The Dead(er) Sea: Saltiest Catch


Token Party Squid
Jul 17, 2016
Switch Friend Code
How can you tell? Routine squidbagging?
The hyperaggressiveness, mostly. Taking advantage of a perceived lack of skill on the part of new players, steamrolling a team that's suffered a disconnect, the tantrummy behavior of targeting someone over several matches because they splatted you once. That kind of thing. It just rubs me wrong.

I ran into plenty of S-rank JP players in Splat1. They were good, no contest there, but by and large the JP playerbase as a whole kept the game fun and fair, even when it was tough to go up against them. They're good teammates to have, imho, and I miss 'em. US players just seem to be out for blood and glory and nothing else.


「Pavor Nocturnus」
Mar 16, 2016
The hyperaggressiveness, mostly. Taking advantage of a perceived lack of skill on the part of new players, steamrolling a team that's suffered a disconnect, the tantrummy behavior of targeting someone over several matches because they splatted you once. That kind of thing. It just rubs me wrong.
Ooooh, same. I always dread the moment a DC happens on either side for people are just so plain "in your face" about it, it's not funny anymore. Borderline bullying newbies is another thing I keep seeing a lot and try my best to cover the poor souls, and I've been haunted by a few before, though that might be more because I have this huge laser gun on me, so that doesn't say a lot. :p

I don't think there's a solution to keep these players in check for that's just how they play now but it does aggravate me sometimes, enough to take longer breaks should I keep landing in lobbies full of hyperaggressive players. They're just no fun to deal with all the time, even less so in Turf. There's just something about them that keeps sucking the energy out of me faster than in any ranked mode and that says a lot.

Drew Sebastino

Inkling Cadet
Aug 9, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Taking advantage of a perceived lack of skill on the part of new players, steamrolling a team that's suffered a disconnect
Doesn't the game encourage this though (lead to a win)? I'm not sure how much you can blame the player over the game in this case, especially when the former is directly related to the poor matchmaking.


Token Party Squid
Jul 17, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Doesn't the game encourage this though (lead to a win)? I'm not sure how much you can blame the player over the game in this case, especially when the former is directly related to the poor matchmaking.
You likewise can't much blame the game over a lack of self-restraint on the part of the players =p
Yes, sweeping your enemies before you, crushing them and listening to the wailing of their women are all valid strategies... but they shouldn't have to be the default.

Eh, I'm not out to start a fight. Just saying these are my experiences in the shallower end of the pool. When I'm pushed to the point where I go into a red haze of murder-mode* to get even a tough-but-fair fight, it's not as enjoyable for me. It's probably the same for a lot of us.

*and if you guys hadn't figured it out already, I'm infuriatingly laid-back about games XD


Inkling Cadet
Sep 12, 2017
For the last few weeks, I have been grinding out ranked. I managed to get S in all modes without much incident. It's after that where the problems lie. I just can not get past that point. It takes 4 losses (5 if they're generous) to break my meter, but 10+ wins to rank up. Each session is just a struggle to get past the OK point. Except for Splat Zones.

Matches generally start rather well for me and my team. We get a good push into enemy base, and keep the lead for a fair amount of the match. Then at some point, we get wiped, and the enemy pushes farther than us, causing us to lose. Despite leading for most of the match, the loss is still an immediate crack. There are very few curbstomps. Splat Zones seems to go a little better, but it's still frustrating. Splat Zones starts with a win streak leading me near the rank up marker, then just enough losses to break my meter. If I were even a little better, these matches maybe could have been salvaged.

There is something I'm seriously lacking as a player. Something keeping me from getting stuck in higher leveled lobbies and actually doing well. Instead it's always mid-level lobbies I generally do meh in. I can't blame my teammates. They all pull their weight, and they seem know what they're doing. Actually my Rainmaker rank was saved because of two sets of amazing teammates. When I get some time off and can wrangle a teammate, I try league so I can get in some practice. Maybe my partner will get irritated at me and yell what I'm doing wrong. I also hope to get stuck against a high-leveled team and learn a thing or two. Sorry better players, but I want to get stuck against you in League and get curbstomped!

