The Bragging Thread


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Nov 3, 2015
In the Paradox of Spring
On Camp Triggerfish I was trying to take care of some guy with a Zink Mini Splatling, and of course the guy pops a Bubbler. I throw out a Splash Wall just before he can annihilate me in a hail of ink (which is something to brag about itself, as that never happens for me!), only for some other guy to whip out a Killer Wail to box me in.
In a rare moment of boldness, I kept firing at the Bubbled Splatling user through my Splash Wall, even after it was used up. Not only did I repel him successfully, I actually managed to push him into the lake!

Of course I lost that match, but nonetheless I'm glad that I was finally able to overcome a Bubble Shield.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
I bought the bamboozler with splash wall, I was using it with 2 dmg mains and 6 dmg subs so it did 99.9 damage, so I can one shot people if they just go on my ink ink color for even just one frame before by shot. So, 3 people jumped onto a ledge near me, and they all stepped in my ink for a moment, so I quickly did 3 charges and one shot all 3 of them in about a second, so it was really cool. One of them had the rainmaker, but unfortunately they still won later since the rest of my team got atleast 7 deaths and under 3 kills, but that one moment was still amazing.


Pro Squid
Sep 16, 2015
I'm still trying to learn the Rapidblaster Pro Deco, and was quite proud of my 20-4 game, even though I made a lot of mistakes and eventually lost.

Not sure if it's relevant to put the video there, so I hid it there, for some possibly curious readers:


Inkling Commander
Apr 23, 2015
Koopa Kingdom
I finally got to play Splatoon with @TheRapture. Unfortunately, his Turf Wars room was totally unplayable with three freaking E-Liters. Both of us were just getting wrecked over and over... But we somehow won in the end. Here's a picture I hurriedly took:

The score was something stupid like 42-37 or something like that. I'm proud we managed to win there. :D

(Rapture then left the room and I don't blame him.)


Dystopian Future Paint Desperado
Sep 20, 2009
I finally got to play Splatoon with @TheRapture. Unfortunately, his Turf Wars room was totally unplayable with three freaking E-Liters. Both of us were just getting wrecked over and over... But we somehow won in the end. Here's a picture I hurriedly took:

The score was something stupid like 42-37 or something like that. I'm proud we managed to win there. :D

(Rapture then left the room and I don't blame him.)
LOL noooo dude now there's proof I'm trash.


Full Squid
Aug 17, 2015
This one moment I will never, ever forget. This is probably one of, if not, the best comeback I've ever had.

I was playing Splat Zones on Saltspray Rig with my trusty Tentatek Splattershot. My team was losing by a significant amount (about 90 - 5) and we were struggling to nab the zone back as time was running out. I was defending from the left flank and I managed to get my Inkzooka charge up. I whipped it out and hit one enemy...then two, then three, then four. I hit all four enemies with my Inkzooka, and they weren't even close together - they were spread out all over the place. I actually gasped out loud and immediately went in to take back the zone. From that point we were able to successfully defend and claim victory.

Definitely never give up hope. I was very close to giving up, but one action managed to turn the tides of the entire game. I've had many more game changing comebacks, but this one definitely takes the cake. :D


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I bought the bamboozler with splash wall, I was using it with 2 dmg mains and 6 dmg subs so it did 99.9 damage, so I can one shot people if they just go on my ink ink color for even just one frame before by shot. So, 3 people jumped onto a ledge near me, and they all stepped in my ink for a moment, so I quickly did 3 charges and one shot all 3 of them in about a second, so it was really cool. One of them had the rainmaker, but unfortunately they still won later since the rest of my team got atleast 7 deaths and under 3 kills, but that one moment was still amazing.
You're tempting me to give bambi a try again. I've been trying to practice 96D and 52 in TW to get used to splashwall play to have kind of a "scum" weapon for rank climbing after a losing streak - go boring meta and win! But I forgot bambi has a wall....with all that dmg stacking, maybe it's a good fit for me - a charger and a wall...forgot those existed! I'm sure there's a reason you see 96 and not bambi's in ranked despite the dreadful aim though!

I'm still trying to learn the Rapidblaster Pro Deco, and was quite proud of my 20-4 game, even though I made a lot of mistakes and eventually lost.

Not sure if it's relevant to put the video there, so I hid it there, for some possibly curious readers:
RBPD is so fun....but it's so map limited. Some maps just REALLY do not seem to love it. Its range is too long for it's own good sometimes. I swapped RBD for RBPD for a while, but ended up switching back. I miss the disruptors...they're amazing on a blaster. But it's a little more map friendly on some maps. I should give it a try again though.

LOL noooo dude now there's proof I'm trash.
Everybody's trash against 3 ace eliters and a BubbleShot Jr. ;)

Floating Eyeball

Inkling Cadet
Feb 15, 2016
Got a KO match with 10/1, top of my team, getting me to 97 A- (and I got A shortly after) after a string of really good matches bringing me up from A-20.
Today's been a good day.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Nov 3, 2015
In the Paradox of Spring
It's time for another tricky bomb throw!

So, context: in this match, there was a squiddo on the opposing team with a Luna Blaster (Neo?) and some Swim/Run Speed Ups. I can distinctly remember going up the ramp leading to Saltspray Rig's "middle ground", only to run mantle-first into a Luna shot.

