With a bus pulling up to camp, a new student arrival was dropped off at the main office.
Nurse Mizuko, possibly grabbing a snack bar from the main office, was around to introduce and lead the new student to the Mess hall.
"April, right?" Miko opened up the doors of the Mess Hall, where other students were gathered, talking about which trip they wanted to head to. A giant pile of camp equipment waited to be touched and some awesome smelling pasta was sitting on the table, free for anyone to serve themselves.
Miko gave a soft pat on the back to April. "Choose a trip you'd like to go on. Or... talk to the counselors and students." She lowered her sunglasses and winked, her eyes a brilliant pink, "Maybe see who you can spend two nights outside with that won't lead to you killing each other" ...She was joking, of course.
Miko turned to leave before one last thing. "Oh. Welcome to Camp Triggerfish! Hope you enjoy your stay... or learn something. You might."
Jordan came over to Alex. "Hey dude, confused? Alright so, part of camp curriculum is that we should give you guys the chance to
He checked over a clipboard. "...You aren't part of any assigned team at the moment. So! You get some options!"
“Group 1 is going firefly catching at Firefish lake," said Jordan. "That's a group with the new counselors, and your buddies Viola, Zerul, Payge, Zawit, and Terence.”
“Group 2, my group, is going to Aequorea Marsh," he said, grinning a tiny bit. "That'll be with Lydia, Lucas, Ras, Chaos, and Lumea.”
Jordan waited a moment before adding, "To be fair, we can't force you to go on a trip. You can stay at camp, too. I know the Redjacks will stick around if you do."
"So there are your options... what'll it be Alex?"