a while.
I don't eat snacks very often, just meals, but if I do, it's usually something like crackers or bread. Or very rarely I'll eat cereal as a snack.

If we got our characters weapons, Shulk. If not, I'd choose Marth or Yoshi.
I've never even considered doing that. It seems like that's not safe since someone could more easily get into your house while you're sleeping. And you'd hear louder noise from outside.
Five rooms, nearby park, four windows, two TVs, wood floor.
(That's not a sentence at all, but if I made it a sentence I couldn't describe very much)

Hannah is a neat name, it's the same if you spell it backward. I also like Zelda, Julian, and Emma.
Yeah, I get time off from school and sometimes presents.
I want to try to leave as soon as possible whether he wins or not, they're both awful and I there's a lot of stuff I don't like about America anyways. Such as being one of the 2 countries able to advertise medications like painkiller, sleeping pills, and anti-depressants that are very harmful and don't do anything good on TV and getting people to think that they need them and harm themselves just so the companies can get more money, people are unhealthy because they eat fast food most of the time since it's way cheaper and it's difficult to buy more healthy foods if you need to conserve money, I feel like a lot of people here are very unintelligent, there's a lot a violence/fear of violence here, and most people are really mean and disrespectful, and most of those things are hopefully better in other countries. And, this probably isn't specific to America, but I don't like how school grades are mostly just based on your ability to memorize everything that you're told rather than actually being intelligent, and I feel that grades don't accurately reflect intelligence. And there are only 2 political parties that even matter, so if you're not extremely conservative or extremely progressive, you have to vote for someone who is, or else you're basically just throwing away your vote, since every other party has no chance of winning. Bu this particular election sucks even more since they're both to be awful choices no matter which side you're on.

I like piano and guitar. I took piano lessons for a little more than a year but after just a few months, it got extremely boring. I felt really bad for quitting after a year of practice but I still played for a few months after it got boring and it wasn't getting any more fun, and was actually getting even more boring to do, so I decided it would be better for me to stop rather than keep trying to do something I now really disliked. And I'm not going to attempt guitar since a similar thing would probably happen.
I'll try. Lemmy, Ludwig, Wendy, Roy, umm... that's all. I've never paid much attention to them. My favorite Mario character is probably Yoshi, or a partner from TTYD. I don't really have a preference to any of the TTYD partners, they've all always felt like really good friends to me.
Almost all of them describe me somewhat, it feels like they're intentionally vague to make it seems like they work. Why would stars determine my personality?

@Achamo @Cuttleshock @DualQuelcher @G1ng3rGar1 (I've got questions to ask. Just a few) @Goolloom @Ikaheishi @Magolor @PORYGON.zip @Rustic @shy @SilverBlue-Neko @SurrealSquid @SyMag @woomycheri @⭐️Zapfish⭐️ and anyone else who wants to answer.
1. What kinds of pets do you own/used to own/would like to own?
2. What's the optimal temperature that you'd like to be in? You can answer in either Fahrenheit or Celcius (Or Kelvin if you really want to).
3. How many times can you listen to most songs before you get bored of them?
4. What's your favorite fictional species of animal? Cuttleshock and anyone else who wants to can replace the word fictional with undiscovered.
5. Do you ever use allintext: while doing google searches?
6. What's the best work of art you've made? This can include music, it's not limited to visual art.
7. Are you afraid of most bugs or do you usually enjoy being near them?
8. What countries have you been to?
9. How often do you ride on a plane? If you've never been on one, would you like to sometime? And do you enjoy plane rides or are you afraid of them?
10. What's your favorite book genre?
11. How many games have you played? Give an estimate if needed.
12. What's the most boring game you've ever played?
13. What's your least favorite number?
14. Which Mario Kart track would you choose to do a race on in real life?
15. What's your favorite Nintendo character that's not included in any Smash Bros game? As a main character, you can choose one if it's from a pokéball/assist trophy.
16. Do you usually pace around instead of standing still, and/or sway while sitting down?
17. How often do you get injured?
18. Do you prefer prime numbers or highly composite numbers?
19. What do you think the most improved game remake is compared to the original? Remakes usually just have updated graphics but some actually add content.
20. What's your favorite day of the year?
21. What kind of position do you usually sleep in?
22. Do you enjoy riding on horses?
23. Have you ever been in a large cave?
24. Which second Mario game do you like better?
25. Think of some homographs. Which versions of those homographs do you usually think of when you see them alone? (Examples: Bow, Wind, Kiwi)
26. Write a scary story using only 4 words. If you must, I'll let you use 5 or even 6, but try your best to use 4 if possible.
27. List 10 things that make you really happy. Oops, I'll rephrase that, what are 10 things that make you happy?
28. Are there any interesting but almost completely useless skills you have?
29. What's a good story about your life that you enjoy telling and are comfortable sharing online? If you've done one before (SyMag did a few), do a different one.
30. (Optional Question, it's totally fine if you'd prefer to refrain from answering) What are your thoughts on religion?
Really? I'm only answering 10 of these because it's almost midnight.
1. A dog
9. I want to say 2 or 3 times a year
11. Is a good amount an estimate
12. Almost all Sonic games
13. What is the number you're thinking of right now?
14. The Luigi one because I won't die.
15. I'll say Galactic Knight
16. Yes if helps me think
20. My Birthday!
24. New Super Mario Bros. 2


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
Really? I'm only answering 10 of these because it's almost midnight.
24. New Super Mario Bros. 2
I was referring to the game Super Mario Bros. 2 released in Japan that's more like a sequel to Super Mario Bros. and later released worldwide as Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels and the game Super Mario Bros. 2 released outside Japan based on the game Doki Doki Panic. But I guess your answer is fine.

Are you going to answer the other twenty tomorrow?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
I'm going to ask my questions now:
@G1ng3rGar1 @SurrealSquid @Rustic
  1. What is some place you've been to on vacation and want to go to again?
  2. Have you ever been somewhere outside your home country?
  3. What is something that you haven't done but would love to do?

I sure know I didn't: I'm not a member of either political party. (But I did request a crossover democratic ballot so I could vote against her.) Both of them want to criminalize me in some fashion, so I have a very scary future in front of me. (Why did the UK have to get into this EU exit mess right now of all times?!)

Ronald Reagan was a movie star before being elected Governor of California, and then later POTUS. :rolleyes:
1. I liked Orlando a lot, but I hate the heat and mosquitos so *shrug*
2. No, unfortunately
I would like to :)
3. I would like to play a sport on an official team (like a school team or something)
  1. Points for Smash: Iggy Koopa; Shulk; better memes (yes, I went there). Points for Splatoon: I actually play it. Points for both: crazy amounts of fun! But, uh, I'd be lying if I said it was a tie. Definitely Splatoon for me.
  2. I'd love to know more about the lore of Kirby in general, but, with my limited well of trivia, I guess Meta Knight pulls ahead. However bad the anime dub may be, his Spanish accent there kills me every time I hear it. Also some less shallow reasons, like him being cool and having good music themes.
  3. Points for Brawl: Subspace Emissary. Points for Melee: better memes; gameplay that feels smoother to me. I choose... SMASH 4!
Free questions to all whom they may (or may not) concern!
  1. Favourite musical instrument? Do you play that, or any others? Or did you use to?
  2. Do you have a favourite Koopaling? Can you even name them all? If they don't interest you, more broadly, favourite Mario character?
  3. When you read those things that describe you based on your Latin zodiac sign, do you find them surprisingly accurate?
1. Violin, since I used to play it
2. Lemmy :D
And I can name them all: Larry, Lemmy, Iggy, Morton Jr, Roy, Wendy, and Ludwig. I almost fo
3. I don't read those

Probably somewhere in nature.
I've wanted to be a game developer for a while.
I don't eat snacks very often, just meals, but if I do, it's usually something like crackers or bread. Or very rarely I'll eat cereal as a snack.

If we got our characters weapons, Shulk. If not, I'd choose Marth or Yoshi.
I've never even considered doing that. It seems like that's not safe since someone could more easily get into your house while you're sleeping. And you'd hear louder noise from outside.
Five rooms, nearby park, four windows, two TVs, wood floor.
(That's not a sentence at all, but if I made it a sentence I couldn't describe very much)

Hannah is a neat name, it's the same if you spell it backward. I also like Zelda, Julian, and Emma.
Yeah, I get time off from school and sometimes presents.
I want to try to leave as soon as possible whether he wins or not, they're both awful and I there's a lot of stuff I don't like about America anyways. Such as being one of the 2 countries able to advertise medications like painkiller, sleeping pills, and anti-depressants that are very harmful and don't do anything good on TV and getting people to think that they need them and harm themselves just so the companies can get more money, people are unhealthy because they eat fast food most of the time since it's way cheaper and it's difficult to buy more healthy foods if you need to conserve money, I feel like a lot of people here are very unintelligent, there's a lot a violence/fear of violence here, and most people are really mean and disrespectful, and most of those things are hopefully better in other countries. And, this probably isn't specific to America, but I don't like how school grades are mostly just based on your ability to memorize everything that you're told rather than actually being intelligent, and I feel that grades don't accurately reflect intelligence. And there are only 2 political parties that even matter, so if you're not extremely conservative or extremely progressive, you have to vote for someone who is, or else you're basically just throwing away your vote, since every other party has no chance of winning. Bu this particular election sucks even more since they're both to be awful choices no matter which side you're on.

