The Bragging Thread

Floating Eyeball

Inkling Cadet
Feb 15, 2016
This is kind of small, but I'm still pretty proud of myself for it.

Got in a little game of cat and mouse around one of those yellow things in Blackbelly. I knew the Sploosh's range was awful (or rather, knew firthand instead of just "Oh, yeah, supposed to be careful about that) and I couldn't confront them directly, so I started rolling bombs at them, getting more of the hang of it, and ducking back into my halfpipe to refill when I need to let my teammate take the defending for a bit.

Side note- My list in my sig is a bit of a sham. Due to my habit of picking up weapons that I already like playing with and do well on, I don't pick up the others quite as much. My main list was used a lot more than my secondary list, but the first four weapons way outweigh the others in terms of usage. (Some of which mostly get picked up for Turf Wars) They're on the list for good reason-I had played with them for a decent amount of matches, and when I played, I played well. But I didn't stick with them as much as the others, so while I got pretty good with them, I wasn't as good with the others, nor did I get into the mentality that I should with them. So Splat Bombs were mostly hurled into the air like a Suction Bomb-"They're my ranged attack, right?" I did remember to roll sometimes, but not often. (Weirdly, picking up the '85 did involve more rolling than usual, and I thought I did pretty well with it, but I guess I didn't like my performance enough to put it in. I'm gonna try it again soon so I can get confident with it)

Sorry for the note that's probably going to be longer than most of the actual content, but back on topic:

Eventually, the guy's decided he ought to pull back and get a better angle on the situation. I notice my special meter is pretty near to being full, so I hit up the last few spots that are green/empty and head off to the open area. I see him rippling up a ramp, whip out the Inkzooka and-

BAM! Got 'em in one!

Any success with the Inkzooka is a delight to me. I'm usually a pretty close range person and hope for chance with long range. I've gotten good with Dynamos and Pros, and I'm learning a bit of the Squelchers, but habits from rollers (especially Carbon), Seekers, and Wails instilled a mindset that "close range is where you can actually splat, long range is to scare them off or to get lucky". (and my Charger Nightmare Hell has scared me away from holding one entirely) I doubt I'll ever be able to one of those squids firing all six shots in all the right places (it's usually just one good shot and "okay hurry up I don't know how to use you any better without anyone in sight), but now I'm actually being effective at long range with it-That's pretty new and exciting for me!

And, to top it all off, at the end of the match, we won, and I got the highest score!

It's such a small thing, but I'm really happy about it! I've been having a lot of fun learning new stuff with this release, this might be my favorite update yet! (Sorry Vol 1-You still hold a special place in my heart) I'm hoping even more for a more diverse Volume 3- If mixing it up this much is giving me this much fun (and sometimes just for the looks-The design of the Sploosh 7 was what sold it for me), imagine how much more could come from even more unique kits!


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Nov 3, 2015
In the Paradox of Spring
This last game on Piranha Pit, I managed to get targeted by two opponents, one wielding a Blaster. Somehow I managed to nail one with my new H-3 Cherry, but in the process the Blaster player cornered me behind one of those tall cushions. I panicked and threw out a Splash Wall, fully knowing that it wouldn't faze him and expecting him to take me down. Then I noticed another name pile up above the other guy's name; as it turned out, he elected to chase me instead of fire from behind the cushion, and the Splash Wall landed right on top of him.

I've had clutch bomb kills in the past, but I think this is the first time I've had a clutch Splash Wall kill.

Floating Eyeball

Inkling Cadet
Feb 15, 2016
The fun with 7 continues- 8/4, and some of that was a double splat with a bomb!

The '83 was a lot kinder to me than I thought it'd be-Got some pretty decent scores with it and a decent handling of Point Sensors and the Kraken. I was feeling confident enough with it to take it to ranked, where I actually managed 11/12!

Old favorites are still holding up, though-Got 17/7 with my :wst_roller_compact01:!

Hero of Lime

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 26, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I used the Custom Ranged Blaster for the first time tonight, my first real use of a blaster period, and I did very well. Like, really well. Won most of my games, kept the enemy teams back with intimidation, got plenty of kills, it was surprising. Now, I'm not super great with it, an enemy getting super close usually doomed me, and being stuck in enemy ink was instant death if someone was around. But! I did well, and plan to practice more!


Inkling Cadet
Nov 7, 2015
My wii u gamepad broke so I downloaded Splatoon on my sister's one. Played the rotation today and went from C- 0 to here, lost two games, one was a disconnect, and the other, the other team had an alt who managed to beat me to the knockout...

I don't really think it's fair to have an alt and absolutely destroy lower ranked players but considering my Wii U is broken and it's gonna probably be weeks before it's fixed o_O....



Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
Flounder RM, S, I'm using SM Neo. The game started okay but I noticed not one but two of my teammates squidbagging... that put me off, as I find it bad enough playing against them but being associated with them is embarrassing. At one point, an opposing Junior took me out and, I presume, one of our squidbaggers at the same time, so I saw them squidbag in retaliation against my teammate. I can accept doing that in retaliation (like, I do so myself), but again, it was painful to be watching the kill cam probably meant for someone else.

So! Still, my team was doing a nice job and we pushed to 13 within the first couple of minutes. Then... our roller (CoroCoro, I think) disconnected. The opponents very quickly made it to 15 on our side, at which point we took out their carrier. And thus began a war of attrition, and thusly did I learn just how wonderful a defensive SM can be. I remained in our podium area and kept sloshing down the slope, where the RM rested, and my teammates worked together well. The RM stayed put for a good couple of minutes before we managed to take enough of them out to bring it back to a safer location. I finished the game 11/5, one of my best performances with this weapon.

Another demonstration of its defensive prowess came not long after in SZ on Moray, this time with the standard SM. Our team synergy was wonderful, as we had a sniper generally keeping their numbers down and two aggressive players willing to keep making attacks on their Zone. Meanwhile, I almost single-handedly kept our own Zone safe for a good proportion of the battle, which was generally possible as long as no more than two opponents encroached on it at once. I ended that game 7/2.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
Given that I've got 350kp inked between the two variants, I don't know to what extent it can be considered new for me...

EDIT (because this post isn't saying much, I want to brag about something else and a double post is unbecoming of, like, me):

Continuing SM practice, two saving manoeuvres in RM really made me glow in pride. The first, on Triggerfish, was standard enough, entailing catching the enemy carrier with the 'zooka before they beat our record and then holding the fort for long enough for my team to regroup and take control of the RM until time ran out.

The second one took place on Hammerhead. We'd pushed all the way to 25 at the start, but were now under serious pressure, pretty much the entire enemy team intact around the first platform on the catwalk away from our spawn, so they were in very short walking distance of breaking our record near the end of the match. Our team had been scattered or splatted, myself hanging on to the wall of said platform (the side facing our spawn, so the enemy would walk over me soon). They had a Splash Wall up and I knew that I'd hardly be able to do anything before being annihilated by the entourage, so I waited it out (they were staying still for reasons that made sense at the time), and, the moment the wall ran out, showed myself on the platform.

In retrospect, I probably could've stopped their carrier by, instead of climbing out, dropping down and attacking from below the grating but, like, this was cooler. Thing is, the carrier's escorts were in front of them and there was only a narrow gap between the two through which I could hit the carrier. I proceeded to get a direct and an indirect hit on the carrier to take them out, after which two shots I was taken out - so had I not scored a direct hit, I wouldn't have impeded their progress, as the carrier would have survived. This bought us enough time to respawn, claim the RM, send out a Wail, etc., and win that game.

Doing anything cool with the SM just gives me a sense of satisfaction that no other weapon can quite replicate. I'm glad I decided to work back to S+ with this weapon.
Last edited:


Pro Squid
Apr 8, 2016
S+ is rough, but S is much, much easier for me. Case in point today on Bluefin Depot TC, Tempered Dynamo. We had a decent lead, but most of my teammates had gotten splatted. The enemy team was making a strong push. I was on the right side of the map, whereas all four opponents were on the left side escorting the tower as it advanced. I decided to try to attack them from behind, but I didn’t want to risk going through our own base because it’s a disadvantageous position on this map, and it would have taken ages to go around—something that we couldn’t afford. So I inked up the ramps at the center of the map and jumped across—and I made it! (You can only do it if the side of the ramp opposite you is inked up. It’s pretty tricky.)

Since they all had their backs turned to me, I managed to splat three of them before going down. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to splat the tower carrier, so the enemy team took the lead. My team took care of the remaining foe; after that, we managed to get a pretty good lead (the tower had gotten all the way up into the enemy base, I think).

However, near the end of the match, a push went awry and I was the sole survivor. I hid inside the wall of the tower that was facing toward our base. Soon after, an enemy Splat Roller climbed the tower, entering overtime. No one had noticed me. I waited until the tower was above the water on our side. That way, nobody would be able to jump onto the tower when I popped up, so unless I didn’t at least manage a trade, we would win due to the tower going neutral. Feeling kind of nervous due to the game’s outcome possibly relying on what I would do, I suddenly emerged and wound up my flick. It was too late for the Roller—we traded, but this stunt ended overtime and secured the win. I had gone 15/5. Really wish I had a way to record matches, because it felt super good!