As frustrating as it is still being mediocre, I will still keep chugging on! Genius can sometimes come endlessly banging your head against a wall. That and a migraine.
Last edited:


Pro Squid
Aug 17, 2017
I played 7 matches of league splat zones yesterday.

5 out of 7 matches were completely mismatched, putting us with an A/B pair against all S+. How is this fun?

To add insult to the injury, some of those S+ were strong pairs (2200 - 2300 power). I've come to accept an occasional mismatch, but 5 out of 7 is absurd.

We quit after 7.


Pro Squid
Aug 2, 2017
Vienna, Austria
Switch Friend Code
I saw that happening like always. Strangely, that seems like it's reversed in splatfests. Last time I had splatfest power of 2263 but I fell down to 1145 over time because I were always matched up with <2100 players or even <2000 players. That meant the I always had to fight with a team that couldn't really do anything against the enemies. And Im not a aggresive player. I can't carry my team when I'm the only one standing 20 seconds before the match ends.

Deleted Member

I don't understand this ever since I fully let go of my grudge my accuracy dropped indefinetly. I used to make effortless shots without even trying when I had a grudge, now that it's gone I'm like a butterfly in the summer breeze.


Inkling Commander
Oct 3, 2016
ur mom

For real though, Nintendo, could you please fix solo queue matchmaking/ranking. This is getting kinda ridiculous.

I'm mainly talking about S+ solo queue here, but this pertains to all ranks. If you can't reach S+ rank in this game, I'm sorry for those of you reading this, but anybody can. Getting to S+ these days is just a matter of time. Since ranking down is almost impossible to do with the "Okay bar" preserving your rank allowing those who probably would have lost their rank due to a losing streak, another chance to keep their rank. And while that's good and all, it's just not the way ranked should work. and yes, even the wiki has uncertainties about how the ranked system works. Even though this game has been out for months, and this topic has been studied tremendously.

The main problem I have with it is the inconsistency of the ranked bar, cracks are supposed to be made every two losses, but I've had multiple times where the bar immediately cracks after the first loss. Also, the rate at which the bar fills with orange, is complete luck. Sometimes you might have 1/12th of the bar fill up, other times you might get 1/4th of it filled. Who honestly knows? So for the sake of this comparison, let's assume you consistently get 1/8th of the bar filled after winning, and you consistently get a crack after every 2 losses.

So looking at this model, with a blank slate in S+, theoretically, you can win 4 matches, and lose 8 of them, and still maintain your rank in S+. So you can have a 33% win ratio and still keep your rank in S+. And if you reached the okay line before, you get extra ranked meter for starting again. That's right, even if you were getting bodied and you barely got on that Okay line, you get extra credit for your next attempt. Meaning that you can theoretically win only 3 matches out of 11 now, and preserve your rank. That's cool. You can preserve your S+ rank if you can barely win more than 25% of the time. Does anyone else see this as a potential problem?

If you had a 33% win ratio in splatoon 1, you could sustain yourself in C- rank. Not even C rank, just C- rank with a win/loss ratio like that. Since it rewards people with 20 points a win and -10 for a loss. For reference, S+ in Splatoon 1 if you were ranging from S+ 0 - S+ 39, you lost 4 points when you lost, and you got 4 points when you won. Making it so that if you got 50% win ratio you could keep your position in low S+. If you climb up the ladder in S+, it gets gradually harder with the next range 40-79, winning 3 points if you won, losing 5 points if you lose. The next range for 80-99 only gives you 2 points for winning, and you lose 5 points for losing. This is what made S+99 an accomplishment. It's what people wanted to challenge themselves to get, to be that S+99 squid who showed that they were good at this game. And guess what, it succeeded. It only let the best of the best get in, and getting S+99 made sure that squid was a seasoned veteran, with plenty of game sense.