I like piano and guitar. I took piano lessons for a little more than a year but after just a few months, it got extremely boring. I felt really bad for quitting after a year of practice but I still played for a few months after it got boring and it wasn't getting any more fun, and was actually getting even more boring to do, so I decided it would be better for me to stop rather than keep trying to do something I now really disliked. And I'm not going to attempt guitar since a similar thing would probably happen.
I'll try. Lemmy, Ludwig, Wendy, Roy, umm... that's all. I've never paid much attention to them. My favorite Mario character is probably Yoshi, or a partner from TTYD. I don't really have a preference to any of the TTYD partners, they've all always felt like really good friends to me.
Almost all of them describe me somewhat, it feels like they're intentionally vague to make it seems like they work. Why would stars determine my personality?

@Achamo @Cuttleshock @DualQuelcher @G1ng3rGar1 (I've got questions to ask. Just a few) @Goolloom @Ikaheishi @Magolor @PORYGON.zip @Rustic @shy @SilverBlue-Neko @SurrealSquid @SyMag @woomycheri @⭐️Zapfish⭐️ and anyone else who wants to answer.
1. What kinds of pets do you own/used to own/would like to own?
2. What's the optimal temperature that you'd like to be in? You can answer in either Fahrenheit or Celcius (Or Kelvin if you really want to).
3. How many times can you listen to most songs before you get bored of them?
4. What's your favorite fictional species of animal? Cuttleshock and anyone else who wants to can replace the word fictional with undiscovered.
5. Do you ever use allintext: while doing google searches?
6. What's the best work of art you've made? This can include music, it's not limited to visual art.
7. Are you afraid of most bugs or do you usually enjoy being near them?
8. What countries have you been to?
9. How often do you ride on a plane? If you've never been on one, would you like to sometime? And do you enjoy plane rides or are you afraid of them?
10. What's your favorite book genre?
11. How many games have you played? Give an estimate if needed.
12. What's the most boring game you've ever played?
13. What's your least favorite number?
14. Which Mario Kart track would you choose to do a race on in real life?
15. What's your favorite Nintendo character that's not included in any Smash Bros game? As a main character, you can choose one if it's from a pokéball/assist trophy.
16. Do you usually pace around instead of standing still, and/or sway while sitting down?
17. How often do you get injured?
18. Do you prefer prime numbers or highly composite numbers?
19. What do you think the most improved game remake is compared to the original? Remakes usually just have updated graphics but some actually add content.
20. What's your favorite day of the year?
21. What kind of position do you usually sleep in?
22. Do you enjoy riding on horses?
23. Have you ever been in a large cave?
24. Which second Mario game do you like better?
25. Think of some homographs. Which versions of those homographs do you usually think of when you see them alone? (Examples: Bow, Wind, Kiwi)
26. Write a scary story using only 4 words. If you must, I'll let you use 5 or even 6, but try your best to use 4 if possible.
27. List 10 things that make you really happy. Oops, I'll rephrase that, what are 10 things that make you happy?
28. Are there any interesting but almost completely useless skills you have?
29. What's a good story about your life that you enjoy telling and are comfortable sharing online? If you've done one before (SyMag did a few), do a different one.
30. (Optional Question, it's totally fine if you'd prefer to refrain from answering) What are your thoughts on religion?
1. I used to own fish, and I wouldn't mind owning a cat or a dog.
2. Maybe 65? (F)I dunno
A warm temp
3. It really depends. I can listen to loops for a bit. Maybe 10 times, but it would vary
4. Yoshis
5. What
Don't think so
6. It always changes, but right now it's my current profile picture! That, or a picture I did of an OC on Team Sandcastle.
7. Bugs are interesting, but I like to keep my distance. Especially with flying ones
(Except bees and butterflies, neither one actually comes and chills around me)
8. The good ol' U.S of A.
9. Not very often. I can onl remember one time, but I know I must've been on a plane at least twice.
10. Sci-Fi and Fantasy. And apparently High Fantasy (which I learned is a thing through Jeopardy)
11. In Splatoon? A crap ton XD maybe a few hundred? 500?
12. The quiet game XD I don't think I've actually played a boring game
13. 7 came to mind for no apparent reason
But probably 0
14. Toad Harbor
15. Inkling
16. I don't think I pace, but just digit around in one place when standing up
And when sitting I mess with small things like bracelets and occasionally cross or uncross my legs
17. Ehh? I dunno
Not too often I guess
I do currently have some scabs but *shrugs*
Average amount
18. The word prime sounds cooler
And prime numbers are cool
Except when you have to check to see if a number is
19. *dramatic shrug* I don't think I've actually played a remake
Unless 4Swords DS is one
Then it's okay
20. My birthday or Christmas
21. I sleep on my side
22. They're bumpy
But other than that(and the smell) yeah
23. I have gone to a cave on a special field trip before. It was really cool
24. Super Mario 3D World
25. Um
Gotta think
I keep on thinking of homophones
But with the ones you gave I thought of a hair bow first, the wind, and a kiwi
Just looked up some
Agape- I think of the Greek word first :D
Content- I think of whatever makes up a thing
And accent- a Classic Brit accent or something
26. I can't play Splatoon
27. A. God's promises B. Family C. Friends D. Being warm E. Nice people F. Good books G. Clean anything H. Food I. Artwork J. Video games
28. I can list all the books of the bible based on this one song I used to hear before service started
I don't know if I can still do it
But it's been fairly useful but kinda not really since my memory is like Swiss cheese sometimes
29. So I went to a retreat this year and the girls I was bunking with was so polite and nice and that made me happy and I don't know why XD I guess cause they were around the age of my new classmates and stuff so I guess that helped
And later on before we left the retreat there was a thing where people in your group said nice things about you when you were holding this neutron ball
And when it got to my turn they complimented me on my talent show act (I sang accapella) and my personality and all that and I honestly felt really happy cause I don't get that many compliments from non family and ahh it just made me happy smol cinnamon roll (this is the same retreat where I get called small more than once)
30. I am a Christian. :) I believe that
God gave us free will to do what we want, and if we love Him and His son freely(and believe in what He did for us) then that's what we do and we will get rewarded for it
*waves* I am positivity (mostly)

Okay it's late for me and I should honestly start getting to bed earlier so no tags for now
Will figure out something in the morning


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
1. What kinds of pets do you own/used to own/would like to own?
2. What's the optimal temperature that you'd like to be in? You can answer in either Fahrenheit or Celcius (Or Kelvin if you really want to).
3. How many times can you listen to most songs before you get bored of them?
4. What's your favorite fictional species of animal? Cuttleshock and anyone else who wants to can replace the word fictional with undiscovered.
5. Do you ever use allintext: while doing google searches?
6. What's the best work of art you've made? This can include music, it's not limited to visual art.
7. Are you afraid of most bugs or do you usually enjoy being near them?
8. What countries have you been to?
9. How often do you ride on a plane? If you've never been on one, would you like to sometime? And do you enjoy plane rides or are you afraid of them?
10. What's your favorite book genre?
11. How many games have you played? Give an estimate if needed.
12. What's the most boring game you've ever played?
13. What's your least favorite number?
14. Which Mario Kart track would you choose to do a race on in real life?
15. What's your favorite Nintendo character that's not included in any Smash Bros game? As a main character, you can choose one if it's from a pokéball/assist trophy.
16. Do you usually pace around instead of standing still, and/or sway while sitting down?
17. How often do you get injured?
18. Do you prefer prime numbers or highly composite numbers?
19. What do you think the most improved game remake is compared to the original? Remakes usually just have updated graphics but some actually add content.
20. What's your favorite day of the year?
21. What kind of position do you usually sleep in?
22. Do you enjoy riding on horses?
23. Have you ever been in a large cave?
24. Which second Mario game do you like better?
25. Think of some homographs. Which versions of those homographs do you usually think of when you see them alone? (Examples: Bow, Wind, Kiwi)
26. Write a scary story using only 4 words. If you must, I'll let you use 5 or even 6, but try your best to use 4 if possible.
27. List 10 things that make you really happy. Oops, I'll rephrase that, what are 10 things that make you happy?
28. Are there any interesting but almost completely useless skills you have?
29. What's a good story about your life that you enjoy telling and are comfortable sharing online? If you've done one before (SyMag did a few), do a different one.
30. (Optional Question, it's totally fine if you'd prefer to refrain from answering) What are your thoughts on religion?
Boy do I love answering lots of questions, I hope that's ok.