Anyway, this same squiddo was raising a little bit of hell over in this area:

He was right about where the cursor is in the above screenshot when I chucked a bomb at him. Of course, he elects to dodge the bomb by dropping onto the lower ledge.
This is where the magic happens: the bomb I threw was was about to explode, when by a stroke of pure luck it managed to fall off the upper ledge... at the same time the Luna user did. So they both landed at the same time, and the bomb exploded when they did.

As you might be able to infer from the screenshot, I went into Recon mode to try and re-enact the scene. I wasn't successful, so either the bomb was blessed or I got very lucky with that toss.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
May 10, 2015
So I'm trying to take down this Charger. I have the Splatter. Jr. (don't remember if I had Bubbler ready or not) and Ninja Squid ability so I could of taken them out if the moment was right. However, I spy some enemy ink behind. So I turn around and I see a Dynamo rolling towards me. He was EXTREMELY CLOSE to me, like about an inch away from me splatting by just rolling me over.

However, I dropped a Splat Bomb and made a super jump back to my base and actually splatted them before it got to me.


Full Squid
Dec 5, 2015
Story time with Zawlt:

So basically I went into Walleye Warehouse with the Aerospray with the mine and nuke. Near the end of the turf war match I made my way to their spawn. In the middle of all the chaos there I layed a mine right infront of the spawn. I let my team hold them back as I went away and dropped a nuke on their spawn. As the nuke goes down on them my teammates that were there got killed, but to my surprise they were so paniked or clueless that I end up getting a triple kill with the mine I dropped earlier. One of the most hilatious things to happen while I played lol.
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Inkster Jr.
Jan 29, 2016
Switch Friend Code
[...] but to my surprise they were so paniked or clueless that I end up getting a triple kill with the mine I dropped earlier. One of the most hilatious things to happen while I played lol.
That's... scary as hell.

Speaking of hilarious things: Just now in Hammerhead Bridge turf war I ended up in a team with 3 inkbrushes and 1 krak-on. I was one of the inkbrushes. Against a balanced enemy team (1x Splattershot Jr, 1x Slosher Deco, 1x Splatterscope, 1x Heavy Splatling). I wrote the match off right there, but when we hit the center we were surprisingly able to hold off the enemy team rather well. The worst enemy (for me) was definitely the splattershot jr with the splat bombs.

The best part was the final minute of the match: Our entire team was in the center, inkbrushes spraying ink EVERYWHERE, the occasional inkstrike helped us gain more and more ground, when the jr user hit his bubbler and started going after my teammates. He had his back turned, so I went after him when I saw mr. slosher joining the battle too. I slashed the jr user back to spawn, which was the final bit of ink missing from my special gauge, and I hit my own bubbler (I used the inkbrush nouveau) and got the kill on the slosher too. This was one of the most salt-inducing moments I've seen yet, and I was on the giving side of it!

Then the result screen hit: We won with 4% to spare. We actually won with 3 brushes and 1 roller! It was the greatest match I've ever been part in!

Floating Eyeball

Inkling Cadet
Feb 15, 2016
Turf War, Camp Triggerfish. My team focused so much on getting enemy ink that nobody saw the E-Liter getting back to our base but me, who didn't super-jump back when I got splatted. After getting splatted by him a few times, I was a bit salty, especially as the rest of the enemy team was starting to come in. But I felt a bit better when I got to roll over three of them in a row, the third even shooting at me as I came.
It's not much to brag about (and of course we still lost), but it was very satisfying.


Senior Squid
Nov 14, 2015
I de-ranked for the first time ever this past Friday, going from A+ to A. On the ferocious climb back up, I went undefeated and got to wail on a teammate who had failed me in an earlier A+ game (I'll be posting THAT in the Dead Sea) before going 20-4 in the final game before I reclaimed my rank. The next day, I hit S rank.

The mode I de-ranked (And then dominated in) was Tower Control, and I was using the Rapid Blaster Pro. I also learned that Tenacity is a VERY powerful ability with that weapon.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
I feel kinda bad for a guy on the enemy team because he got 20-8 but the rest of his team was awful so they still lost and we won


Mar 6, 2016
Louisville, KY, USA
My first quad kill is a helluva story:

Okay, for the sheer miraculousness of this occurrence to be fully appreciated, you've gotta know something: I'm a n00b, y'all. Not just at Splatoon, but at games in general. The first FPS I completed was Bioshock Infinite (unless you count Goldeneye for N64 back in the day) - a relatively recent game. The last 3rd-person game I played the entire way through was friggin' Kingdom Hearts 2. My point here is that I'm both inexperienced AND out of practice.

I just got Splatoon last night, and unlocked ranked battles about an hour ago. I was giddy to try things out and decided to just jump right in, without thinking to change my weapon - which was a regular, no-frills Splat Roller. I was the only person on both teams with a roller, and it didn't take me long to realize I was pretty much screwed.

The match started and I hauled *** to the Rainmaker, getting there before the rest of my team. One guy from the other team was shooting at it, so I ran him over with my roller and SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT! All FOUR of the opposing team's members were stood next to each other, lined up like bowling pins, so when I turned the corner around the Rainmaker, I splatted ALL of them at the same time like so many inky dominos. It was epic.

Sorry that was so long, but bloody hell, I'm still sat over here wondering how in the hell I got so lucky. Did that really just happen?!

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