The Dead(er) Sea: Saltiest Catch

Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
Yes, the Glooga buffs helped considerably! I still remember when the cooldown from the rolls felt like waiting in line at the DMV. Between that and the range buff after rolling, I feel like a happy Squid/Octopus. Those Rainmaker denials were pretty sick!


Pro Squid
Aug 14, 2017
Switch Friend Code
It hasn't even been a day since I got back to Multiplayer and I'm already losing splats to the Dualie Squelchers and their stupid roll. Who thought it was a good idea to put the non-vulnerable roll on the longest ranged dualies?

Also, why do all the TTek Splattershots have to show up when I just want to use my beloved Zimi? I always seem to lose every fight with them, even if I'm already spun up.

Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
Also, why do all the TTek Splattershots have to show up when I just want to use my beloved Zimi? I always seem to lose every fight with them, even if I'm already spun up.
Well, for starters, the Zimi isn't quite as broken as it was in S1. That having been said, there a couple of things to keep in mind when it comes to fighting a Splattershot in general with a Mini.
  1. You have longer range than them. Use that to your advantage to keep them at bay until you can find a better time to go in for the kill.
  2. Burst/Curling Bombs can be used to levy advantages into your favor. They only need three shots to splat you and they are still a rapid fire weapon. Their TTK can be ridiculous, so take whatever advantages you can!
  3. You have a faster firing rate and can do a good deal of suppression, but that high fire rate is locked behind a charge time. It's not much of a charge time, but it can be the fight winner. Make sure you know when to charge up a volley and when to retreat to put some distance between the two of you.
I think that about covers what I was thinking. Hopefully this information helps in some way!


Pro Squid
Aug 14, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Well, for starters, the Zimi isn't quite as broken as it was in S1. That having been said, there a couple of things to keep in mind when it comes to fighting a Splattershot in general with a Mini.
  1. You have longer range than them. Use that to your advantage to keep them at bay until you can find a better time to go in for the kill.
  2. Burst/Curling Bombs can be used to levy advantages into your favor. They only need three shots to splat you and they are still a rapid fire weapon. Their TTK can be ridiculous, so take whatever advantages you can!
  3. You have a faster firing rate and can do a good deal of suppression, but that high fire rate is locked behind a charge time. It's not much of a charge time, but it can be the fight winner. Make sure you know when to charge up a volley and when to retreat to put some distance between the two of you.
Yeah, I find going on the defensive and putting some distance between them does help, (and finding that sweet spot is a part of shaking off the rust I've accumulated over a few months),I just got ambushed a lot that session lel.

Also, since this is the salt thread: Griller waves.


Inkling Commander
Aug 28, 2017
Quite peeved that I can still get X lobbies where my teammates spend the entire match just trying to paint zone and completely disregarding kills. Which is exactly what we need to win the game. I don't care that we don't have control of the zone right now. Just go in and kill people so we can push forward and actually have a dominant presence in the game. I'll end up 14-6 while my fellow splash neo goes 3-13. That said - only play carry weapons in X rank if you drop too low. I was in the 2300's doing fine playing firefin, then tried a weapon I'm sort of half good at and dropped to 2000. Now I have to use a carrying slayer weapon (ttek) to get my score back. How does anyone get into X rank with their main tactic in zones being "paint and protect the zone." No. you have to get kills and push up and pressure. The battle should not be in zone the whole time.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I'm convinced that when using a drink ticket, the game puts you through a nightmare of losing streaks. Gees, I just wanted to have Special Charge-Up subs on my Splatfest gear.
Last edited:


Pro Squid
Aug 14, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Ugh, my salt levels are off the charts right now.
The Inner Agent 3 fight.
Just why? Why do people feel like we need these outrageously difficult moments in video games?
I wouldn't even be that mad with the fight if it just had even one checkpoint, is it too much to ask for?
I have harsh words for the Devs and anyone who sympathises with this kind of challenge...


Inkling Cadet
Jan 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
So I did my 10 matches of clam blitz yesterday to get my power. Haven't done clam blitz since I got x rank. And man...I was so frustrated. So many matches could've been won if my team would've just...inked. Literally that's it. If the opposing team would get wiped after opening the basket, my team wouldn't ink at all most of the time. So I'm left here trying to ink as much turf as possible to make moving around easier, and having to sacrifice my ink storm for it a lot of the time, but they just wouldn't ink. Making it easier for the opponents to get right back into our area.

Like...why won't you ink? Yes scoring is very important in rank, as well as getting splats. But how are we suppose to move around when like 70% of the map is covered in the opposing team's color???