1. Own a cat, may have to give her to a new home though sadly. May get a bird and snake when I move.
2. 70-80 degrees (Fahrenheit.)
3. Way too many. By that, I ultimately mean I usually loose count.
4. Does Halcandran count...? It's from Kirby... so it's fictional!
5. Don't know what that is, but it sounds like it might be useful!
6. I don't really feel comfortable posting my art too publicly because I mostly do sketches, so I don't really know if I feel comfortable saying.
7. I don't mind bugs unless they're flies or ants.
8. I've only been in america so far, but I plan on visiting Japan someday.
9. I have been on one round trip flight so far. I enjoyed it a lot, and plan on flying more in the future.
10. While I don't really read, are books revolving around games I play a genre?
11. Too many. That's enough of an estimate. 99% of them are Kirby, at that.
12. Undertale. No offense, but it was just flat out boring to me.
13. I never decided.
14. I don't play Mario Kart. I have 8 though, but it belonged to a family member I used to live with before me.
15. MAGOLOR! MAGOLOR! MAGOLOR! MAGOLOR! (and i'm one of the people that was upset he didn't get in smash too :\)
16. Yes to both. It's relatively hard for me to stay still for too long.
17. Often, but never on purpose. Usually it's just random.
18. I don't really mind either.
19. Considering I really only pay attention to Kirby my only option is Super Star Ultra.
20. Christmas or Halloween!
21. On my side facing to the right.
22. I have never done it.
23. No.
24. I don't play mario like, at all. It's not appealing to me.
25. What...? Sorry, I don't know what that is.
26. I can't think of anything. That's a scary story right there, maybe. Not really. Nah.
27. Kirby x10.
28. Uh... I'm good at playing video games from what I've been told. That's relatively useless in the fact it doesn't get me money, especially since I don't play competitively.
29. I 100%'d Robobot in two days and i'm constantly trying to get the best time for all arena modes in that game as well if possible.
30. I don't care about it at all. I'm not religious nor will I ever be, though I don't mind anyone that is so long as they don't shove it down my throat.


SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
@Achamo @Cuttleshock @DualQuelcher @G1ng3rGar1 (I've got questions to ask. Just a few) @Goolloom @Ikaheishi @Magolor @PORYGON.zip @Rustic @shy @SilverBlue-Neko @SurrealSquid @SyMag @woomycheri @⭐️Zapfish⭐️ and anyone else who wants to answer.
1. What kinds of pets do you own/used to own/would like to own?
2. What's the optimal temperature that you'd like to be in? You can answer in either Fahrenheit or Celcius (Or Kelvin if you really want to).
3. How many times can you listen to most songs before you get bored of them?
4. What's your favorite fictional species of animal? Cuttleshock and anyone else who wants to can replace the word fictional with undiscovered.
5. Do you ever use allintext: while doing google searches?
6. What's the best work of art you've made? This can include music, it's not limited to visual art.
7. Are you afraid of most bugs or do you usually enjoy being near them?
8. What countries have you been to?
9. How often do you ride on a plane? If you've never been on one, would you like to sometime? And do you enjoy plane rides or are you afraid of them?
10. What's your favorite book genre?
11. How many games have you played? Give an estimate if needed.
12. What's the most boring game you've ever played?
13. What's your least favorite number?
14. Which Mario Kart track would you choose to do a race on in real life?
15. What's your favorite Nintendo character that's not included in any Smash Bros game? As a main character, you can choose one if it's from a pokéball/assist trophy.
16. Do you usually pace around instead of standing still, and/or sway while sitting down?
17. How often do you get injured?
18. Do you prefer prime numbers or highly composite numbers?
19. What do you think the most improved game remake is compared to the original? Remakes usually just have updated graphics but some actually add content.
20. What's your favorite day of the year?
21. What kind of position do you usually sleep in?
22. Do you enjoy riding on horses?
23. Have you ever been in a large cave?
24. Which second Mario game do you like better?
25. Think of some homographs. Which versions of those homographs do you usually think of when you see them alone? (Examples: Bow, Wind, Kiwi)
26. Write a scary story using only 4 words. If you must, I'll let you use 5 or even 6, but try your best to use 4 if possible.
27. List 10 things that make you really happy. Oops, I'll rephrase that, what are 10 things that make you happy?
28. Are there any interesting but almost completely useless skills you have?
29. What's a good story about your life that you enjoy telling and are comfortable sharing online? If you've done one before (SyMag did a few), do a different one.
30. (Optional Question, it's totally fine if you'd prefer to refrain from answering) What are your thoughts on religion?
What in the...sigh, okay. *deep breath*
1. None/none/none (not an animal person at all)
2. 60-70º F with no humidity. Or right now, anything to get me out of what can only be described as a tropical rainforest on fire (too hot).
3. It depends on how long the song is and how much I'm into it. I'd say anywhere between 10 and about 50.
4. Do Pokémon count?
5. What is that??? (i.e. no.)
6. Probably my current avatar to be honest. Or the two huge maps I made for a site called Warlight.
7. I want nothing more than for them to remain as far out of my line of vision as possible.
8. The U.S. (obviously), Belgium, and France.
9. The last time I rode one of those flying tin cans of death was four years ago when I was returning from spring break in Brussels/Paris (coincidence ya?). I haaaaaate flying. And heights.
10. I like the dystopian, Orwellian-style of books. Fahrenheit 451, Animal Farm, stuff like that.
11. I'll guess maybe somewhere in the area of...250?
12. Oh that's easy, Sonic and the Black Knight.
13. Uhhhhh...not sure? 666 I guess?
15. I've always thought Starman from EarthBound looked cool. Cranky Kong also reminds me of myself because I'm a curmudgeon.
16. Yes and yes.
17. I do stupid stuff like pinch my fingers and bang my knees all the time, so does that count?
18. Prime numbers I guess.
19. I'm gonna call it now... Final Fantasy VII Remake.
20. It's a tie between Christmas and my birthday, since they're the two days of the year I can actually relax.
21. Usually on my left side with my left arm under the pillow. And always under the covers, regardless of what time of year it is or what the weather is like.
22. Nooooo. (see also: #1)
23. It was large to 10-year-old me...
24. I like both. I like the Japanese version because it's so ridiculously hard that it's good, and the U.S. version is so fun because it's completely different from any Mario game (plus we got Birdo, Bob-ombs, Pokey, etc. from it).
25. I'm too tired to play word games right now lol.
26. "Congratulations, you're a dad!" Or, "You may kiss the bride."
27. Uhhh...let's see...off the top of my tired head: video games, the friends I can actually trust in (this includes all of you), ravioli, the weekend, getting paid, a cold water after a hot day (still frying like an egg here), college football, The Simpsons/Futurama, solving difficult puzzles, and knowing that life is finite.
28. I can name any capital of any country in the world without looking it up.
29. Umm...oh! Okay this isn't much of a story, more of an experience. It was October 2013, when I was in college. I attended a football game, where my school won (with a score of 43-40) against a pretty big rival (who was ranked #18 at the time). The thing is, we won after FOUR long, nail-biting overtimes, on top of a stressful, nail-biting fourth quarter. I still remember the moment we caught the ball with 30 seconds left on the clock right outside the goal. The student section (I was right in the middle) went INSANE. We laughed, we cried, we hugged...and then did it again once we had tied the game.
That game started at 5 PM; I didn't leave the stadium until a little before midnight. I called my parents with what little voice I had left, and they were going insane as well. Between the famous "White Out" tradition to the fantastic play, that game was without a doubt, the best football game I've ever been to. You can go look it up if you'd like, you'll know it when you see it. ;)
30. Religion I feel has become nothing more than a means of justifying violence or war like it has been for countless centuries. Religion should be about spreading love and peace, not hatred for contempt for your fellow man. We're all here together, ergo we must all work together so that all may prosper, and when governments and churches abuse their powers to brainwash the minds of their followers, they are directly destroying the hopes of a better tomorrow for many.
Last edited:


