The Escape from Octo Valley (IC)


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
The bus then arrives at the Ringed Octarian camp, Clam opens the door and gets off his seat. Taking a look at the camp, it is very large with many tents throughout, many other buses are also seen, no one inside them yet as to not waste the fuel and energy, many tentacled Ringed Octarians are seen patrolling outside while Ringed Octolings patrol the inside of the camp. A Ringed Octohurler is seen waiting outside the bus. The Ringed Octohurler greets Clam.

Clam: General Anemone, our mission was super tough, one of the Octolings that you sent almost got captured!

General Anemone: Hmm, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to send her out on a separate route.

Clam: Coral and I have rescued her, then she took a liking to Coral, needless to say.

General Anemone: Ah, so Kelp did find someone to like, good. That means that in the future, our kind will be saved. Many Octolings here are already dating, so the plan to re-population is coming along nicely.

Clam: I'll just get the others out of the bus and-

General Anemone: No need to worry about that, the merging process is designed to be safe for those inside.

Clam: Now, are the supplies ready? Like beds, food and hygiene supplies?

General Anemone: We got it all, plus uniforms so we don't mistake a spy as one of our own.

Clam: Good, everybody ready?

General Anemone: They are already packing up and moving into the buses. *Takes a look at the camp and sees that there are far less tents left, those also being packed up and being moved into the buses.*

Clam: That's great, that means we are almost ready to go! I'll give the others a heads up to stretch their legs and take in the outside air before we start merging the buses.
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley

The camp is now completely empty, no more tents on it, as the buses start merging Coral and Kelp get up from their seat to stretch their legs and wait outside. The walls of the buses start opening up, making them become ceilings and floors with a few buses keeping and expanding the walls, this continues until all of the buses merged and became a habitable base, all the windows on the walls that became floors and ceilings became covered by metal while the seats retracted into the walls, ceiling and floor. Even more walls jutted out from the inside to make up several rooms, many being dorm rooms. The supplies were set up automatically as it was set in the programming of the buses to do so. Clam, Coral and Kelp go through the door of the newly formed base.

Clam: The impossible just became possible. *smiles*

Coral: This is nicer than what I thought it looked.

Kelp: *Notices it's dark outside* I think we should get some rest.

General Anemone: Great job for your group, now you can use a break for the rest of the day.
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
As everyone gets inside the base, General Anemone talks to all of the remaining Ringed Octarians who are inside the base using a mic built into one of the buses that makes up the base. The general has become excited to talk about the recent change of events as well as the plan for escaping and having good relations with Inkopolis once the Ringed Octarians escape the horrible under ground.

(Wall of text coming up)

General Anemone: As you all know, we are the only ones of our kind left alive, we are so lucky to have escaped in time. Despite all of us losing our loved ones, our determination to live a free life kept us alive. We are not departing yet as we have a rescue mission, near here, there's a facility that's experimenting on Inklings. Basically, we will go on rescue missions to build good relations with Inkopolis and in turn of rescue, the Inklings will help us escape since they want to escape this place once and for all. Now it won't be easy, as we are outnumbered by the Crimsons in every way, but we got some hackers who will jam the signal of the Crimsons so they can't call for reinforcements. Little by little, we will build up our advantage against them. I already pinpointed every location in Octo Valley which Inklings are held as prisoners. Now to not confuse a Crimson spy as one of us, our Octolings will have to wear uniforms on days when we go on missions. We will have break days so as to not overwork. After all, stress is the last thing we need at this moment in time. Now to explain your uniforms, boys will use a metal open jacket while girls will use a metal crop top, this way, we can easily divide the units based on gender if the situation calls it immediately. Despite having armor as uniforms, you will still be required to have some sort of bodyguard with you. The Crimsons are after Ringed Octolings most of all, so bodyguards are a must. Also regarding uniforms, you unfortunately can't wear shirts under the armor. We have seen attempts of doing so and as a result, the extra abilities made previous Octolings think they were invincible and never made out alive. Now our Twintacle Octotrooper will hand out the armor. You can wear the armor on days we take breaks as well.
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Inkling Cadet
Jul 30, 2017
Laying on my bed
Switch Friend Code
(Well the entire I had written up had gotten deleted for some reason sooooo... I guess I'll rewrite it? Also this is a difficult situation for me to write myself into so I guess I'll just wait outside because I'm not necessary welcome here...)


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
(Well the entire I had written up had gotten deleted for some reason sooooo... I guess I'll rewrite it? Also this is a difficult situation for me to write myself into so I guess I'll just wait outside because I'm not necessary welcome here...)
(Don't worry, I'll try to make sure you're welcome here)


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
As Coral feels bad for Silas, he tries to convince General Anemone to trust him.

Coral: General, can you perhaps trust those who is a Crimson but rebel against the Crimsons?

General Anemone: Hmm, maybe he can provide information of the Crimson's weaknesses.

Coral: I mean, I don't think it is fair to leave someone out in the cold just because the rest of their kind is up to no good.