What does Splatoon 2 have for a maximum achievement? S+ 50... Sure, it looks cool, but the journey up there is extremely static. It's going over 49 S+ bars that function the exact same, with no differences. Which can be quicker if you get lucky by skipping S+ ranks, but again, that's inconsistent. So if you can't manage to skip over an S+ rank, you're stuck grinding through 49 S+ bars. Which isn't fun. Or challenging. What's the final challenge you may ask? When you get to S+ 50, the game throws a curve ball at you and puts the okay line on the far right, meaning you have to fill up the bar to get there. However, it's too late because you're already at S+50, it showcases your rank there, why would you want to play more? You've already grinded through a whole mountain of S+ ranks, plus you need to do it in 2 other modes (eventually 3 with clam blitz), if you don't like to be considered a one trick pony.

Besides, since the ranked meter fills up inconsistently in S+, that means that the opponents you face are inconsistently ranked. If you look at the bottom left corner before the match starts, you can see the average power level of the people in the lobby. In S+, the lobby power can range from 1700-2300 power. Any problem with that? It only makes getting that ultimate achievement of S+ 50 that much more inconsistent. Since you could have bodied scrubs all day and all night to get that S+ 50, or you could have struggled against pro players for that S+ 50. It's not like the matchmaker actually separates S+0s from S+50 players anyway. That might actually make going for S+ 50 not feel like a pointless grind, with an actual, gradual challenge that makes the game feel exciting to play.

You may be thinking to yourself, "What's the worst part about this ranked system?" And I believe it is that you the player do not know where you personally stand on the scale of players (especially in S+) since the game likes to tease you with the average lobby power in the left corner, but it never really tells you how good you are preforming as a player. The game doesn't give you an indication of what your personal power level is, you just have to guess based on your average power in a lobby. Which can be pointless since you only matter for an eighth of that lobby's power. You could be a complete scrub among 7 pros, or you could be a pro with 7 other people who can't hold a controller straight. Or you could ideally be with the average right with the rest of the lobby, allowing for a competitive game where both teams are fair. What's wrong though, you don't have a power level for yourself. It's not like the game could possibly tell you "oh yeah you are a player with 2090 when it comes to splat zones".

Except it totally can. League can give you a ranking with your team and splatfest grades you individually based on that aspect. Which helps you put into context where you are as a player. Instead of trying to guess how good you are based on what opponents you fight.

Now you may be asking yourself "ThatOneGuy, you sure are a salty squid when it comes to this. If the ranked system in Splatoon 1 was so good, why didn't they keep it?" That's an amazing question. I'll be blunt about this, but it was the community constantly complaining about how S+ was too hard to get into. I wish I was joking about this. The amount of people saying they deserved a rank higher than the one they received was so massive, it pushed Nintendo to make this extremely forgiving okay bar system. Therefore allowing anyone with enough patience to become S+, no matter how bad you could be. As long as you're not actively throwing games, hitting S+ shouldn't be impossible.

You may have just read that and said "If you hate this game so much, why don't you just quit?" And that's not true, I love playing this game. I like trying to win every match, I like how fast paced the game can be, I enjoy trying to get better at what I do. Heck, one thing I like about the new ranked system is how they divided your rank into 3 ranks based on the 3 different modes available right now. That makes sure you're not S+ because you can use a Luna on Tower Control. It would be a good check to see who's actually S+ if the ranked system actually worked. I merely rant about this because I want to see the game get better. If I didn't care about this game, I would have easily stopped playing a long time ago, and forgot about posting my feelings about the matter.

So, sorry for flooding your webpages with a massive wall of salty text, but something needs to be done about this.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
...Well! ThatOneGuy said exactly what's been on my mind! Well done! Time to add onto that with some salt of my own!

The matchmaking continues to be borked. I'm a good player, this is undeniable, and apparently the ELO or whatever internal matchmaking mechanism there is reflects this, because for a couple weeks now I've faced nothing but pros in pair League. Dude and Hitzel and Sendou and every major group you can name. This isn't fun. And if it isn't pros, I'm obliterating 1500 power babies. I can't play league casually at the moment because the best of the best are in my lobbies and ALWAYS on the other team, I either bring my A-game or lose repeatedly, which can happen anyway if I get low-ranked allies going against these people.