Oct 14, 2015
@Achamo @Cuttleshock @DualQuelcher @G1ng3rGar1 (I've got questions to ask. Just a few) @Goolloom @Ikaheishi @Magolor @PORYGON.zip @Rustic @shy @SilverBlue-Neko @SurrealSquid @SyMag @woomycheri @⭐️Zapfish⭐️ and anyone else who wants to answer.
1. What kinds of pets do you own/used to own/would like to own?
2. What's the optimal temperature that you'd like to be in? You can answer in either Fahrenheit or Celcius (Or Kelvin if you really want to).
3. How many times can you listen to most songs before you get bored of them?
4. What's your favorite fictional species of animal? Cuttleshock and anyone else who wants to can replace the word fictional with undiscovered.
5. Do you ever use allintext: while doing google searches?
6. What's the best work of art you've made? This can include music, it's not limited to visual art.
7. Are you afraid of most bugs or do you usually enjoy being near them?
8. What countries have you been to?
9. How often do you ride on a plane? If you've never been on one, would you like to sometime? And do you enjoy plane rides or are you afraid of them?
10. What's your favorite book genre?
11. How many games have you played? Give an estimate if needed.
12. What's the most boring game you've ever played?
13. What's your least favorite number?
14. Which Mario Kart track would you choose to do a race on in real life?
15. What's your favorite Nintendo character that's not included in any Smash Bros game? As a main character, you can choose one if it's from a pokéball/assist trophy.
16. Do you usually pace around instead of standing still, and/or sway while sitting down?
17. How often do you get injured?
18. Do you prefer prime numbers or highly composite numbers?
19. What do you think the most improved game remake is compared to the original? Remakes usually just have updated graphics but some actually add content.
20. What's your favorite day of the year?
21. What kind of position do you usually sleep in?
22. Do you enjoy riding on horses?
23. Have you ever been in a large cave?
24. Which second Mario game do you like better?
25. Think of some homographs. Which versions of those homographs do you usually think of when you see them alone? (Examples: Bow, Wind, Kiwi)
26. Write a scary story using only 4 words. If you must, I'll let you use 5 or even 6, but try your best to use 4 if possible.
27. List 10 things that make you really happy. Oops, I'll rephrase that, what are 10 things that make you happy?
28. Are there any interesting but almost completely useless skills you have?
29. What's a good story about your life that you enjoy telling and are comfortable sharing online? If you've done one before (SyMag did a few), do a different one.
30. (Optional Question, it's totally fine if you'd prefer to refrain from answering) What are your thoughts on religion?
  1. I have 9 rats right now. I once had a hamster, then a rabbit, then a fish, a rat (Patches), another fish, another two rats (Sweetie and Cornflower), followed by another two rats (Max and Rufus), followed by another rat (Talo).
  2. Somewhere around 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. Unknown. I've listened to looping music for over 400 minutes straight before, and I changed it only because I realized that others around me were probably annoyed.
  4. Loftwings are cool. But so are a lot of Pokémon species; more than I can reasonably name here.
  5. No. I mostly use DuckDuckGo anyway.
  6. Probably a painting of a flower I did nearly a decade ago.
  7. EWWWWW BUGS!!!! *runs away*
  8. Only the same one I was born in.
  9. Never. And no… I'll stick with land transportation for now.
  10. I don't have a particular favorite genre
  11. It took me a while to calculate this… It's somewhere over 150 just counting what video games I own. I've played others' copies of video games from time to time throughout my life so it's going to be near impossible to properly calculate or even estimate the answer. More so if your question includes card games, board games, role-playing games, and/or forum games.
  12. I have no idea. If it's boring, I'm going to forget about it. Probably some video game meant for kids.
  13. Eleven. It's evil.
  14. There's too many to choose from!
  15. Off the bat: Everyone from Splatoon.
  16. I tend to move. A lot.
  17. Too often.
  18. No preference.
  19. I have yet to play through a remake of a game I played though, so I can't formulate such an opinion yet.
  20. I don't have one.
  21. Various.
  22. I wouldn't know.
  23. Depends on what you call large.
  24. I haven't played either. (I had to ask someone else what they thought you meant.:oops:)
  25. I can't think of any off hand.
  26. I could answer this one, but not here. Not without violating the rules.
  27. Let's see…
    1. Having fun time with others,
    2. Having fun myself,
    3. Accomplishing a difficult task,
    4. Wearing what I want to wear,
    5. Making a work of art,
    6. Successfully helping others,
    7. Having a good chat with someone,
    8. Talking with my good friends,
    9. Eating a good meal,
    10. Uh… Estrogens!
  28. Everything I can do with some skill has some utility.
  29. A good story about my life? Sorry, but those don't exist.
Free questions to all whom they may (or may not) concern!
  1. Favourite musical instrument? Do you play that, or any others? Or did you use to?
  2. Do you have a favourite Koopaling? Can you even name them all? If they don't interest you, more broadly, favourite Mario character?
  3. When you read those things that describe you based on your Latin zodiac sign, do you find them surprisingly accurate?
  1. Piano, I guess. I do; I also play the Ocarina and I have some training to play the Saxophone.
  2. No; Let's see… Larry, Lemmy, Roy, Wendy, Ludwig… Apparently not. Toadette, because PINK!
  3. I've seen some really good ones. I actually bought a book that, surprisingly, described everyone I checked it against accurately.
@G1ng3rGar1 @Anaru @Achamo
Here's some questions I stole from a friend!
Your favorite poem?
Favorite style of poem?
Most disliked poem?
— Mr. Vareel


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Canada, ON
1. What is some place you've been to on vacation and want to go to again?
2. Have you ever been somewhere outside your home country?
3. What is something that you haven't done but would love to do?
1. No place, for me there's none better than home.
2. I've been out of Canada to visit relatives and yeah...

Holy... That's a loada questions!
1. What kinds of pets do you own/used to own/would like to own?
2. What's the optimal temperature that you'd like to be in? You can answer in either Fahrenheit or Celcius (Or Kelvin if you really want to).
3. How many times can you listen to most songs before you get bored of them?
4. What's your favorite fictional species of animal? Cuttleshock and anyone else who wants to can replace the word fictional with undiscovered.
5. Do you ever use allintext: while doing google searches?
6. What's the best work of art you've made? This can include music, it's not limited to visual art.
7. Are you afraid of most bugs or do you usually enjoy being near them?
8. What countries have you been to?
9. How often do you ride on a plane? If you've never been on one, would you like to sometime? And do you enjoy plane rides or are you afraid of them?
10. What's your favorite book genre?
11. How many games have you played? Give an estimate if needed.
12. What's the most boring game you've ever played?
13. What's your least favorite number?
14. Which Mario Kart track would you choose to do a race on in real life?
15. What's your favorite Nintendo character that's not included in any Smash Bros game? As a main character, you can choose one if it's from a pokéball/assist trophy.
16. Do you usually pace around instead of standing still, and/or sway while sitting down?
17. How often do you get injured?
18. Do you prefer prime numbers or highly composite numbers?
19. What do you think the most improved game remake is compared to the original? Remakes usually just have updated graphics but some actually add content.
20. What's your favorite day of the year?
21. What kind of position do you usually sleep in?
22. Do you enjoy riding on horses?
23. Have you ever been in a large cave?
24. Which second Mario game do you like better?
25. Think of some homographs. Which versions of those homographs do you usually think of when you see them alone? (Examples: Bow, Wind, Kiwi)
26. Write a scary story using only 4 words. If you must, I'll let you use 5 or even 6, but try your best to use 4 if possible.
27. List 10 things that make you really happy. Oops, I'll rephrase that, what are 10 things that make you happy?
28. Are there any interesting but almost completely useless skills you have?
29. What's a good story about your life that you enjoy telling and are comfortable sharing online? If you've done one before (SyMag did a few), do a different one.
30. (Optional Question, it's totally fine if you'd prefer to refrain from answering) What are your thoughts on religion?
1. I owned a single goldfish named "Leeroy" who died from starvation even after my efforts to feed the poor wretch.
2. Optimal temperature for me would be like 6 to 9 degrees Celsius. Otherwise it's too cold or too hot for me.
3. What's boredom of music?
4. Oddly specific about Cuttleshock there, but okay... I'd likely say the Sangheli or "Elites" from the Halo series. I'm fond of the Arbiter in particular.
5. What the heck is "allintext"?
6. Likely the more recent chapters of a certain thing I'm writing. They're getting progressively better and, in my view, are quite good, if not a little polished.
7. Depends on the kind of bug. Mosquitos and other pests are killed on sight, while innocent things like the 'potato bug' are played with.
8. Iran, America, England, and obviously Canada.
9. I don't particularly enjoy planes, they mess with my stomach.
10. It tends to fluctuate, but I always enjoy a good sci-fi action read.
11. 60+ Exact number is unknown.
12. Undertale. I went in blind and didn't quite enjoy it to the extent that other people might have.
13. 0
14. Rainbow Road from Mario Kart 64. If gravity doesn't turn me to a mangled, burning wreck when I do the cheat, I'm the best in the entire track.
15. Dunno, man. I'd probably pick N or something.
16. I pace around when I'm absorbed in thought, I don't enjoy sitting around so that contributes to my disliking of planes.
17. Not often, I tend to not the be getting injured thanks to either me being incredibly wily or just plain durable. I get hit, but I don't have any sustained injuries.
18. It's Prime time.
19. I... actually don't know exactly.
20. June 5th. My birthday, because it's all about me! :D
21. On my side while putting my arm beneath my pillow to act as a head rest.
22. Never rode one, but I'd likely not enjoy it.
23. Does your Mom--nah, I'm pulling your leg. No, I haven't been in any large caves. I've been in small ones, but never large ones.
24. I can't rate a game if I've never played it.
25. I'm not sure if this counts, but 'Duel' and 'Dual'?
26. Looking for the Crucible? (It's horrifying Pre-Taken King era. Back then, the Thorn ruled the Crucible...)
27. Writing, attempting to perfect my visual arts solo, reading, killing scumbag gankers in the Soulsborne series, hanging out with friends, pondering things, Cookies and Milk, Music, fighting with large, plastic swords that mimic the feel of the real thing(Basically, they're heavy and really fun to swing around), and being alone(UGH, MY DARK, EDGY PAST).
28. I can type fast... I mean, it's useful sometimes but really though, it's practically worthless.
29. Story time!

