Oooh~Hugs!!! *accepts hug*
I think a better mechanic would be if someone clips your shots they get flung into the enemy you were trying to splat so it splats both of them. A la ink armor's slip n' slide mechanic that flings you off the stage if it breaks while you're in certain areas.
No good painting weapons to grind up the Bubble Blower? What about the Heavy Splatling Deco, a.k.a. the Fabulous? It paints rather well and does the bubble thing. I could also make the argument that the Tenta Brella has Bubbles and paints decently. It just doesn't do much else.This is something that's been rubbing me the wrong way and it's now sort of reached it's climax of suck with the changes to CRB's set.
The kits in this game are trash. Like very few weapons actually work with the subs and specials they're given, and the ones that do end up being in top tier. There's no midrange weapon with Beakons, which are the type of weapons that can afford to lose a bomb to make beakons worthwhile. There's exactly one weapon that can utilize mines well, which is the Rapid. The only reason Forge is so high up on the tier list is because it's the best weapon that can grind up Bubble Blower, because there is literally no painting weapon with BB so the SSPro will have to do.
I think they tried to make weapons not too powerful by giving the weapons imperfect kits, but all it means it that you now have a weapon that has a clumsy sub/special that doesn't work well with the main weapon itself.
I was just thinkin about this the other day! I was trying to pinpoint why exactly splat 2 doesn’t seem as fun to me as splat 1, and I feel like it’s a mix of this and some degree of nostalgia, as well as not being fond of certain special weapons (baller and inkjet). It doesn’t help that usually my favorite main weapons have sets I don’t like (octobrush is my fave main weapon and I hate autobombs and inkjet, RIP. I rejoiced when the nouveau happened)This is something that's been rubbing me the wrong way and it's now sort of reached it's climax of suck with the changes to CRB's set.
The kits in this game are trash. Like very few weapons actually work with the subs and specials they're given, and the ones that do end up being in top tier. There's no midrange weapon with Beakons, which are the type of weapons that can afford to lose a bomb to make beakons worthwhile. There's exactly one weapon that can utilize mines well, which is the Rapid. The only reason Forge is so high up on the tier list is because it's the best weapon that can grind up Bubble Blower, because there is literally no painting weapon with BB so the SSPro will have to do.
I think they tried to make weapons not too powerful by giving the weapons imperfect kits, but all it means it that you now have a weapon that has a clumsy sub/special that doesn't work well with the main weapon itself.
For the first time since I picked the game up, I felt like I was playing super fresh. 10-15 splats per round. Had my first game where I broke 20 splats! I finally feel confident bringing my Tri-Slosher to bear against blasters and splattershots! All losses. My push for A in Tower Control is ruined, and I'm back at carp tier like common chum."Well jeez I've been practicing for a bit maybe I should go a head and play ranked for a bit"
And then I got wrecked in multiple matches