"But it goes off your partner's stats as well!" Except... it doesn't. I play with folks in the competitive scene and strictly casual B-rank folk alike, and in both cases we're likely to face the best in the world. It's been inescapable. I could quad to even the odds, but guess what! People don't quad! Often times there isn't enough teams to fill the leaderboard, as Guy pointed out!

Is it really asking so much to be pitted against people that are top-notch but not pro level like myself? I've gotten gold and not broken into the top 100, you can't tell me there isn't enough people about! Gah, this game...


Inkling Cadet
Feb 11, 2015
QC. Canada
Oh man... remember those days of people going ''I'm in B+ but I play like an S+ player! I'm just not in S+ because of bad teammates and disconnects!'' The people that were saying this were pretty much asking to get carried. I know these play a factor when it comes to solo queue, but if you can't hold your own in the first place you won't go far.
It's a competition to some degree, it's okay if you don't reach the top rank, some people win, some people lose. Don't go and complain about outside factors (a.k.a your teammates and dc's) if you can't reach the top. ''git gud'', practice, look at what you're doing wrong, improve your play, and then you will be able to reach the top.

With this ranking system, everyone wins, and it feels like anyone of any skill level can get S+
The power gap in S+ is way too huge. The power ranges from 1700-2300+ power, and I have been told by people that they get 1900 power matches in B+. If a B+ match can get a higher average power than an S+ lobby, I think something's wrong, wouldn't you agree?

The lettered rank became another pointless stat, alongside levels, it just shows how long you have been playing the game. However we can't consider the letter completely moot since we have nothing else to lean on for the individual player's skill (since people love to judge you with that)

That wouldn't be such a concern if the game would let us see our own individual power levels, that would solve not everything, but at least some of the problems that this causes within the community.


Token Party Squid
Jul 17, 2016
Switch Friend Code
So, solo Salmon Run isn't that bad.

...except for those times when Grizz kicked me out in to the Smokeyard alone (I survived round 1, at least), or with only one other coworker.

0300 is a heck of a time to be online :'D

Mr. Squiggly Squid

Inkling Commander
Oct 10, 2017
Seashell Suburbs, North Inkopolis
I flat out don't get why people think the new music doesn't fit in. I mean, if you don't like it because you think the songs are bead, then that's totally fine. This music clearly wasn't going to satisfy everyone's tastes, but how does it not fit in? Every band in Splatoon is vastly different from each other (this is definitely more obvious in the second game though.) The new music they added in to the first game was just as different, so I don't get why these new songs are so out of the ordinary. Also, there was only one version of Now or Never for regular battles in the first game too, and I thought it stuck out like a sore thumb with Chirpy Chips and Hightide Era far more that the new songs in 2. I'm not trying to change anyone's opinion, I'd just like to hear the rationale as to why people don't think it fits.


「Pavor Nocturnus」
Mar 16, 2016

For real though, Nintendo, could you please fix solo queue matchmaking/ranking. This is getting kinda ridiculous.

I'm mainly talking about S+ solo queue here, but this pertains to all ranks. If you can't reach S+ rank in this game, I'm sorry for those of you reading this, but anybody can. Getting to S+ these days is just a matter of time. Since ranking down is almost impossible to do with the "Okay bar" preserving your rank allowing those who probably would have lost their rank due to a losing streak, another chance to keep their rank. And while that's good and all, it's just not the way ranked should work. and yes, even the wiki has uncertainties about how the ranked system works. Even though this game has been out for months, and this topic has been studied tremendously.

The main problem I have with it is the inconsistency of the ranked bar, cracks are supposed to be made every two losses, but I've had multiple times where the bar immediately cracks after the first loss. Also, the rate at which the bar fills with orange, is complete luck. Sometimes you might have 1/12th of the bar fill up, other times you might get 1/4th of it filled. Who honestly knows? So for the sake of this comparison, let's assume you consistently get 1/8th of the bar filled after winning, and you consistently get a crack after every 2 losses.