General Anemone: You do have a point there, but just in case, your brother Clam will keep an eye on him to make sure nothing goes wrong, I hope you're ready to accept someone else as your roommate.

Coral: Alright, who?

General Anemone: Kelp will be your roommate.

Kelp: Yay, we can spend more time together!

General Anemone: Clam, Silas will be your roommate.

Clam: I can accept it, he helped us so far to make it here.


Inkling Cadet
Jul 30, 2017
Laying on my bed
Switch Friend Code
(Yayyyyy! I've been accepted :D)
Silas smiles. "Wont let you down. Ask me if you need anything." He gestures to his backpack leaning against the wall. "I've brought supplies, so there's no need to supply me with anything. I also have my own weapons, and can provide support for the others." He then turns to Coral, Kelp, and Clam. "Thanks again, btw." He smiles to them.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
As everyone head to their assigned rooms, Coral and Kelp take a look around theirs, being identical to the other rooms, it has two twin beds, with nightstands, a closet and a mirror. Coral and Kelp try out their new uniforms, Coral goes first.

Coral: Time to try out our new uniforms! *takes off his White Anchor Tee and puts on the open jacket armor while facing the mirror* This actually looks great!

Kelp looks at Coral and she feels her heart thump fast, she almost looks like she is about to faint.

Kelp: *Goes up to Coral and places her hand on his chest* Do I hear a motor? Because mine just got turned on. *takes her hand off Coral's chest* Okay, let me try out mine before I faint. *giggles*

Coral looks away from Kelp so that Kelp can change into her crop top armor.

Coral: Well, it seems you just ran up to me and just got really close.

Kelp: *takes off her Black Anchor Tee and puts on the crop top armor while facing the mirror* Never wore something that would show my belly, but I'm fine with it.

Coral looks at Kelp and gets nervous once again just like the time that Kelp's hand was close to his.

Coral: You look cute. *blushing*

Kelp: *Also blushing* Oh um, thank you.

As both of them are eventually nervous, Coral does something bold, something that would make his life become better or worse on a personal level.

Coral: *nervous* Do you want to go out with me?

Kelp: Yes! *very excited that Coral asked her that*

Coral: *relieved* What should we do as boyfriend and girlfriend first?

Kelp: Well, I always wanted to kiss a guy on the lips.

Coral: Well *walks over to Kelp, puts his hands on her waist and kisses her on the lips*

Kelp: *puts her hands on Coral's shoulders while enjoying the kiss*

Clam watched the whole thing go down through the doorway of the room.

Clam: How adorable, lovers in the trying times.

Coral: *Looks at Clam, but keeps his hands on Kelp's waist* How much did you see of it?

Clam: I saw you two after you put on the armors, so seeing you two in love makes me very happy.

Kelp: *Looks at Clam, but keeps her hands on Coral's shoulders* I'm glad you're happy with this.

Clam: Well, you two have fun, just put on your pajamas before going to sleep, I heard that sleeping while wearing armor can be quite uncomfortable.
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Inkling Cadet
Jul 30, 2017
Laying on my bed
Switch Friend Code
Silas walks in and chuckles. "It sure is for normals, but once you've worn it 24/7 you kinda get used to it." He glances at the Kelp and Coral, and then at Clam. "We should probobly let them have some privacy, and we should probobly find our room too." He smiles at them all.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Clam leaves the doorway and starts heading to the assigned room for him and Silas.

Clam: I agree *closes the door to Coral's and Kelp's room* Just one question, what was your reason to rebel against the other Crimsons? I'm only asking this because I'm curious.


Inkling Cadet
Jul 30, 2017
Laying on my bed
Switch Friend Code
Silas's face suddenly grows cold. "Not right now. I'll tell you sometime, just just not right now." He shakes his head and sighs. "Just...remind me later, ok?"


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Clam sees this and plans no never talk about it again.

Clam: No need to tell me about it then.


Inkling Cadet
Jul 30, 2017
Laying on my bed
Switch Friend Code
I awkward silence falls over the two walking compatriots(lol is that even the right word?). Silas tries to break the ice with some small talk. "I wonder what we're going to be doing? Mission wise, I mean." He says


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Clam thinks about it for a second and remembers the General's speech.

Clam: I think we are going to rescue Inklings tomorrow, the facility nearby is known to experiment on them.
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Inkling Cadet
Jul 30, 2017
Laying on my bed
Switch Friend Code
Silas shudders, remembering his days in those exact facilities. He takes a pause a few seconds before answering. "Well that sounds like it will be interesting. I have been waiting to test out my new close quarter dualies I've modified." He says, stepping into a elevator.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Clam steps into the elevator as well, wondering how the first rescue mission is going to go.

Clam: Well, either way, the General will tell us how we can tackle the mission tomorrow.


Inkling Cadet
Jul 30, 2017
Laying on my bed
Switch Friend Code
Silas steps back to let Clam push the button for the floor. "I don't know the floor, so you will have to do it. Sorry." He shrugs. "Anyway, here's a random question, have you ever tried parkour?"

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