The Dead(er) Sea: Saltiest Catch


Inkling Cadet
Apr 12, 2018
Switch Friend Code
Camp Triggerfish Rainmaker!! (╬ Ò﹏Ó)

Everyone keeps taking the scenic route via the inkline instead of up the ramp. Sure, it's useful to put space between you and the defenders--but often the situation doesn't call for it!

So instead they waste time zipping to the other side! Meticulous moments deactivating then reactivating the line, giving the defenders ample time to stonewall and mount a defense, or being a sitting duck while traveling through the line or in midair.

Ugh, saved too many clips of such nonsense from both sides of this! Finally had someone who stopped trying to change the inkline and followed me up the ramp for the dunk as I endlessly spammed "This Way!" *collapses* x_x
I don't mind RM so much on this's not the best stage,but I don't hate it. I despise Splat Zones on it though. I avoid SZ when it's in rotation......hard pass.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Why the Hydra Splatling for Salmon Run?! I much prefer the Dynamo Roller as the slow weapon to use in that mode, so why isn't it on that mode often yet the Hydra Splatling is common?! Thanks to this dead weight of a weapon, it costed us a game that we would be sure we would win! I don't want situational weapons in Salmon Run, especially with its habit of spawning a gazillion Flyfish and Stingers.


Full Squid
May 26, 2018
Switch Friend Code
Why the Hydra Splatling for Salmon Run?! I much prefer the Dynamo Roller as the slow weapon to use in that mode, so why isn't it on that mode often yet the Hydra Splatling is common?! Thanks to this dead weight of a weapon, it costed us a game that we would be sure we would win! I don't want situational weapons in Salmon Run, especially with its habit of spawning a gazillion Flyfish and Stingers.
Same experience here, I'm not a fan of that weapon. Everytime I got the Hydra Splatling, I tried to be proactive and charge it before a wave of enemies starts coming towards us. However, almost everytime I did, I got greeted by a Flyfish, so I had to give up my charge. And in the middle of a wave I've never found the opportunity to charge up.

I think I was more helpful with bombs than with the Hydra.


Inkling Commander
Jun 7, 2016
The input latency is really disappointing. I've been feeling like I can't aim lately. I took a charger into the rest room, played around a little. Booted up Splat1, test a charger. Holy crap. Night and day difference in my ability to land hits. And my motion sensitivity is higher in Splat1 (in terms of arm movement for camera movement) so it's not even jitter causing Splat2 issues. Played 2 games, won both, got some nice splats.

I just have to stop playing snipers for a while. It's too frustrating missing shots that I used to be able to land.


Inkling Commander
Sep 5, 2015
I took a charger into the rest room, played around a little.
Don't mind me, just preserving this quote for all eternity because I'm incredibly immature.

I don't get what's with all the hate towards the Hydra in Salmon Run. It's pretty hard to use, no doubt, but when you get it, you hold in your hands a weapon that can easily take out a Drizzler alone and at a massive range. I generally prioritized these and Cohocks, because the double ring charge deals 35 damage per bullet, melting through them and clearing bulk for your teammates.

In fact, during this rotation with the Hydra, Machine, Blaster, and vanilla Dualies, I got my best run of over 110 eggs! I'll upload a clip a little later when I have my SD card.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
This game is going to die, at least in America, and it may well be deserved. I can't see the competitive community or even the casual playerbase surviving into next year. The reasons are numerous.

Toxic community, to start. There seems to be three distinct groups that make up a lot of Splatoon's actively chatting fanbase: hyperactive kids, immature adults (that'd be me), and a particularly disgusting third category I won't mention but you can probably guess. ****-talking and talking behind other's backs abounds, people throw fits publicly and privately, no real penalty in-game for inappropriate behavior... the list goes on and on. The only reason this game doesn't have people cussing at each other and randos throwing slurs at other randos is a lack of in-game communication - Splatoon's fanbase seems less vulgar than some but it's JUST as nasty.

On the competitive side of things, teams are disbanding all over and notable players are quitting. Japan and EU don't seem to have nearly as many personality problems as we do, and their skill level reflects it. The skill gap is only going to widen as teams like Spicy Kraken Rolls and Quantum keep falling apart with little in the way of replacement talent. How is this sustainable? This game will certainly never be an Esport, that's for sure.