On my, I believe, 14th birthday. I received a 3DS from my Eldest Brother and Dad, needless to say I was elated. My first, actually fun birthday gift! And a game to go with it to boot! Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity! I ripped open the cardboard box containing my prize for reaching 14 years of age, then tore apart the plastic wrapping the case of the Pokemon game.
When I heard a dreadful, pained wail echo around the dinner table.
My little sister, who I nicknamed Dolyak, was distraught I had acquired such luxurious items for simply turning 14. She wailed, bawled, whined, and cried to grab everyone's attention. I laughed at her, for she was not the most respectable girl you would've met. My parents tried to console her, but to no avail, and were forced to buy a 3DS for the spoiled, whiny brat. Needless to say, she diminished my birthday...
To this day, I still mock her about it.

30. I don't like it.


@Cuttleshock @Anaru @Achamo @SurrealSquid @PaladinLeeroy
Recycling because I'm lazy and answering those questions done tuckered me out.

1. Do you own anything that is old as/older than you?
2. You're on the verge of ranking up, but your entire team decides to squid party. Would you join them or become 200% mad?
Optional: If neither supplies your guessed-reaction, provide an opinion on Squid Parties in that situation.
3. Valor, Mystic, or Instinct?
4. What's your thoughts on Splatoon's weapon variation? Are they varied enough for thee to be satisfied or do they leave you wanting?
5. Favourite video game developer? (Example would be; Bungie for Halo 1, 2, 3, ODST, Reach, and Destiny. FromSoftware for Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, and Bloodborne.)
6. Would you lick an extremely spicy(it's just spicy for reasons, okay?), but ice-cold metal flagpole for 5 dollars No? How about 50$?
7. Which boss in any video game gave you the hardest time? In terms of difficulty and such.
8. What would your opinion be of a game mode that gave one player the best stats of everything in Splatoon, a unique weapon(say, a roller-ized version of the Rainmaker), increased health, but no radar. And gave the rest a gun that does poor damage, but high inkage, and their standard gear. Basically an official cat and mouse gametype for 'casul' matchmaking.
Last edited:


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
  1. @G1ng3rGar1 @Anaru @Achamo
Here's some questions I stole from a friend!
Your favorite poem?
Favorite style of poem?
Most disliked poem?
— Mr. Vareel
I've read very few poems...
1. Umm... The Bells? Just because I once memorized the entire poem, I don't know why. I read it in school in 7th grade, but memorizing any of it wasn't part of the assignment at all. But I spent some time each day of the week memorizing it for no particular reason. I also counted how many times it mentioned "Bells", which was over 70.
2. I only know Free Verse, Haiku, and Sonnet. I'd probably choose Sonnet.
3. I searched for "worst poem ever"

@Cuttleshock @Anaru @Achamo @SurrealSquid @PaladinLeeroy
Recycling because I'm lazy and answering those questions done tuckered me out.

1. Do you own anything that is old as/older than you?
2. You're on the verge of ranking up, but your entire team decides to squid party. Would you join them or become 200% mad?
Optional: If neither supplies your guessed-reaction, provide an opinion on Squid Parties in that situation.
3. Valor, Mystic, or Instinct?
4. What's your thoughts on Splatoon's weapon variation? Are they varied enough for thee to be satisfied or do they leave you wanting?
5. Favourite video game developer? (Example would be; Bungie for Halo 1, 2, 3, ODST, Reach, and Destiny. FromSoftware for Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, and Bloodborne.)
6. Would you lick an extremely spicy(it's just spicy for reasons, okay?), but ice-cold metal flagpole for 5 dollars No? How about 50$?
7. Which boss in any video game gave you the hardest time? In terms of difficulty and such.
8. What would your opinion be of a game mode that gave one player the best stats of everything in Splatoon, a unique weapon(say, a roller-ized version of the Rainmaker), increased health, but no radar. And gave the rest a gun that does poor damage, but high inkage, and their standard gear. Basically an official cat and mouse gametype for 'casul' matchmaking.
I own an SNES.
Try to win the game solo and most likely get a little disappointed.
I chose Mystic
I really like them! It has very unique weapons.
What? That doesn't make sense, but sure.
Cave Story Ballos/IWBTG The Guy
That'd be fun. Although maybe it should be limited to private lobbies, it sounds silly.

Using allintext: in google just makes it so all the words you type after that must be in the text, it won't let a few of them be missing, so it's helpful if you just type in a bunch of keywords. It just narrows down options a little when searching for stuff, usually it's not that useful.

#4 is because the bottom of this page and the top of the next one.

I said #30 was optional because some people in my family would hate me if they knew I wasn't religious, so I thought some people wouldn't want to answer.

Homographs are words that are spelled the same but may sound different and mean different things. Like bow-accessory and bow-verb-bowing at the end of a performance, bow-weapon that shoots arrows.

I thought it was obvious for 11 but I mean unique video games, not games of Splatoon.


Semi-Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2016
a small house near Ancho-V Games
  1. What is some place you've been to on vacation and want to go to again?
  2. Have you ever been somewhere outside your home country?
  3. What is something that you haven't done but would love to do?
1. I haven't been anywhere too exotic, but there's this camp I know where they teach you to code and all that stuff and there's awesome people. I'm definitely going back there again.
2. Yes, many times; as I don't live in the US, traveling from country to country is much easier.
3. Visit Japan.
  1. Favourite musical instrument? Do you play that, or any others? Or did you use to?
  2. Do you have a favourite Koopaling? Can you even name them all? If they don't interest you, more broadly, favourite Mario character?
  3. When you read those things that describe you based on your Latin zodiac sign, do you find them surprisingly accurate?
1. That would be the guitar (electric and regular) and the drums.
I play the drums and would also like to learn to play guitar at some point. I also took piano lessons for around 2 years as a kid, but the teacher... Wasn't all that great, so I quit.
2. The koopalings? Not all that interesting, but Ludwig is pretty cool.
3. Nah, zodiac signs are bullsquit in my opinion. How can extremely hot spheres of gas hundreds of light years away influence me?