Inkling Commander
Oct 3, 2016
ur mom
Quite peeved that I can still get X lobbies where my teammates spend the entire match just trying to paint zone and completely disregarding kills.
Excuse me, where did you find that blessed lobby. Because I keep getting the custom blasters who go 2-13 on my team, painting a max of 300p. Seriously, I'd rather have teammates who paint zone than a bunch of kill hungry dumbskulls (like myself).

The Inner Agent 3 fight.
Just why? Why do people feel like we need these outrageously difficult moments in video games?
I wouldn't even be that mad with the fight if it just had even one checkpoint, is it too much to ask for?
I have harsh words for the Devs and anyone who sympathises with this kind of challenge...
I played against that boss yesterday and it was so hard. Seriously, the boss is insane even for a no life like me who has 1000 hours logged in already. I can't expect too many casuals to be motivated enough to beat it. Hell, most X rank players are a breeze compared to agent 3. I think it's a good test of skill to prepare a player for muliplayer. But I don't think your average squid is going to be able to pull out 5 different specials at you, meanwhile dodge rolling around with a splattershot. Not to mention, she takes a lot more hits to splat than even an opponent with ink armor.

I think the worst part about the boss is that you get just a measly golden pin to stick in your hair that's just special charge up. It couldn't be a really good ability like Comeback or even Tenacity.

I got pretty close trying to beat her, as I got to the last phase, but then I died trying to kill agent 3 mid splashdown. At that point, it had been 15 minutes of attempts, and I wanted to league.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
So, we have people who Spawn Camp, and we have people who don't ever look at the map, then we have people who keep ignoring the enemy team. That's just great! Just what I needed to try to have some fun, thanks for ruining my time, game! Not to mention, people who just goof off in public matches. I literately had to punish those by seabagging them, ironically, that did the trick into forcing them into playing the game as intended.


Token Party Squid
Jul 17, 2016
Switch Friend Code
That had to be the best Shifty Station I've ever had the pleasure of playing on. I even loved the moments of losing matches. Can kinda see where the "lol it's a ripoff of Saltspray" comments came from? But I like that kind of straightforward map layout.
So many Saltspray, holding down the main territory alone, mowing through whoever gets in there...

...and the rest of my team dying repeatedly right next to spawn.

Good times.

I realized this week why I love the Splasho so much. It's basically the fully-upgraded Hero Shot. Same fire rate and range more or less. Having that firehose in my hot little hands gives me such a sense of false invincibility.
I kinda love it.

Made some new party friends, which is always fun.
Had a terrific end to Monday night when @Ansible and @Hero of Lime both dropped in and ended up on the same team as myself and Troublesome Friend. :p

Saw someone in the Square who I'm suspecting may have been hacking. White ink isn't a thing normally, is it? Have I missed something?
Yet another tricksy roller doing weird things with ledges.
Roller and a brush (iirc) on Humpback who both ran straight into my crosshairs, then respawned and did the exact same thing again in the exact same spot. Really, guys?


Inkling Commander
Aug 31, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I played against that boss yesterday and it was so hard. Seriously, the boss is insane even for a no life like me who has 1000 hours logged in already. I can't expect too many casuals to be motivated enough to beat it. Hell, most X rank players are a breeze compared to agent 3. I think it's a good test of skill to prepare a player for muliplayer. But I don't think your average squid is going to be able to pull out 5 different specials at you, meanwhile dodge rolling around with a splattershot. Not to mention, she takes a lot more hits to splat than even an opponent with ink armor.

I think the worst part about the boss is that you get just a measly golden pin to stick in your hair that's just special charge up. It couldn't be a really good ability like Comeback or even Tenacity.

I got pretty close trying to beat her, as I got to the last phase, but then I died trying to kill agent 3 mid splashdown. At that point, it had been 15 minutes of attempts, and I wanted to league.
I was in Europe at the time Octo Expansion came out, so I could only test Agent 3 before I had to move hotels. Later that day, I beat it in like 15 - 20 minutes when I was concentrated. I think that happened because a) I got lucky or b) I'm a scaredy cat so I'm pro at evasion.

I tried it a second time later and almost beat it again in around 5 tries, but Splashdown...

And for anyone who's trying to beat it, I do not wish you good luck, but instead I wish you good skill because that's what you're going to need :).