Challenges facing the casual community are a different matter. For one, there's competition. Fortnite, one of the biggest games of the time, hit Switch today and Smash is on the way. People only have so much time and we are going to lose a great many casual fans to games that are newer and less flawed. And then there's paid online... no matter what Nintendo does, that will wound the playerbase as people refuse to pay no matter what for a multitude of reasons. And if Nintendo does nothing and demands payment for peer-to-peer 16hz connections, that'll cause even more dissatisfaction and departures. Between those two factors, there is NO way the English-speaking playerbase isn't going to shrink. And no online game, regardless of what it is, can survive without casual players. Lose the casuals and the game's relegated to only the most hardcore who won't exactly be welcoming.

And the game itself is stagnant. There hasn't been a patch in well over a month, and the last few patches have done little to change the trajectory of the meta. New weapons and stages promise to change things up, but ultimately the only thing that's changed is player perception. While some think it's good for the meta to evolve organically like this, it also means outstanding issues with the game remain unfixed. Kinda comes off as bread and circuses to me.

Familiarity breeds contempt, I suppose. At least I'm posting this doom and gloom in the right place, hah. I fully expect to get some derision for this, but that's to be expected. Do as you will, thanks for reading, press F to pay respects!
Last edited:


Inkling Commander
Nov 29, 2016
This game is going to die, at least in America, and it may well be deserved. I can't see the competitive community or even the casual playerbase surviving into next year. The reasons are numerous.

Toxic community, to start. There seems to be three distinct groups that make up a lot of Splatoon's actively chatting fanbase: hyperactive kids, immature adults (that'd be me), and a particularly disgusting third category I won't mention but you can probably guess. ****-talking and talking behind other's backs abounds, people throw fits publicly and privately, no real penalty in-game for inappropriate behavior... the list goes on and on. The only reason this game doesn't have people cussing at each other and randos throwing slurs at other randos is a lack of in-game communication - Splatoon's fanbase seems less vulgar than some but it's JUST as nasty.

On the competitive side of things, teams are disbanding all over and notable players are quitting. Japan and EU don't seem to have nearly as many personality problems as we do, and their skill level reflects it. The skill gap is only going to widen as teams like Spicy Kraken Rolls and Quantum keep falling apart with little in the way of replacement talent. How is this sustainable? This game will certainly never be an Esport, that's for sure.

Challenges facing the casual community are a different matter. For one, there's competition. Fortnite, one of the biggest games of the time, hit Switch today and Smash is on the way. People only have so much time and we are going to lose a great many casual fans to games that are newer and less flawed. And then there's paid online... no matter what Nintendo does, that will wound the playerbase as people refuse to pay no matter what for a multitude of reasons. And if Nintendo does nothing and demands payment for peer-to-peer 16hz connections, that'll cause even more dissatisfaction and departures. Between those two factors, there is NO way the English-speaking playerbase isn't going to shrink. And no online game, regardless of what it is, can survive without casual players. Lose the casuals and the game's relegated to only the most hardcore who won't exactly be welcoming.

And the game itself is stagnant. There hasn't been a patch in well over a month, and the last few patches have done little to change the trajectory of the meta. New weapons and stages promise to change things up, but ultimately the only thing that's changed is player perception. While some think it's good for the meta to evolve organically like this, it also means outstanding issues with the game remain unfixed. Kinda comes off as bread and circuses to me.

Familiarity breeds contempt, I suppose. At least I'm posting this doom and gloom in the right place, hah. I fully expect to get some derision for this, but considering the usual suspects around here that's to be expected. Do as you will, "thanks" for reading, press F to pay respects!
Yeah, splatoon never really had much hope competitively after it came out that the second game was in some ways technically inferior to the first. Nintendo’s feeble attempts at marketing it (and arms, for that matter) as an esport have pretty much failed because Nintendo hasn’t really done or promised anything to fix these glaring issues. And like you said, with competition coming and some already here, I think splatoon has officially missed the boat there.

I’m unfamiliar with the actual competitive scenes, but the bits and pieces I’ve heard aren’t good. Most of the talk I hear is about important players changing teams or teams breaking up, so that’s not a great sign.

While I think the game has been changing a decent amount with the new weapons being added, I agree that it’s due for another patch to shake things up. Even if splatoon hasn’t a chance at being a major competitive game, a stagnating meta is just noooooo fun, and people aren’t gonna pay extra to play a game online for a year if they only get a new experience every 3 months or so.

Honestly, idk your personal situation or if you had any plans of “going pro” or whatever, but at this point I’d just play the game with friends (or solo) to have fun, if you’re not burnt out on it. I read something recently about playing games for your own intrinsic value rather than extrinsic gratification, and I’ve been trying to use that advice to have more fun with splatoon (with mixed success).

