The Dead(er) Sea: Saltiest Catch


Full Squid
May 26, 2018
Switch Friend Code
I played three matches of Splat Zones today and my mood changed for the worse after every single one.

Match 1: an even match which my team won by KO, but I made some dumb moves in it.

Match 2: a 4v3 in my team's favour, in which we came dangerously close to losing. We did pull through in the end though, although things got dicey again when my teammates decided to spawncamp the opponents without success. I had to play the last line of defense in the zone.

Match 3: a 4v4 which might as well have been a 3v4, as one of my teammates was AFK for almost the entire match. Her only contribution was to look down at our spawn. We took an early lead, but got walled towards the end. The opponents didn't look too strong, so there's a chance we would've won a fair 4v4.

I don't think I'll touch the game for the rest of the day.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Feb 8, 2014
Not exactly salty, but I would appreciate if Murch got the exact gear I ordered at least once in his life.
If what I heard is correct then the WUT tag was invented by a popular Youtuber who designed a tag for people who like squid partying. I don't know if that's the truth so don't quote me, but it might explain some of the uncool partying you are seeing around. Aside from people just loving to crap on other people's days.
They at least don't do that in ranked. I see [WUT] tags fairly often. That said, in Salmon Run, they always squid party a bit before the round starts and in-between rounds. I don't mind it, though the time they play around could be spent inking walls to have alternative entry and exit points should the actual entry and exit points be filled with salmons.


Full Squid
May 26, 2018
Switch Friend Code
To my Rainmaker teammates from earlier: why did you try and try again without success to break through the chokepoint in the center of the map, when the flank was completely free, to which I have hinted at with countless "This Way!" shouts? This loss is on you. Even worse that we only lost with a 1-point difference.

Everyone is always eager to grab the Rainmaker, but once they finally have it, they have no idea what to do with it other than to blindly shoot because it looks cool.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
To my Rainmaker teammates from earlier: why did you try and try again without success to break through the chokepoint in the center of the map, when the flank was completely free, to which I have hinted at with countless "This Way!" shouts? This loss is on you. Even worse that we only lost with a 1-point difference.

Everyone is always eager to grab the Rainmaker, but once they finally have it, they have no idea what to do with it other than to blindly shoot because it looks cool.
I at least give your mates an A for effort for actually grabbing the RM. Still not the best effort as you stated, but I usually have a hard time getting mine to pick up the darn thing. We could burst the shield, and I leave and take out an enemy or two and oh look...the RM is still sitting in the same spot it was popped. Or oh look, the enemy team picked it up because no one grabbed it.

My splash walls are always placed near the RM for easy pick up. Far away enough so that a bomb thrown at it won't splat you. And if an enemy team wants it, they have to go round it and risk getting splatted. But no...let's not grab the RM. Cuz that'll surely help us win.


Full Squid
May 26, 2018
Switch Friend Code
I at least give your mates an A for effort for actually grabbing the RM. Still not the best effort as you stated, but I usually have a hard time getting mine to pick up the darn thing. We could burst the shield, and I leave and take out an enemy or two and oh look...the RM is still sitting in the same spot it was popped. Or oh look, the enemy team picked it up because no one grabbed it.
Interesting, it's exactly the opposite for me. I haven't encountered many people who refuse to pick up the Rainmaker. From my experience, there are usually at least two people scrambling for it, wanting to play the hero of the team.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
And to my previous mates of the failed clam blitz matches, all of them. Do me, and others a favor, and get off clam blitz. Period. I got so many team wipes, left so many spaces for flanks, to score, spammed come here, and you all sat there and did nothing. Absolutely nothing. The only thing you did was feed them not only splats, but give them easy wins. That was thee worse coordination of losses i've ever gotten.

Yes, i'm salty, sure could've been a bad day. But you get off when that happens. Two cracks in only an hour. One win, in that time, and that was because of a DC on the other team.


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Camp Triggerfish Rainmaker!! (╬ Ò﹏Ó)

Everyone keeps taking the scenic route via the inkline instead of up the ramp. Sure, it's useful to put space between you and the defenders--but often the situation doesn't call for it!

So instead they waste time zipping to the other side! Meticulous moments deactivating then reactivating the line, giving the defenders ample time to stonewall and mount a defense, or being a sitting duck while traveling through the line or in midair.