So looking at this model, with a blank slate in S+, theoretically, you can win 4 matches, and lose 8 of them, and still maintain your rank in S+. So you can have a 33% win ratio and still keep your rank in S+. And if you reached the okay line before, you get extra ranked meter for starting again. That's right, even if you were getting bodied and you barely got on that Okay line, you get extra credit for your next attempt. Meaning that you can theoretically win only 3 matches out of 11 now, and preserve your rank. That's cool. You can preserve your S+ rank if you can barely win more than 25% of the time. Does anyone else see this as a potential problem?

If you had a 33% win ratio in splatoon 1, you could sustain yourself in C- rank. Not even C rank, just C- rank with a win/loss ratio like that. Since it rewards people with 20 points a win and -10 for a loss. For reference, S+ in Splatoon 1 if you were ranging from S+ 0 - S+ 39, you lost 4 points when you lost, and you got 4 points when you won. Making it so that if you got 50% win ratio you could keep your position in low S+. If you climb up the ladder in S+, it gets gradually harder with the next range 40-79, winning 3 points if you won, losing 5 points if you lose. The next range for 80-99 only gives you 2 points for winning, and you lose 5 points for losing. This is what made S+99 an accomplishment. It's what people wanted to challenge themselves to get, to be that S+99 squid who showed that they were good at this game. And guess what, it succeeded. It only let the best of the best get in, and getting S+99 made sure that squid was a seasoned veteran, with plenty of game sense.

What does Splatoon 2 have for a maximum achievement? S+ 50... Sure, it looks cool, but the journey up there is extremely static. It's going over 49 S+ bars that function the exact same, with no differences. Which can be quicker if you get lucky by skipping S+ ranks, but again, that's inconsistent. So if you can't manage to skip over an S+ rank, you're stuck grinding through 49 S+ bars. Which isn't fun. Or challenging. What's the final challenge you may ask? When you get to S+ 50, the game throws a curve ball at you and puts the okay line on the far right, meaning you have to fill up the bar to get there. However, it's too late because you're already at S+50, it showcases your rank there, why would you want to play more? You've already grinded through a whole mountain of S+ ranks, plus you need to do it in 2 other modes (eventually 3 with clam blitz), if you don't like to be considered a one trick pony.

Besides, since the ranked meter fills up inconsistently in S+, that means that the opponents you face are inconsistently ranked. If you look at the bottom left corner before the match starts, you can see the average power level of the people in the lobby. In S+, the lobby power can range from 1700-2300 power. Any problem with that? It only makes getting that ultimate achievement of S+ 50 that much more inconsistent. Since you could have bodied scrubs all day and all night to get that S+ 50, or you could have struggled against pro players for that S+ 50. It's not like the matchmaker actually separates S+0s from S+50 players anyway. That might actually make going for S+ 50 not feel like a pointless grind, with an actual, gradual challenge that makes the game feel exciting to play.

You may be thinking to yourself, "What's the worst part about this ranked system?" And I believe it is that you the player do not know where you personally stand on the scale of players (especially in S+) since the game likes to tease you with the average lobby power in the left corner, but it never really tells you how good you are preforming as a player. The game doesn't give you an indication of what your personal power level is, you just have to guess based on your average power in a lobby. Which can be pointless since you only matter for an eighth of that lobby's power. You could be a complete scrub among 7 pros, or you could be a pro with 7 other people who can't hold a controller straight. Or you could ideally be with the average right with the rest of the lobby, allowing for a competitive game where both teams are fair. What's wrong though, you don't have a power level for yourself. It's not like the game could possibly tell you "oh yeah you are a player with 2090 when it comes to splat zones".

Except it totally can. League can give you a ranking with your team and splatfest grades you individually based on that aspect. Which helps you put into context where you are as a player. Instead of trying to guess how good you are based on what opponents you fight.

Now you may be asking yourself "ThatOneGuy, you sure are a salty squid when it comes to this. If the ranked system in Splatoon 1 was so good, why didn't they keep it?" That's an amazing question. I'll be blunt about this, but it was the community constantly complaining about how S+ was too hard to get into. I wish I was joking about this. The amount of people saying they deserved a rank higher than the one they received was so massive, it pushed Nintendo to make this extremely forgiving okay bar system. Therefore allowing anyone with enough patience to become S+, no matter how bad you could be. As long as you're not actively throwing games, hitting S+ shouldn't be impossible.