ANYWAY my point is: the competitive community will probably die, if we could ever say it was alive in the first place, and I agree that a lot of ppl in the splatoon community can be. “Less than ideal” to hang with. So it’s probably best to just enjoy splatoon for what it is, separate yourself from the rotten eggs surrounding it, and try to have fun!


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
While i /do/ have my gripes with this game mostly from a technical aspect, I've more or less accepted that it's just going to be this. A 16Hz tickrate and a step-down in terms of netcode is pretty hard to stomach, alongside a lack of updates on the technical aspect on things (Sprinkler nerf, looking at you!). But i don't think trying to cling desperately on this game is going to make things better. I'm going to move on to other stuff, and if there's going to be a new balance patch that'll fix the game proper then well i'll be back. The fact they're going to keep up support until December 2018 was a nice surprise last night and i can only hope we'll see a few more balancing patches until then.

Toxicity in this game is almost nonexistent, many of you will probably disagree with me out there, but play something with voice chat or text chat and you'll see that it's a step up in terms of nastiness. Here the most that can happen is squidbagging and throwing, in actual chat you'll get whiny nerds throwing death threats and slurs at their own team. One of the main reasons I've stuck with squid children's videogame is because of the lack of VC/text chat so i don't have to see proper GIFT in action.

I've mostly shut up about it on this forum because i don't want to scaremonger this game too much. I realize that there's still a lot of you interested in this game and i don't want to rob you of your enjoyment. The worst i can say about it that i'm envious because i'd love to be as invested in you guys and girls at this game, but i can't because having a D/C every other game in my lobby is kinda disappointing to deal with.

I know this is the salt thread... But i'm way more in for celebrating this game or series over hating it to bits, and it kind of sucks that opportunities to praise the series are rare and few inbetween all the salt. Splatoon 2 could be way better, but it also could be way worse. I've spend 50$ on worse things.


Inkling Cadet
Aug 13, 2017
As a player on the EU servers, I can say that it's not much better over here. :(

But at least smash is out reasonably soon, right?


Inkling Commander
Sep 5, 2015
I'm not overly disgruntled over what this game could have been; I enjoy it for what it is and how it's changed since S1's release. I mean, I have a copy of Superman 64 and I don't love it because it met all my expectations, rather I love it for what it is: broken and hilarious on every level.

Seeing as this is the salt thread though, I'll express my undying frustration with the fact that I can't seem to improve further. I'd like to get X rank in all modes, but not if I lack awareness to this degree. It just seems like everyone around me has perfect perception of where my entire team is, who has their specials ready, how to maneuver around perfectly to avoid each weapon they encounter, the perfect time to approach and when to lay low... Then there's me who still derps his way into people who actually roll with a roller.

Maybe I should just add a [WUT] tag to my name so I can remove any obligation to be good.

Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
Y'know, I don't really have any salt to share right now. Aside from things going on IRL, like being worked to death in a drab and yet somehow overly aggravating environment, I am relatively happy with things right now. Allow me to explain.
  1. I just got back onto the game recently as I have been spending what time I have been getting with other games that have been on my to do list such as the Shantae series, Wizard of Legend, Binding of Isaac, and Monster Hunter Generations. I decided to take up something I rarely use. A Charger. More specifically, the New Squiffer. I am still learning the ropes of how too use the tools it brings to the table in the most optimum fashion, but I have been doing rather well with it! I am pleased by my improvements and am happy to see that I can wield more than just the usual suspects!
  2. My other games have been going quite well also! I have unlocked everything and gotten every achievement in Wizard of Legend, made substantial progress in Half Genie Hero, and am working my way to having everything done in Binding of Isaac as well. I feel rather refreshed from a gaming standpoint, and that can mean only better Splatoon play, right? I'd like to think so.
  3. Did you see Nintendo's E3 Direct? I am so hyped for so many things! Smash Ultimate is the big thing of course, but I liked much of what I saw and can't wait to get my hands on some of the goods! Daemon X Machina? Yes, please! More Xenoblade Chronicles content? Excellent! Fortnite on Switch? Well, Fortnite isn't really my thing but I am happy for those who do want it! But the big reason why I am happy right now...
  4. OCTO EXPANSION HYPE! It's here today and that means I can fire away at so many new challenges, get my hands on some new gear, and get an Octoling to join in the fun!
I know that all this positivity is kind of anathema to a salt thread, especially with @Dessgeega throwing out the doom and gloom outlook, but I have little to be salty about. At least right now. I'm sure that something will come along that I will want to complain about. But I'm not there yet! Please, let me bask in the moment!


