So I don't usually blame my teammates for things, but this was just too much.
I was like 'hmmm let's use a new weapon - how 'bout the .52 Gal?'
Obviously, since it was a new weapon, I played my lowest ranked mode (B rank rainmaker).
I literally had to carry my team the entire time.
At the beginning, I got a triple kill (I like this weapon!), which just left one octobrush, and he was miles away, so I was like 'pfft my teammates are using some longer ranged weapons, I'm sure they can deal with him' and started to cover mid before pushing the Rainmaker a bit.
The octobrush proceeded to kill my teammates (who were using a Tri slosher, SSPro, and a TTek - pretty sure that that means that they were incompetent, because nobody goes against a SSPro at long range with a short range weapon and wins), then abmbush me from behind while I was pushing the Rainmaker. By then his team had respawned, and they pushed the rainmaker to 4 before I respawned because my incompetent team failed to stop them.
I respawned and made a beeline for the rainmaker carrier, I killed 2 of his bodyguards, then traded with a 3rd, and the rainmaker made it to the end for a KO.
The match was over in less than a minute, and I got 6 kills, the rest of my teammates got none.
I was using a completely new weapon, and I was carrying my team - that's how incompetent they were.