I've got some salt piled up now, and it's time to let it go. This is going to be entirely about ranked mode, because turf wars are pretty mild and not worth getting salty over. So let's do this!
Let us start talking about Rainmaker. For some reason, I have the worst luck in this mode. In one match, one teammate kept placing beacons on the spawn point. Everytime they died, they added another beacon. There was a point when there were 3 beacons on the spawn point, and 2 next to it. Ugh. Then in another match, a teammate and myself were struggling to hold back the enemy team, and of course, we kept dying- with 4 of them and just the two of us. When I checked my map while respawning to do a superjump, where do I see the other two teammates? Completely on the opposite side of the map, just inking around the enemy base. I can understand one player going off and making that mistake, but two of them. Needless to say, we lost that match horribly. Lastly, there was a match where one of my teammates grabbed the Rainmaker, and then proceeded to carry it to OUR SIDE OF THE MAP. Thankfully, someone on the opposing team took them out pretty quickly, so it didn't get too far on our side, but WHY. I am cursed in Rainmaker, and will never make it out of C-.
No particular issues about Tower Control or Splatzones (that I can remember, mostly just matches were teammates are nowhere to be found, and I'm riding the tower by myself with no cover), but I will complain that I was just a sliver away from from ranking up in Tower Control, but I had several bad matches in a row (I already had 2 cracks), and went down two-thirds of the way. That was painful. At least tower control is my best match, so I hopefully will get that back up soon. Orz
I may add screenshots later to show my pain.