This. I couldn't have said it better. Good riddance!People used to stack Damage on the .52 Gal because ''But defense, I don't want 3 shots'' and they wanted to guarantee that 2 shot kill on everyone, even the elusive player that stacked a lot of defense. But now that both Damage and Defense are gone, meh!
I mostly blame Damage, it kinda broke the consistency of shooters and extended their range a bit, it allowed weapons to do things they were not meant to do, like 99.9 damage Rapid Blasters or Bamboozlers, essentially turning them in 1 hit kills, and it allowed people to play certain weapons the way they were not meant to be played. Like Burst Bomb Main E-Liters and Splat Chargers that could replace Squiffers.
While defense you needed to stack so much just to notice a difference, again, because people were stacking damage ''just in case'' they got that defense up player, making it useless, hahaha!
Time to report him!Time for another name and shame! THIS little jerkwad sat in spawn the entire match, squidbagging and spamming "this way!", throwing the match. Furthermore, I went to block him and I already had him blocked, I didn't remember him before but he keeps doing this stuff! Block and report this sack of crap if you see him!
Huh, you think you know a guy! I've played with this dude many times, saw him just yesterday infact, but have never seen him do anything like that. Well I can't block nor report him since I've not witnessed him doing wrong, plus I don't really do that sort of thing.Time for another name and shame! THIS little jerkwad sat in spawn the entire match, squidbagging and spamming "this way!", throwing the match. Furthermore, I went to block him and I already had him blocked, I didn't remember him before but he keeps doing this stuff! Block and report this sack of crap if you see him!
You can still block him if you're worried.Huh, you think you know a guy! I've played with this dude many times, saw him just yesterday infact, but have never seen him do anything like that. Well I can't block nor report him since I've not witnessed him doing wrong, plus I don't really do that sort of thing.
Do you actually, personally know this jerk? Well keep an eye out for his behavior, I've only seen the worst from him.Huh, you think you know a guy! I've played with this dude many times, saw him just yesterday infact, but have never seen him do anything like that. Well I can't block nor report him since I've not witnessed him doing wrong, plus I don't really do that sort of thing.
Not personally, all I know is I've never seen him use anything other than the Splattershot. In general I haven't actually seen much foul behavior in the hundreds of hours I've played this game for, but I guess I'm just lucky.Do you actually, personally know this jerk? Well keep an eye out for his behavior, I've only seen the worst from him.
You are, it's almost a daily occurrence for me. Ragequitters and idlers and people like this, oh my! :P I was in a group with 5 friends when we ran into this guy and his behavior, so plenty can vouch for what I saw.Not personally, all I know is I've never seen him use anything other than the Splattershot. In general I haven't actually seen much foul behavior in the hundreds of hours I've played this game for, but I guess I'm just lucky.
I know I'm doing it, but naming and shaming probably shouldn't be a trend. Hell, I should knock it off. Maybe just report them.I had the displeasure of playing with an AFK "player" tonight. The player didn't seem to do much in the first match, they were in the opponent team. We won. In the following match, they were in my team and they stayed on the spawn point pretty much the whole match and ended with 51p. In the third match, they decided to try and play after the opponent team had dominated the map already. Not fun.
Wondering if I should post the screenshots I took or just report the person.
Yeah, even as not only a SR lover but also a random weapon squad fan in Splat 1Couldn't figure out why last night there were so many tryhards in Turf when Salmon Run was wide open...
...then talked the roomie into playing a few SR rounds after I was all Turfed out. Understood immediately. That was an awful weapons roundup. Both .gals, both Nozzlenoses. What sadist...???