1. What kinds of pets do you own/used to own/would like to own?
2. What's the optimal temperature that you'd like to be in? You can answer in either Fahrenheit or Celcius (Or Kelvin if you really want to).
3. How many times can you listen to most songs before you get bored of them?
4. What's your favorite fictional species of animal? Cuttleshock and anyone else who wants to can replace the word fictional with undiscovered.
5. Do you ever use allintext: while doing google searches?
6. What's the best work of art you've made? This can include music, it's not limited to visual art.
7. Are you afraid of most bugs or do you usually enjoy being near them?
8. What countries have you been to?
9. How often do you ride on a plane? If you've never been on one, would you like to sometime? And do you enjoy plane rides or are you afraid of them?
10. What's your favorite book genre?
11. How many games have you played? Give an estimate if needed.
12. What's the most boring game you've ever played?
13. What's your least favorite number?
14. Which Mario Kart track would you choose to do a race on in real life?
15. What's your favorite Nintendo character that's not included in any Smash Bros game? As a main character, you can choose one if it's from a pokéball/assist trophy.
16. Do you usually pace around instead of standing still, and/or sway while sitting down?
17. How often do you get injured?
18. Do you prefer prime numbers or highly composite numbers?
19. What do you think the most improved game remake is compared to the original? Remakes usually just have updated graphics but some actually add content.
20. What's your favorite day of the year?
21. What kind of position do you usually sleep in?
22. Do you enjoy riding on horses?
23. Have you ever been in a large cave?
24. Which second Mario game do you like better?
25. Think of some homographs. Which versions of those homographs do you usually think of when you see them alone? (Examples: Bow, Wind, Kiwi)
26. Write a scary story using only 4 words. If you must, I'll let you use 5 or even 6, but try your best to use 4 if possible.
27. List 10 things that make you really happy. Oops, I'll rephrase that, what are 10 things that make you happy?
28. Are there any interesting but almost completely useless skills you have?
29. What's a good story about your life that you enjoy telling and are comfortable sharing online? If you've done one before (SyMag did a few), do a different one.
30. (Optional Question, it's totally fine if you'd prefer to refrain from answering) What are your thoughts on religion?
1. I own a dog and used to own a few birds, but I'd actually rather have no pets. The only living thing I could imagine having would be a small cactus to keep next to my window.
2. Around 27 degrees Celsius
3. Depends on the song, maybe 3 or 4 times.
4. Pokemon!
5. ...what's allintext?
6. None of my "works of art" could be looked at without cringing.
7. Bugs are fine as long as they aren't mantises, exaggeratedly big or dangerous.
8. I prefer to not disclose such information, since I want to keep where I live a secret.
9. Not all that often, but when I was little, I flew a lot, so I'm used to plane rides and don't mind them, turbulences aside.
10. Definitely fantasy.
11. If we're counting video games only...around...50-ish? Can't remember.
12. Dr. Kawashima's brain training. And educational games in general.
13. I don't have a least favorite, but my favorite number is 85.
14. Wuhu Island! It seems like a nice place.
15. Inklings! (Phoenix Wright and all of the characters from Ace Attorney count as Capcom, right?)
16. Nah, I usually stay still if the chair is comfortable. But I move almost constantly when standing.
17. Not often. I barely do anything that could get me injured.
18. I prefer to avoid numbers completely.
19. Pokemon Soul Silver and/or Kirby Super Star Ultra. They both improved greatly over the games they were based on, both graphics-and content-wise.
20. ...don't have one.
21. On the side, and I turn constantly.
22. Nope.
23. Nope.
24. The lost levels, at least it's not an already existing game with Mario slapped over it.
25. ...?
26. "Internet connection not found."
27. Video games, food, sleeping, video games, the Internet, video games, video games, playing good in a video game, a good book, and video games.
28. Nah, I lack particular skills in anything.
29. ...what? My life? Sorry, I found nothing.
30. I'm an atheist, always will be. But anyone can choose what religion they want to follow and is free to believe what they want.

1. Do you own anything that is old as/older than you?
2. You're on the verge of ranking up, but your entire team decides to squid party. Would you join them or become 200% mad?
Optional: If neither supplies your guessed-reaction, provide an opinion on Squid Parties in that situation.
3. Valor, Mystic, or Instinct?
4. What's your thoughts on Splatoon's weapon variation? Are they varied enough for thee to be satisfied or do they leave you wanting?
5. Favourite video game developer? (Example would be; Bungie for Halo 1, 2, 3, ODST, Reach, and Destiny. FromSoftware for Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, and Bloodborne.)
6. Would you lick an extremely spicy(it's just spicy for reasons, okay?), but ice-cold metal flagpole for 5 dollars No? How about 50$?
7. Which boss in any video game gave you the hardest time? In terms of difficulty and such.
8. What would your opinion be of a game mode that gave one player the best stats of everything in Splatoon, a unique weapon(say, a roller-ized version of the Rainmaker), increased health, but no radar. And gave the rest a gun that does poor damage, but high inkage, and their standard gear. Basically an official cat and mouse gametype for 'casul' matchmaking.
1. Nope.
2. Heck no! Squid parties have no place in ranked.
3. Ehhh... Haven't reached level 5 yet, but I'd say Instinct.
4. Yeah, I'm satisfied. The only weapon I could imagine is a sort-of spray can that makes a cloud of ink in front of you and lets enemies standing in it take damage over time.
5. Nintendo for a lot of things and Capcom for Ace Attorney.
6. Let's say 50.
7. Dreamy Bowser from Mario and Luigi Dream Team. Took me quite a few attempts.
8. Hmmm... Doesn't sound too bad.

Okay, those were a lot of questions. I'll tag some other time, my fingers hurt from typing too much.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
  1. I have 9 rats right now. I once had a hamster, then a rabbit, then a fish, a rat (Patches), another fish, another two rats (Sweetie and Cornflower), followed by another two rats (Max and Rufus), followed by another rat (Talo).
  2. Somewhere around 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
  3. Unknown. I've listened to looping music for over 400 minutes straight before, and I changed it only because I realized that others around me were probably annoyed.
  4. Loftwings are cool. But so are a lot of Pokémon species; more than I can reasonably name here.
  5. No. I mostly use DuckDuckGo anyway.
  6. Probably a painting of a flower I did nearly a decade ago.
  7. EWWWWW BUGS!!!! *runs away*
  8. Only the same one I was born in.
  9. Never. And no… I'll stick with land transportation for now.
  10. I don't have a particular favorite genre
  11. It took me a while to calculate this… It's somewhere over 150 just counting what video games I own. I've played others' copies of video games from time to time throughout my life so it's going to be near impossible to properly calculate or even estimate the answer. More so if your question includes card games, board games, role-playing games, and/or forum games.
  12. I have no idea. If it's boring, I'm going to forget about it. Probably some video game meant for kids.
  13. Eleven. It's evil.
  14. There's too many to choose from!
  15. Off the bat: Everyone from Splatoon.
  16. I tend to move. A lot.
  17. Too often.
  18. No preference.
  19. I have yet to play through a remake of a game I played though, so I can't formulate such an opinion yet.
  20. I don't have one.
  21. Various.
  22. I wouldn't know.
  23. Depends on what you call large.
  24. I haven't played either. (I had to ask someone else what they thought you meant.:oops:)
  25. I can't think of any off hand.
  26. I could answer this one, but not here. Not without violating the rules.
  27. Let's see…
    1. Having fun time with others,
    2. Having fun myself,
    3. Accomplishing a difficult task,
    4. Wearing what I want to wear,
    5. Making a work of art,
    6. Successfully helping others,
    7. Having a good chat with someone,
    8. Talking with my good friends,
    9. Eating a good meal,
    10. Uh… Estrogens!
  28. Everything I can do with some skill has some utility.
  29. A good story about my life? Sorry, but those don't exist.
  1. Piano, I guess. I do; I also play the Ocarina and I have some training to play the Saxophone.
  2. No; Let's see… Larry, Lemmy, Roy, Wendy, Ludwig… Apparently not. Toadette, because PINK!
  3. I've seen some really good ones. I actually bought a book that, surprisingly, described everyone I checked it against accurately.
@G1ng3rGar1 @Anaru @Achamo
Here's some questions I stole from a friend!
Your favorite poem?
Favorite style of poem?
Most disliked poem?
— Mr. Vareel
Morning y'all

1. Um
2. Haikus or cinquains
3. Long ones that make zero sense to me
I know. One person didn't. I think G1ng3r. So I'm making sure nobody else gets confused by that.
Whoops sorry XD
I realized my mistake later
Like later just before I went to bed/this morning
So the real answer would be I dunno anyway
Maybe 50 I'm not sure
We don't get video games too often (except that one time where my dad got like 5 games around the same time buT four(?) of them were Indie)

@Anaru @Rustic @Glacei

1. How do you feel about your feet falling asleep?
2. Do you procrastinate
3. Laptop or desktop?


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
@Anaru @Rustic @Glacei

1. How do you feel about your feet falling asleep?
2. Do you procrastinate
3. Laptop or desktop?
I don't like when this happens (Does anybody?). And I commonly sit with my legs crossed so it does happen quite often.
Sometimes. But usually, I at least get my work done the night before it's due, rather than the morning. Except this one time I had to write a poem and I forgot about it until the start of the class so I just wrote completely random sentences that rhymed and somehow got 14/15 points for 5 minutes of writing. That's the real worst poem I've read, but I threw it away after laughing at my score. I'm pretty sure I started the poem just saying that I wrote it at the start of class since I had no other ideas for it.
I have a laptop because I can move it around easily (MacBook Air)

I don't need to ask questions for a while, right?