Ugh, saved too many clips of such nonsense from both sides of this! Finally had someone who stopped trying to change the inkline and followed me up the ramp for the dunk as I endlessly spammed "This Way!" *collapses* x_x


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Why did my teammate wander off in a glowfly round to keep pointlessly swimming up a wall when we could've used the perfect strategy of letting the Dynamo Roller teammate crush Goldies easily? I wonder how teammates like this have even made to Profreshional if their strategy is to cling to a wall on Lost Outpost instead of help reducing the number of Salmonids from a safe distance.
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「Pavor Nocturnus」
Mar 16, 2016
I don't have anything specific to salt about other than my inkredible inkompetence after my long break from the game. I've become so rusty that I feel like I gotta go back to square one again. Why am I like this.


Full Squid
May 26, 2018
Switch Friend Code
I've been having bad luck in SR lately, but this takes the cake.
You could've saved those for later.... You didn't even kill the bosses....
This looks awfully familiar. I had a teammate who used his bomb rush special. In the middle of wave 1. IN COMPLETELY FREE TERRAIN. He had a G&K tag so I didn't expect much to begin with, but come on...this is Profreshional we're talking about. Not Babby's First Shuut Gaem.

Salmon Run has been miserable for me this session in general. I've had everything, from dumb mistakes on my part, over incompetent chargers, to disconnects. I resumed at Profresh 160 from yesterday, hoping I could bounce back to 200...but instead dropped to 130 within three matches.

At least I ranked up to B in Rainmaker, so that's nice I suppose.


Token Party Squid
Jul 17, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Not exactly salty, but I would appreciate if Murch got the exact gear I ordered at least once in his life.

They at least don't do that in ranked. I see [WUT] tags fairly often. That said, in Salmon Run, they always squid party a bit before the round starts and in-between rounds. I don't mind it, though the time they play around could be spent inking walls to have alternative entry and exit points should the actual entry and exit points be filled with salmons.
WUTers aren't all useless, I've run into a few who are serious players - though never really hardcore. They just seem to be dedicated casuals.

...unlike G&K, who are totally useless =p


Inkling Cadet
Aug 13, 2017
I don't have anything specific to salt about other than my inkredible inkompetence after my long break from the game. I've become so rusty that I feel like I gotta go back to square one again. Why am I like this.
Same :(

Also why are y'all hating on squid partiers? Let them enjoy the game the way they want to.

And don't give me weapon freshness as an excuse. If you care that much about your weapon freshness then you really need to find better things to do with your time.

I am beginning to ask my self what is the role or advantages of the roller in ranked. Shooters can ink faster, farther and it seems TTK is higher too, since I trade a LOT more up close than in the first game. It does not have an advantage up close what so ever, or the squid hitbox has become slightly bigger. Roller has become super inconsistent, there are times where I am sure it should splat but for some reason it does not. What is the real purpose of the roller? Cannon-fodder? If it just was more consistent...
Why use the roller?

Because you can be A BOSS

(If you're good at it)


Inkling Cadet
Jan 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Same :(

Also why are y'all hating on squid partiers? Let them enjoy the game the way they want to.

And don't give me weapon freshness as an excuse. If you care that much about your weapon freshness then you really need to find better things to do with your time.

Why use the roller?

Because you can be A BOSS

(If you're good at it)
I'm sorry, I forgot that most people wanted to play the game the actual way it was meant to be played. Ya the objective. Which in Turf War is to ink the most. In rank, do whatever objective it is. And in Salmon Run, meet your quotas. The problem is not that they're partying, it's where they're partying people have the problem with. People use tickets, and partiers on your side is usually a loss, which means a wasted match. If people wanna worry about their weapon freshness, then let them. That's what Private Lobbies are for. You can do whatever you want in there, but most people in whatever mode it is actually wants to play the game.

Your sentence can be turned back around to say, "Why are y'all hating on people who play the mode like it's suppose to be played? Let them enjoy the game the way they want to". I'm sure at this point in time, most of us have learned to let them party, play the match as best we can, leave, then either block them, or join a different lobby. Point blank is, it's annoying when you want to play the actual game. Period.

Sorry if that came off super aggressive or anything as I didn't mean it, but it's just annoying. Not the best analogy to use, but it's like you and a group of people teaming up to do a project. You have one person who isn't doing any work and just goofing off, thus wasting your time and making the workload harder.