Floating Eyeball

Inkling Cadet
Feb 15, 2016
Splash Walls are still tricky for me, but I'm getting the hang of area denial now! Stopped a Kraken from chasing me between two crates on Saltspray and managed to run out their transformation before splatting them!


Pro Squid
Jan 2, 2013
I channeled my inner E Litre once again. Had a good match in squads with some pals at Ancho V and thought I did pretty decent.

17 - 4 is a little better than decent. Don't think I've ever gotten that many splats with an E Litre (or anything) before. My E Litre practice shall continue till I get it down!


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
11/4 marks a new personal best with an SM variant in S Ranked Battles! I'm fairly sure that I'm now sufficiently adept with the weapon to reach S+ with it, but the confounded disconnects both lose me points and ruin my subsequent concentration. I do believe that now's a good time to get back to my flowchart.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
I played about 10 games of Splatoon today, 3 of them were ranked and I actually won 2/3 of them despite not having played for over a month! (Except the Splatfest)
I'll be playing a lot this week since Summer Break from school just started for me.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 29, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Today our team managed to dunk the rainmaker on Flounder Heights in 34 seconds. Video.
Sub 30 would have been possible if I took the risk and went for the rainmaker as soon as the enemy SSP found something very interesting in our half of the map; but it would have been riskier since the enemy brush was still alive then... But I'm not complaining, that was a pretty good match IMO!


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
Carrying a washing machine to carry the team. I definitely reached a breakthrough today or yesterday in my skill level with this weapon; perhaps my nicest record thus far was 12/2 in RM, although I also reached 14/6 and 14/7 in two TC games just now and I'm sure I exceeded that in another RM game from which I was disconnected just before the end. I'm also getting triples not too infrequently, which I would always have thought nigh-impossible with this weapon - turns out that, like a Heavy or Hydra, it thrives off cloistering opponents and loves to feast on them all at once.


Pro Squid
Apr 8, 2016
Today our team managed to dunk the rainmaker on Flounder Heights in 34 seconds. Video.
Sub 30 would have been possible if I took the risk and went for the rainmaker as soon as the enemy SSP found something very interesting in our half of the map; but it would have been riskier since the enemy brush was still alive then... But I'm not complaining, that was a pretty good match IMO!
I was kinda hoping I’d be in this match because the same thing happened to me today on that same rotation, but ah well! Nice job on the win!

Carrying a washing machine to carry the team. I definitely reached a breakthrough today or yesterday in my skill level with this weapon; perhaps my nicest record thus far was 12/2 in RM, although I also reached 14/6 and 14/7 in two TC games just now and I'm sure I exceeded that in another RM game from which I was disconnected just before the end. I'm also getting triples not too infrequently, which I would always have thought nigh-impossible with this weapon - turns out that, like a Heavy or Hydra, it thrives off cloistering opponents and loves to feast on them all at once.
I’m actually pretty curious to hear any tips you may have with the Sloshing Machine. I remember using it and loving it when it first came out, but I never really followed up and it just fell to the wayside.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
I’m actually pretty curious to hear any tips you may have with the Sloshing Machine. I remember using it and loving it when it first came out, but I never really followed up and it just fell to the wayside.
I've been giving serious thought to making a guide about them; I normally struggle coherently to put together what exactly makes a weapon/strategy/whatever work well in this game, but this is something which I'd love to do, partly because it looks like few enough people use this weapon that I'd be able to come up with stuff that isn't too common knowledge. If you want a text wall I wrote about them earlier today, though, see here.


Pro Squid
Apr 8, 2016
Reporting in with my Neo Sloshing Machine adventures!

…Okay, most of them shouldn’t actually be in this thread. But whatever. Since I ranked down from S+ a while ago and I seem to just keep going down, I figured I might as well mess around without the pressure of S+. I threw together a pretty "safe" build (Ink Recovery Up, Special Saver, Ink Saver Sub as my mains, and Damage Up, Swim Speed Up and Ink Saver Main as sets of three subs) and headed into Flounder Heights + Piranha Pit Tower Control with the Neo Sloshing Machine, which I had literally never used before.

I got 13/7 on my very first match. It was really intense and we nearly lost—we managed to take the lead in overtime. Had I done anything differently in the last few seconds of the match while I was defending the tower, I think we would have lost. The match was worryingly laggy though (probably because it’s not exactly the best plan to watch a stream while playing an online game with an average connection).

Unfortunately, even though I wasn’t playing badly per se, I still lost most of the following games, placing me back down to the S 40s. Hadn’t been there in ages. I’m not too worried about climbing back up, though.


Inkster Jr.
Mar 4, 2016
Note to self: Add using a weapon with disruptor in Rainmaker as a tactic, because my first rainmaker match of the day was fun. It's gonna be a bad day for my enemies if they hold the rainmaker. "grin"

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