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
All right! Spoiler for huge volume.
1. What kinds of pets do you own/used to own/would like to own?
2. What's the optimal temperature that you'd like to be in? You can answer in either Fahrenheit or Celcius (Or Kelvin if you really want to).
3. How many times can you listen to most songs before you get bored of them?
4. What's your favorite fictional species of animal? Cuttleshock and anyone else who wants to can replace the word fictional with undiscovered.
5. Do you ever use allintext: while doing google searches?
6. What's the best work of art you've made? This can include music, it's not limited to visual art.
7. Are you afraid of most bugs or do you usually enjoy being near them?
8. What countries have you been to?
9. How often do you ride on a plane? If you've never been on one, would you like to sometime? And do you enjoy plane rides or are you afraid of them?
10. What's your favorite book genre?
11. How many games have you played? Give an estimate if needed.
12. What's the most boring game you've ever played?
13. What's your least favorite number?
14. Which Mario Kart track would you choose to do a race on in real life?
15. What's your favorite Nintendo character that's not included in any Smash Bros game? As a main character, you can choose one if it's from a pokéball/assist trophy.
16. Do you usually pace around instead of standing still, and/or sway while sitting down?
17. How often do you get injured?
18. Do you prefer prime numbers or highly composite numbers?
19. What do you think the most improved game remake is compared to the original? Remakes usually just have updated graphics but some actually add content.
20. What's your favorite day of the year?
21. What kind of position do you usually sleep in?
22. Do you enjoy riding on horses?
23. Have you ever been in a large cave?
24. Which second Mario game do you like better?
25. Think of some homographs. Which versions of those homographs do you usually think of when you see them alone? (Examples: Bow, Wind, Kiwi)
26. Write a scary story using only 4 words. If you must, I'll let you use 5 or even 6, but try your best to use 4 if possible.
27. List 10 things that make you really happy. Oops, I'll rephrase that, what are 10 things that make you happy?
28. Are there any interesting but almost completely useless skills you have?
29. What's a good story about your life that you enjoy telling and are comfortable sharing online? If you've done one before (SyMag did a few), do a different one.
30. (Optional Question, it's totally fine if you'd prefer to refrain from answering) What are your thoughts on religion?
  1. Have answered a couple of times. Have small turtles, tortoises and fish. Would like large, long-lived, intelligent parrots.
  2. You spelt 'Celsius' wrong. That's the name of the Great Spirit of ice in Tales of Symphonia (and Xillia 2, perhaps Phantasia, probably others). Fahrenheit is so silly but I kinda get the rationale behind it and at least know how to convert between that and centigrade (the sensible expansion of °C. I still have to open Word to make that symbol...), which gives me a certain amount of leverage among my UK peers, who tend not to know how Fahrenheit works. Uh... preferred temperature, right? Probably mid-20s°C/mid-70s°F.
  3. Don't count, haha. Really, though, if I truly like a song, I hardly ever get bored of it. It needs to be the sort which I can hum encouragingly to myself on the way to school or something - the first two World Map themes from the GBA Golden Sun titles are great examples. A song can certainly lose its impact, but still regain it with distance - I found that out dramatically with the final boss theme of Tales of Xillia 2, to which I listened for hours on end in early 2013 or so and which eventually lost its punch for me, but which still brought me to tears when it started playing when I actually got there in that game in mid-2015.
  4. Awh, thanks <3 Yeah, like, dragons, I guess. Pokémon are controversial to place here simply because they seem to represent something outside of the animal kingdom, for many reasons.
  5. ... No.
  6. With the free programme MuseScore, I once composed a generic battle theme with which I was pretty pleased. Was also happy with one of my assessed compositions for the Music GCSE (UK exam series for 16-year-olds, roughly), even though I barely missed the A on that qualification in the end. I once, aged around 10, drew a startlingly-good picture of a poodle (with live subject), using grape juice to colour it in, but I probably misremember how good it actually was. Ehh... can't think of anything else.
  7. Simple answer: yes, I'm afraid of bugs. More in-depth: anything with six or eight legs which is small enough to require a magnifying glass to see in detail is all right. Butterflies are nice, sure, but I love moths. Pretty much intentionally let them into my room these days (leaving the window open all the time and stuff). I've never come too close to any, like, huge moths/butterflies (wingspan at least as large as my hand), though, so I can't tell how I'd react to them. A single woodlouse is okay, uuunless it's massive or something (I know they're crustaceans, yes). I'm getting better with spiders, but I still refuse to touch any that aren't miniscule, and still try to avoid contact with the smallest ones if it's not necessary. Pretty much anything else not named that has more legs than six is a strict no-go, regardless of stature or friendliness. Distance maintained from it is probably exponentially related to its largest dimension (normally length). Six-legged things which are very big might worry me, like abnormally-large ants (anything more than a couple of millimetres would frighten me). Most winged insects are okay, though... in small number. Dragonflies are darlings! Beetles are very amicable. I'm pretty okay with flies, mosquitoes and the like (and once convinced myself that I needed to feed as many mosquitoes as possible... I'd changed my mind within a couple of days). Grasshoppery things, less so - I'd rather keep away (this extends to locusts, cicadas, etc.). But I can't imagine that I'd enjoy being swarmed by dragonflies or such. Miscellaneously, I love snails and have, in the past, had a bunch on my face... because I felt like it (I was 9?). Slugs don't really scare me but I'd want to avoid touching them directly if possible. Can manage through gloves (which isn't the case for, say, spiders). Worms are awful for me, and I'm so, so glad that I've gotten through school without ever having been chased with one (y'know, when some jerk picks up a worm and tries to make a nerd touch it). But interestingly, I could, in a pinch, pick one up on a stick, which isn't the case for things with more legs. That's probably mostly to do with how fast they move. Most importantly: I abhor the notion of harming any of the above mentioned or otherwise. I'll be a little less bothered if I disliked them to start with, but still, I'll do all that I can to stop people from killing creepy-crawlies. If you ever intentionally and remorselessly harm a snail, quite frankly, I will hate you until you admit that you did something very wrong. I like snails a lot. But! I'm totally cool with other animals eating bugs and stuff if they need them in their diet. I just find senseless killing reprehensible. Yes, that extends to, like, mosquitoes and ****roaches and stuff! Please don't hurt animals. That is all.
  8. Live in the UK. Have been to the USA a few times. Was born in Russia and have been there on occasion. Visited Germany for two school trips. Stopped off in France on a transfer flight to Russia once.
  9. I figure that... I've probably flown abroad approximately 15 times (average of once a year since I was pretty young). So that makes 30 flights; plus a few transfers, up to 40 or so. I find long plane journeys really fun, on balance! Best part is playing Advance Wars. You have to play Advance Wars on aeroplane trips. Or, like, I do. Tradition, ish? I think that the food isn't too bad, but the best part is that no-one judges you for leaving some (which I do, not just in-flight, far more than I should. Very picky eater. Sorry, landfill ;-; ). Despite that the cabin tends to be pretty cold, I find that I'm rather greasy by the end of flights, which is unpleasant. I do not get sick on planes, which is good. I love it when there's in-flight entertainment - two particular occasions come to mind. One was when I sat next to my sister and we each took one ear of a pair of earbuds connected to a surreal and endless advertisement for a fitness plan or something on my monitor but watched a children's cartoon on her monitor. Inordinately funny at times. Another was finding that the movie selection was full of foreign-language films. I watched Frozen in Japanese with Chinese (Mandarin) subtitles... because it was one of the options. On an English-language airline. That's the only time I've ever seen that film, so my understanding of it is correspondingly patchy. I also saw a hilarious Japanese comedy film by the name of Judge! (exclamation in the name) - it's about a guy who works for an advertising agency and has to bring an abysmal commercial made by the son of the president to victory in an international advertising competition thingy in Brazil. He has to learn English, which I think is funnier to me as an English viewer than it would've been to its original audience ("I have something very important to say" is repeated so many times). The film had English subtitles, of course. I... I don't know Japanese. Was a really lucky pick, as there were loads of similar films but I doubt that I would've enjoyed the others as much. Finally, back to flights - window seats! The view is incredible‼
  10. Probably, very generally, fantasy. Sci-fi stuff is cool, as are good mystery stories, but woo, magic and dragons and stuff!
  11. I'm presuming that we're ignoring board games, Flash games and other stuff that isn't really a full-size computer game or videogame. A bunch of very rough estimates: SNES, 10; N64, 5; GCN, 30; GB(C), 5; GBA, 20; DS, 30; 3DS, 10; Wii U, 5; Wii, 20; PC/other, 20. Adds up to around 150.
  12. This time, I'm unsure as to whether you mean videogames or not. I struggle to think of something particularly bad... like, nobody hate me, but could I say Civilisation (IV and/or V)? Just absolutely not the games for me.
  13. *gasp* No! All numbers are nice!
  14. I want to live, so something like Baby Park. No jumps, no hazards (though I think that, at least in DD!!, you could get hit by the rollercoaster...), no underwater passages. Real-life racing isn't so much my thing, one sees.
  15. ... thought for a moment and realised I was forgetting the obvious - Professor Layton! I voted for him in the Smash ballot - sorry, Isaac...
  16. Uhhh... I think that I prefer to stand very still and I'll only pace around to take a better look around me if I'm bored (gotta read every piece of text in the room!). I'm very prone to swinging back on chairs that aren't meant to be swung, though...
  17. Almost never get serious injuries. I used to be very prone to stubbing my toes, but that's better now. Most of my broken skin comes from biting my lip or my fingertips (nowadays, I mostly do the latter after a bath, when they're soft and too tempting) and from scratching my head too much in the same spots.
  18. They're both lovely! If I had to choose, though, probably highly composite numbers. Perfect numbers are the best, although they technically don't fall under that category.
  19. Of those which come to my mind, Pokémon ORAS. FRLG were fighting a lost cause, as Kanto sucked to start with; HGSS were really nice, but didn't add as much as ORAS, I feel like... just the 3D graphics alone are worth a great deal.
  20. Christmas Day... ? I don't do much in the way of favouring certain dates.
  21. I hate this because of how unbalanced it is and how bad it probably is for my posture, but I'm almost incapable of sleeping unless I'm pretty solidly rolled onto my left side. In any other position, I get really uncomfortable and antsy and can't drift off.
  22. No. It's uncomfortable and I think that I might be allergic to them. This is ironic for two reasons! One is that I used to be a brony (the fandom just bores me now and I couldn't be bothered to keep up with the show, although I'm still in touch with acquaintances from then). The other... is a secret. Nothing very big, but something that I don't think I'll tell right now.
  23. On perhaps a couple of occasions. I recall at least one stint in an old coal mine on a school trip; I've also been inside a (the?) cave at Cheddar Gorge a long time ago. A lovely place! Yes, hence the cheese.
  24. Probably would say Doki Doki Panic‼, as it almost feels more like a Mario game. I've played through both and neither are particularly fun by Mario standards, I feel, but I still admire the level design in each.
  25. 'Tie' first brought to mind the neckwear, and... I can't think of any others... wait, yes, haha. 'Can' probably evokes the container before the verb. Then, with your examples - 'bow', neckwear; 'wind', atmospheric phenomenon; 'kiwi', bird. Oh, and just thought of 'tear' - liquid.
  26. Should've locked the door.
  27. I physically sighed at this question and then laughed at my sigh. Right... nice numbers; Golden Sun (anything about it); anthros; dragons; anthro dragons (okay, fine, I won't count that); seeing a nice time on a digital clock (no, that's not the same as the first item!); Pokémon (anything about it and/or the creatures themselves); birds; helium balloons; beatsy, non-vocal music; people listening to me talk about myself! So if you're reading this, you made me happy! Love you~
  28. I can tuck my ears into themselves. I can also grab my mouth with my hand after wrapping that arm behind my head such that, if I hide my elbow behind a corner, it looks like I'm being grabbed by an unknown assailant! And I can count on my fingers in binary, so a single hand reaches 31 and both together reach 1023.
  29. I thought for a while (came back to this at the end of my post) and can't come up with anything good. Good job, too, as I'm already exhausted from answering.
  30. Oh, it's cool! In terms of religious texts and beliefs and stuff, at least, and to the extent that it teaches love (which most do) and equality (which isn't done so well). I'm baptised an Eastern Orthodox Christian but hold pretty agnostic views, as I don't like jumping to absolute conclusions, especially on such large questions where so little evidence exists either way - at least, evidence that I've personally experienced or have been able to notice. I am bothered by consciousness and by the origin of the universe; religion's one way to look at those things, but I find much more exciting the notion that both are natural/emergent things and so, for example, we will, sooner rather than later, have created truly conscious AIs (and pocket universes, I dunno).
I am done. Goodness, Anaru... like, thanks for the thought-provoking questions, but please never, ever make that many again. I literally have been here for the last two hours and a half (including the second post, but that's only a small fraction). Can't be bothered to ask questions...