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Good feedback, folks. When you get invested in something, you love it enough to want it to be the best it can be. That results in doom and gloom criticism like this, though sadly too many people put it through the jerk filter too. Even I'll admit I was a tad grumpy writing that last night. Honestly, all they'd have to do is fix the tickrate and I'd be back in a heartbeat, most everything else would be tolerable if the latency shenanigans went away.
Toxicity in this game is almost nonexistent, many of you will probably disagree with me out there, but play something with voice chat or text chat and you'll see that it's a step up in terms of nastiness. Here the most that can happen is squidbagging and throwing, in actual chat you'll get whiny nerds throwing death threats and slurs at their own team. One of the main reasons I've stuck with squid children's videogame is because of the lack of VC/text chat so i don't have to see proper GIFT in action.
Spend more time on Discord and Twitter, you'll see plenty of toxicity :p That said, I agree with you about scaremongering, hence why this giant pile of grievances will be all I say on the matter. Saying my piece now frees me up to focus on the positive things coming up.
Seeing as this is the salt thread though, I'll express my undying frustration with the fact that I can't seem to improve further. I'd like to get X rank in all modes, but not if I lack awareness to this degree. It just seems like everyone around me has perfect perception of where my entire team is, who has their specials ready, how to maneuver around perfectly to avoid each weapon they encounter, the perfect time to approach and when to lay low... Then there's me who still derps his way into people who actually roll with a roller.
Are you on Discord? There's several servers where you could ask questions and get feedback on your gameplay, and despite my ranting plenty of people in the community would be up for coaching. That includes me, more or less.
I know that all this positivity is kind of anathema to a salt thread, especially with @Dessgeega throwing out the doom and gloom outlook, but I have little to be salty about. At least right now. I'm sure that something will come along that I will want to complain about. But I'm not there yet! Please, let me bask in the moment!
By all means, be positive! :) Good to hear things are going well for you! Me, I've moved onto other games like Etrian Odyssey 5 and Gotta Protectors and Kirby Star Allies and I've been having a blast. Nintendo does have some great stuff on the way too!

Eh, that's all, really. Hope you lot are having a great week!

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
When you get invested in something, you love it enough to want it to be the best it can be. That results in doom and gloom criticism like this, though sadly too many people put it through the jerk filter too. Even I'll admit I was a tad grumpy writing that last night. Honestly, all they'd have to do is fix the tickrate and I'd be back in a heartbeat, most everything else would be tolerable if the latency shenanigans went away.
D****t, it's nigh impossible to hate ya, especially with how similar we can be.

I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't still a tad upset with the General-discussion+my-own-thread incident. Looking back through that mess, I still see mis-steps on everyone's part.

But I can at least see my fault for letting my anger, from being poor shamed for not wanting to pay extra for online, get the better of me and letting that anger steep into my later posts with many of y'all.

Anyways, back to the shadows. I'm mostly content with this weekly lurk-check-in (not much seems to change around here, anyone gonna try writing/sharing some guides? Maybe talk about some of the weekly tournaments that go on?) and didn't plan on posting anything, but this snippit of Dess's post hit too close to home for me to let slip by, un-mentioned.
Refreshingly, unlike the paid "service" details announced thus far, Octo expansion has proven to be worth every penny of $20 =P
Already 100%-ed it, but like hell that's stopping me from using some of these challenges as new warm-ups. S***** challenging, yet do-able and satisfying.

Guess you'll hear from me again when Nintendo finally has the juevos to tell us more about new stuff coming out with the subscription fee dropping.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaanyways ya squits, Peace


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
D****t, it's nigh impossible to hate ya, especially with how similar we can be.

I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't still a tad upset with the General-discussion+my-own-thread incident. Looking back through that mess, I still see mis-steps on everyone's part.

But I can at least see my fault for letting my anger, from being poor shamed for not wanting to pay extra for online, get the better of me and letting that anger steep into my later posts with many of y'all.