Jun 24, 2018
Switch Friend Code
One player in my last regular match rose the salt levels in my body system. They spammed with the bucket, giving no chance to react, I can't get a good on them because I have to cautiously keep my distance, that bomb spamming special didn't help matters, and he single-handedly drenched our spawn area in orange. I've never seen a bucket user that caused that much of a problem in match alone. :mad::mad::mad:

Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
If you are having trouble with this fight, I get it. I feel your pain. Agent 3 is supercharged in comparison to any other opponent you can face. S/he can take more hits, deals great damage, has ridiculous range, a really unfair infinite range Autobomb, multiple specials, a dodge roll despite using an obviously souped up Splattershot, and pinpoint accuracy seemingly. This fight had me on edge for a while thinking things like, "How is this fair?" and "Why would you do this?"

But I am a game completionist. I will keep going until I have everything completed, unlocked, and bent to my will like like the digital conqueror that I am. So I kept at it and noticed where the pivotal flaw is in Agent 3's armor so to speak. Remember when I said that s/he has pinpoint accuracy? Well this is true so long as you aren't moving very much. Like most aimbots, it doesn't handle the idea of movement very well. So I found that getting aggressive along with my secret strategy will often win the day. You will need to adjust your tactics to counter the specials that s/he uses, but the key to the kingdom lies is my exploiting his/her accuracy. Want to know how to do that? It's real simple actually.

The answer while walking! That's right, Agent 3 can be felled with the advanced strategy of listing lazily to the left! So long as you have enough map control and a decent idea of how far s/he can dodge roll, this is all you really need. Don't use Bombs on Agent 3, s/he will just dodge away from them before they can have any significant effect. They are only good for phase 4 when s/he is on the flying saucer. Otherwise just simple strafing and dodging will do the job for the most part. Oh, and the final phase with the rapid fire Splashdowns? Play ring around the rosy with Agent 3 with one of the set pieces designed to give you cover. So long as you are on the other side of a piece of cover when s/he uses the Splashdown, you won't take any damage!

Hopefully this helps in some regard. I am aware that I may be preaching to the choir on this one, but I wanted to write this as a means of venting myself. Not only did I have to do this for my own Golden Toothpick, but I had to do it for my roommate as well. This fight is not fun at all. Only enjoyable to go back to if you are some kind of sick masochist. Which I might be as I have considered doing it again as a means of practicing... What is wrong with me?


Token Party Squid
Jul 17, 2016
Switch Friend Code
If you are having trouble with this fight, I get it. I feel your pain. Agent 3 is supercharged in comparison to any other opponent you can face. S/he can take more hits, deals great damage, has ridiculous range, a really unfair infinite range Autobomb, multiple specials, a dodge roll despite using an obviously souped up Splattershot, and pinpoint accuracy seemingly. This fight had me on edge for a while thinking things like, "How is this fair?" and "Why would you do this?"

But I am a game completionist. I will keep going until I have everything completed, unlocked, and bent to my will like like the digital conqueror that I am. So I kept at it and noticed where the pivotal flaw is in Agent 3's armor so to speak. Remember when I said that s/he has pinpoint accuracy? Well this is true so long as you aren't moving very much. Like most aimbots, it doesn't handle the idea of movement very well. So I found that getting aggressive along with my secret strategy will often win the day. You will need to adjust your tactics to counter the specials that s/he uses, but the key to the kingdom lies is my exploiting his/her accuracy. Want to know how to do that? It's real simple actually.

The answer while walking! That's right, Agent 3 can be felled with the advanced strategy of listing lazily to the left! So long as you have enough map control and a decent idea of how far s/he can dodge roll, this is all you really need. Don't use Bombs on Agent 3, s/he will just dodge away from them before they can have any significant effect. They are only good for phase 4 when s/he is on the flying saucer. Otherwise just simple strafing and dodging will do the job for the most part. Oh, and the final phase with the rapid fire Splashdowns? Play ring around the rosy with Agent 3 with one of the set pieces designed to give you cover. So long as you are on the other side of a piece of cover when s/he uses the Splashdown, you won't take any damage!

Hopefully this helps in some regard. I am aware that I may be preaching to the choir on this one, but I wanted to write this as a means of venting myself. Not only did I have to do this for my own Golden Toothpick, but I had to do it for my roommate as well. This fight is not fun at all. Only enjoyable to go back to if you are some kind of sick masochist. Which I might be as I have considered doing it again as a means of practicing... What is wrong with me?
I'm gonna have to go back and mess with Agent 3 more myself. After basically being all 10,007 prior agents attempting to take her down the first time I finally let Marina bail me out. I got her down to the last phase though every time and then she got the better of me.
Roommate beat her face against the second Agent 3 fight for three days and finally just gave up :'D
I've seen some people compare 3 to going up against a laggy player, but that's not it (in my experience anyway). It's more like she's mainlining every buff the game has to offer at the same time, including damage up.

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