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
And the 20k character limit meant that I had to split the post up. Here's the rest! Glad I could cut it here, as it would've been a nightmare to do so in the middle of my ordered list. Maybe I should stop using the forum code for that, as it just inconveniences everyone who replies to me and myself, too...
1. Do you own anything that is old as/older than you?
2. You're on the verge of ranking up, but your entire team decides to squid party. Would you join them or become 200% mad?
Optional: If neither supplies your guessed-reaction, provide an opinion on Squid Parties in that situation.
3. Valor, Mystic, or Instinct?
4. What's your thoughts on Splatoon's weapon variation? Are they varied enough for thee to be satisfied or do they leave you wanting?
5. Favourite video game developer? (Example would be; Bungie for Halo 1, 2, 3, ODST, Reach, and Destiny. FromSoftware for Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, and Bloodborne.)
6. Would you lick an extremely spicy(it's just spicy for reasons, okay?), but ice-cold metal flagpole for 5 dollars No? How about 50$?
7. Which boss in any video game gave you the hardest time? In terms of difficulty and such.
8. What would your opinion be of a game mode that gave one player the best stats of everything in Splatoon, a unique weapon(say, a roller-ized version of the Rainmaker), increased health, but no radar. And gave the rest a gun that does poor damage, but high inkage, and their standard gear. Basically an official cat and mouse gametype for 'casul' matchmaking.
  1. I could pick up any stone from the ground, claim it for myself and then answer 'yes', y'know! But it's true either way; easy examples are some old books that I have, like a cute little hardcover philosophy book from around 1930 which I've never read.
  2. If I'm already on the verge, then I should be good enough to make up for a lost game. Sure, I'll join in! I hope it doesn't bother anyone else on my team, but if they already decided to party, it should be all right.
  3. I really know nothing about Go! (lack a smartphone)... are Instinct the happy ones? It's one of those body/mind/spirit trinities, I know that much, and I'd go for spirit in that case, i.e. Instinct (assuming their traits from the colours of their birds of choice). And hey, I don't need to join some gang to know that I'm smart (there's a little backstory to that)! Go eat a calculator, Mystic.
  4. Think it's good! If there were weapon customisation (beyond purely aesthetic), I fear that it'd be too susceptible to broken strategies, and it'd be too much to deal with/think about when facing opponents, so I'm happy with that being absent. Otherwise, there are loads of different things... like, it's mostly very well-balanced, so you can use almost whatever and achieve top results. Buckets!
  5. Level-5 - Layton is one of my favourite things ever; I appreciate Fantasy Life and would love to play it but don't want to spend so much time; Ni No Kuni seems amazing; I love the Inazuma Eleven anime, which is close enough; and the rest of their stuff seems great, too. Not too big on Yo-Kai Watch because the creatures don't really appeal to my, eh, aesthetic, but I see the good points about it. Also, there's the upcoming Snack World - that seems really unique.
  6. No and no. It'd be unhygienic! And I don't wanna risk such injury. And $50 is, like, £30 - barely even a videogame! But I like spicy things. Biggest problem, though, is that of where I'd find a flagpole in the UK. We're normal here and don't have one per household or whatever! I... don't like patriotism.
  7. I can't pick a full final level, can I? Because I might've listed Sacred Grounds from Cave Story or the final mission of Advance Wars: Dark Conflict (which I've yet to complete). A few bosses come to mind, regardless. Wily Capsule in Mega Man 7 was horrible, virtually a bullet hell game within Rock's iffy movement capabilities. Ballos (Cave Story, again) took me utterly forever to beat; I eventually succumbed to temptation and riddled his final form full of missiles (after many failed attempts), which I'd tried to avoid doing. Dullahan, final bonus boss of Golden Sun: The Lost Age, is cruel. In the end, I grinded a few extra levels on some phoenixy birds in one location and looked up a guide for the best order of a two-round summon rush to take him down ASAP, before he Djinn Storms or anything else horrible. Special mention goes to Baby Bowser in Yoshi's Island, who ruined me when I played through much younger (never completed the game until the second time I reached him), and is still pretty difficult.
  8. Could be fun! Splatoon would do well to add some asymmetric gameplay, definitely. It'd take very careful tweaking to prevent it from becoming too easy for one side, though. I don't like the idea of the weak weapons being good at spreading ink - that team would be able to get total turf control and take on the single player from any angle. Perhaps make the single player also pretty good at covering turf and make it 1v3 (2 is too few but 4 would be too strong, I think).
1. How do you feel about your feet falling asleep?
  1. Bonus answer! I really like it - it's all fun and tingly, and the anticipation of the buzz when they wake up again is really great~


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
Ah.... Freebie time!

1. Out of all the new pokemon and alola forms in sun and moon, which are your favorite?
2. If you could have any food in the world right now, what would it be?
3. Your thought on smash mods such as Infinite and Project M?

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