Anyways, back to the shadows. I'm mostly content with this weekly lurk-check-in (not much seems to change around here, anyone gonna try writing/sharing some guides? Maybe talk about some of the weekly tournaments that go on?) and didn't plan on posting anything, but this snippit of Dess's post hit too close to home for me to let slip by, un-mentioned.
Refreshingly, unlike the paid "service" details announced thus far, Octo expansion has proven to be worth every penny of $20 =P
Already 100%-ed it, but like hell that's stopping me from using some of these challenges as new warm-ups. S***** challenging, yet do-able and satisfying.

Guess you'll hear from me again when Nintendo finally has the juevos to tell us more about new stuff coming out with the subscription fee dropping.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaanyways ya squits, Peace
what is your deal.png

That said, glad to hear you're alright and that you've enjoyed the expansion.


Inkling Cadet
Sep 12, 2017
On the topic of toxicity. While some some places, like here don't have much in the way of toxicity, there's plenty of other places in the Splatoon community that do.

One that really gets to me is the streaming/competitive community. I put these together because the most popular streamers are competitive/formerly competitive. Some of these people encourage some really disgusting behavior. I recall one stream where the streamer had a private battle with some of his subscribers. He spent the entire time yelling at anyone who was on his team, and one time he cussed out a guy for having a bad game. Let me state this again. These are subscribers on a private "for fun" battle. There are plenty of others who publicly block others for having bad games, and on chat, I see people who go on about instantly leaving games with the blocked player and blocking them as well.

Even the nicer comp streamers very clearly look down on non-comp players. If you see them talk to someone about their ideas, they'll give an attitude towards anything that isn't meta.

I sometimes end up spending quite a bit of time trying to defend these "awful" teammates. Though apparently trying to look in other peoples' perspective is too difficult. I hope to do something to address this issue, or atleast create a haven to discourage that disgusting behavior.

Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
@J'Wiz It's something that a lot of competitive communities end up having to deal with. I am not condoning such behavior by any means! Toxicity is toxicity, no matter where it is coming from! But it is to be expected, at least to some degree, from any game that has a competitive scene/community. I can only imagine what the competitive scene looks like for games like Call of Duty or Overwatch. *shudders*

But no amount of competitive attitude should make you look down upon someone for not being as competitive as you. That's just childish. Not everyone is going to want to play to that level. Some people just want to have fun with the game. Others want to get better for sure, but are not going to have perfect games all the time. I have had games where I have gone 15-1 and won by a near blowout, and then the next game I get stomped on, putting up a mere 3-5. It happens. We all have bad games. But to shame someone and even block them for having a bad game? That's just plain sad and disrespectful.

On the point of the meta, something that seems to govern what weapons you even can use sometimes, I think that it is good to learn to use at least one weapon that is considered meta. Just so you have something to fall back on when things look down. But not all the meta weapons are going to be fun all the time. I am happy that I have the Splattershot Pro weapons to use when things get intense, and the Heavy Splatling is my bread and butter! But you know what other weapon I really like for no good reason? The Glooga Dualies. I can't really say why, but I like both the vanilla and the Deco versions of this weapon! I know that there is no way that either of these weapons could be considered meta, but I love them! My stance is learn what you want to learn, be it meta or not. This is a game after all, no matter how seriously we may take it at times. The most important part of the game is that we have fun with it. If you can't stand being the Splatter Shot or Sploosh-o-matic, then forget it! Be that Goo Tuber! Be that Hydra Splatling! If Nintendo only ever released weapons that were "meta" then the game would be very boring indeed. You would think that the people streaming this game would know that.


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Much encouragement to ya @J'Wiz! Can't wait to see your with and we don't mind helping out as you like.

But you know what other weapon I really like for no good reason? The Glooga Dualies. I can't really say why, but I like both the vanilla and the Deco versions of this weapon!

I know that there is no way that either of these weapons could be considered meta, but I love them! My stance is learn what you want to learn, be it meta or not. This is a game after all, no matter how seriously we may take it at times. The most important part of the game is that we have fun with it. If you can't stand being the Splatter Shot or Sploosh-o-matic, then forget it! Be that Goo Tuber! Be that Hydra Splatling! If Nintendo only ever released weapons that were "meta" then the game would be very boring indeed. You would think that the people streaming this game would know that.

Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
@Ansible I remember when the Gloogas first came out and you were trying to use them. That post where you chased an enemy for roughly a year and just couldn't hit them sticks out in my mind! I imagine you've come a long way since then! :D


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Ugggggh...! I can still remember it without having to rewind the tape...

Have I improved since? Probably. But an at least a buff or two for the Gloogas, especially for accuracy and roll cooldown, seriously help!

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