You may have just read that and said "If you hate this game so much, why don't you just quit?" And that's not true, I love playing this game. I like trying to win every match, I like how fast paced the game can be, I enjoy trying to get better at what I do. Heck, one thing I like about the new ranked system is how they divided your rank into 3 ranks based on the 3 different modes available right now. That makes sure you're not S+ because you can use a Luna on Tower Control. It would be a good check to see who's actually S+ if the ranked system actually worked. I merely rant about this because I want to see the game get better. If I didn't care about this game, I would have easily stopped playing a long time ago, and forgot about posting my feelings about the matter.

So, sorry for flooding your webpages with a massive wall of salty text, but something needs to be done about this.
Äckschullie ("Actually"), I completely agree, lol. And not just because "ew my teams suxx and that's why I even deranked in RM whuaaaah" which by the way happened, but whatever, I'll get back anyway, but because of how easy it is to rank up due to the OK line being a thing. I'm late to the party to grind to S+ but it's really just that, a grind, with A-ranks being some sort of purgatory because I'm not lying when I say there's legitimately people on my lobby who a) are below level 20 and b) end up with a 4-10 or worse KD, not to be seen alive at all, who I assume can't even hold their controller straight. :| Now of course I'll go and say, out of frustration sometime, these squibs to be partially to blame, but it would've been a non-squissue if the ranked system in terms of how to rank up / down was kept S1-style. Because the system would sort them out before they even reached A, or S at least. Can't begin to tell you of the horrors of matchmaking in just-before S, oof.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I am certain Marina must be a saboteur, why else would she keeps torturing Inklings with the worst shifty station stages imaginable


Pro Squid
Aug 17, 2017
I leagued with an A-ranker for fun and expected to get easier matches. We got a decent score (better than I've gotten with some S+ friends), but here comes the salt.

We won the opener ~1700 and proceeded to matches between 1800-2000, as if I were leaguing with my usual twin. Sure, we got a few baby matches that were easily won, but it went straight back up after that.

My takeaway is that rank doesn't affect league matchmaking. It seems to go off some ELO / hidden power, and despite me being an "A-", it's treating me like an S+ for MM purposes.

I had a blast as did my twin, but it probably would have been a nicer learning experience for my twin if the matches were a little easier.


「Pavor Nocturnus」
Mar 16, 2016
I am certain Marina must be a saboteur, why else would she keeps torturing Inklings with the worst shifty station stages imaginable
While I usually agree, I'm so sorry for what I'm about to say but I actually totes dig this one for a change. The spreaders are a cool obstacle that you have to keep an eye on but aren't as obstrusive as wellp.... uh, those revolving doors from last time. Dunno, I just really enjoyed playing on this stage and I'm usually among the first one to complain about shifty stations. .-.

Though on a funny note,
this was my first match of Splatfest. #cries
It's as if the game wanted to tell me, "boi, this is what you're in for this time around. Prepare your seventh planet, it's going to be a rough ride. :D

Absolutely Absol

Pro Squid
Oct 19, 2017
In a Switch cartridge
I don't know if this is mentioned in this thread... matchmaking in Splatfest isn't good because it put me against S+ ranked players. I'm not pro player and considered myself to be B ranked even my actual rank is A. I do get tired being splatted by same enemy.

On the bright side, I teamed up with S+ teammates.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
After playing on it for a bit, this Shifty Station isn't that terrible as i initially imagined. It still is a single choke with a gimmick to it, the only big difference is that it's wide so there's at least that.

I'm kinda hoping for a more normal stage next time, that's a bit more open like the first two.


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
So since I'm sick I decided to be even less productive than usual and just play Splatoon. =p

And today's focus was league battles. Oodles and oodles and even oodles of league battles. Twin and quad—matchmaker is bunk! Why are some of my teams, even after we get a rating, fighting players 300~500 points higher than them even at our best?

Also, I played the Gloogas Dualies... a lot. I have so many questions about my decision. More than even you have about my decision. And here's a good visual metaphor of my entire weekend experience with the gloogas:

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