Inkling Cadet
Aug 13, 2017
I'm sorry, I forgot that most people wanted to play the game the actual way it was meant to be played. Ya the objective. Which in Turf War is to ink the most. In rank, do whatever objective it is. And in Salmon Run, meet your quotas. The problem is not that they're partying, it's where they're partying people have the problem with. People use tickets, and partiers on your side is usually a loss, which means a wasted match. If people wanna worry about their weapon freshness, then let them. That's what Private Lobbies are for. You can do whatever you want in there, but most people in whatever mode it is actually wants to play the game.

Your sentence can be turned back around to say, "Why are y'all hating on people who play the mode like it's suppose to be played? Let them enjoy the game the way they want to". I'm sure at this point in time, most of us have learned to let them party, play the match as best we can, leave, then either block them, or join a different lobby. Point blank is, it's annoying when you want to play the actual game. Period.

Sorry if that came off super aggressive or anything as I didn't mean it, but it's just annoying. Not the best analogy to use, but it's like you and a group of people teaming up to do a project. You have one person who isn't doing any work and just goofing off, thus wasting your time and making the workload harder.
Yeah you did come off as just a tad aggressive there.

Ok I understand being mad about partiers in SR or Ranked but why do you care about turf war? It's the casual game mode for goodness' sake.

And it's not like they're hating on you or stopping you from enjoying the game. Just let them get on with what they're doing and you can play the game the way it's meant to be played.

Also believe me squid parties in private lobbies are the most boring thing ever. Part of the reason that squid parties in turf war are so fun is that you've got random people joining in the insanity.

Also your analogy of a group project is false. If you don't complete a group project, there are (usually) consequences. You're missing that Splatoon is just a game, and turf war is a casual mode. If you're gonna get this annoyed about it, just don't play the game or at least don't play turf war.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Feb 8, 2014
Squid parties in Turf Wars are totally fine, in my opinion. In ranked it gets trickier because there is actually something (meaningless, but still) to lose if you keep losing matches due to squid partying, but there is no such thing in Turf Wars.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Yeah you did come off as just a tad aggressive there.

Ok I understand being mad about partiers in SR or Ranked but why do you care about turf war? It's the casual game mode for goodness' sake.

And it's not like they're hating on you or stopping you from enjoying the game. Just let them get on with what they're doing and you can play the game the way it's meant to be played.

Also believe me squid parties in private lobbies are the most boring thing ever. Part of the reason that squid parties in turf war are so fun is that you've got random people joining in the insanity.

Also your analogy of a group project is false. If you don't complete a group project, there are (usually) consequences. You're missing that Splatoon is just a game, and turf war is a casual mode. If you're gonna get this annoyed about it, just don't play the game or at least don't play turf war.
This was a much larger response, but I'd rather not clog up this thread with this discussion, so I'll just leave it. It's obvious you're yay for parties and I'm nay for parties. Nothing's gonna change that as opinions are opinions, but you can't just tell people to just "Well if you don't like it then don't (insert whatever it is here)". Not really a valid statement. I've learned to deal with it, but it's not gonna stop people, like me, who get slightly annoyed with it when it happens from complaining about it. Simple. I've learned this since Splatoon 1 that it's just something you have to deal with.

Not to mention, this is a salt dedicated


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Let me complain about squid partiers as much as I want, I'll add even more to why I hate them to justify. Not everyone has a lot of free time and this squid party crap only waste that free time. What's so hard about just doing it in private battles where you won't waste anyone else's time? Not only that, but it also wastes the tickets that a player has going on. I know I was harsh about this, but that statement about weapon freshness was harsh on its own.


Inkling Cadet
Apr 12, 2018
Switch Friend Code
Whoever said WUT members.......I wholeheartedly agree. Thankfully I rarely see them in my ranked matches , but I do enjoy turf war as well, and they're well known for never playing in turf war. I actually block players like throwers. Even the dude who started WUT is ashamed of what his group has turned into. To think I used to NEVER block people when I first got the game....and now my block list is full between turf and ranked players, there are just so many a-holes in this game. I don't even mind squidbagging after someone kills long as they're playing the game. I feel like Putz now with the block list. Lol

*the people saying "it's only turf war".....eff off. The vast majority of people who turn on the game turn it on to actually play regardless of what mode they're playing. A lot of time, I play turf to level up gear, and if you don't win, it takes longer to level up.
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