My point was it isn't a mode because you can't choose to do it, and it only exists in random WWs. Therefore it is useless for anything competitive or casual. Saying that being able to randomly spectate random worldwide races until you get in the race, and that that counts as a spectating mode is just a ******** response to the real concern people have for a real spectator mode that actual solves some problems and improves competitive/casual QOL.
Calm your ****, I legitimately couldn't tell that's what you were asking for, and yeah, what's in Mario Kart 8 counts as live spectating despite your precious picky princess standards.
And what you're asking for actually
shouldn't be implemented, because improving competitive QOL would boil down to having a person scout out the opposing team and give the spectating team an unfair advantage. Being able to spectate your friends would be cool for reasons other than the competitive cheating you're whinging about though, but they'd have to find some way that you can only spectate the members of your friend's team.
And if people are expected to go to third-party programs for voice chat, they can settle with streaming for spectating their friends.