EU/OC and NA Splatfest - Spongebob vs. Patrick

I am...

  • joining Team Spongebob!

    Votes: 23 23.0%
  • joining Team Patrick!

    Votes: 45 45.0%
  • currently undecided!

    Votes: 32 32.0%

  • Total voters


Senior Squid
Apr 7, 2016
I managed to keep the same reasonably good team for a while, but there was one thing that kept completely throwing me off... a Roller user (probably Krak-On) was constantly using D-pad emotes, for reasons I can't fathom. I think that they were using "C'mon!" as a taunt rather than strategic command, although I can't be certain they were from the USA.
Gotta hear more of that inkling voice.


Pro Squid
Jun 7, 2015
Eastern United States
Done playing for now. Got to Spongebob King, under the alias Mr. Krabs (shoutouts if you happened to play with me).

This morning was terrible, kept getting pretty lame-o teammates; course I was also using weapons I wasn't too familiar with, which didn't help. Probably the angriest I've ever gotten at the game, which is kind of sad.

I resumed my trek towards King this afternoon, and had much better results; teammates actually knew what they were doing, and I switched over to the tried and true Splattershot Jr.; also helped that Bluefin Depot only appeared around twice this time around, rather than every other match in the previous playthrough.

All-in-all, had a pretty good time. Once you remind yourself that you're playing Splatoon to have fun, and you begin to notice the more hilarious aspects of games instead of the worst aspects, you can have a great time, even when you lose.

Good games, Team Patrick, I'm wearing my pink underwear to show that there are no hard feelings.


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Maxed out to queen but may play later. My matches keep switching between mirror and SpongeBob. And no matter which I fight, if I use the Splattershot Jr. or Tri-Slosher, I can repeatedly lap around the entire map. From my spawn point, up one half of the map, to the enemy spawn point, down the other half of the map, and finally back to my spawn point.

If I get splated I swim back to where I last was. Best circuit before being splatted is Urchin Underpass, Tri-Slosher, five times and some change. xD

Gotta hear more of that inkling voice.
I learned a few remix versions from one of my teammates. =3 "Bobobobooc'mbooc'monyahbooyah!" xD


Inkling Cadet
Apr 23, 2015
Many parts of Canada
Playing on Team Patrick wasn't all that fun. Fought my own team a lot and when I hit 1500 Splatfest Power I started into very scary 1700 Spongebob Teams who stomped me for the most part, though I had a few good showings in there. Also ran into two f(s) (Fresh of Squids? whatever that squad is called) players and managed to splat one of them so good job me.

It only took like two and a half hours to get to top rank, though, and I ended the day at 1514 or something like that which I feel is pretty good considering I started at 1400 and didn't break that number last Splatfest.

Spongebob is gonna win, though.


Inkling Cadet
Apr 18, 2016
I mentioned I was in the C range, and i said i was dominating.

I'm predicting that yeah, Team Patrick will win if the Splatfest top 100 ends up like snowmen vs. sandcastles.
Good to know. But you were not using an alt to play among the C ranks while your main account is high ranked, were you? The problem with C- - C+ reports is very often that they stem from people using alts who are actually S+ ranked on their main account. That can heavily falsify the results.


Semi-Pro Squid
Dec 4, 2015
I got rekt a lot this Splatfest, which isn't too surprising considering how poorly I did in the snowman/sandcastle one. I'm just not good at ranked turf war, I guess.

It wasn't all bad though. I got some good sloshing machine practice in and did a bit better with it this time. It's still a work in progress, but I got more splats with the bomb rush than I usually do, so that's good. And while I got thrashed a bunch, I also had a few nice splat bomb splats, mainly of the throw a splat bomb behind you and splat someone trying to follow you variety.

I actually didn't have any matches against my own team this time; I was matched up against Team Patrick in every game.


Senior Squid
Apr 7, 2016
Good to know. But you were not using an alt to play among the C ranks while your main account is high ranked, were you? The problem with C- - C+ reports is very often that they stem from people using alts who are actually S+ ranked on their main account. That can heavily falsify the results.
I started playing in june, and then took a break from splatoon from december to march and thought that I wouldn't be good enough to stay where i was, and erased my save data. I was only in B- before, so I don't think it's really that skewed.
Last edited:


Inkling Commander
Sep 5, 2015
These last two Splatfests have been absolutely horrendous. No matter which weapon I play, no matter which map it is, no matter if I go 13-0 and get the most turf covered, my side will not win. Splatfests are no longer enjoyable in the slightest; they're a constant grind to get snails and that's it.


Inkling Commander
Apr 23, 2015
Under a rock in Texas.
These last two Splatfests have been absolutely horrendous. No matter which weapon I play, no matter which map it is, no matter if I go 13-0 and get the most turf covered, my side will not win. Splatfests are no longer enjoyable in the slightest; they're a constant grind to get snails and that's it.
Snails are the only reason I subject myself to splatfests. Granted I haven't participated in the last three so seeing the point change for wins was nice. getting 8 instead of 5 makes it go by faster, or so I thought if I could get a win streak. Oh well, snails are sort of worth it lol


Inkling Cadet
Mar 12, 2016
Ive loled that the general consensus from most splatfest miiverse posts is "i dont like either one"

Also walking around an looking at what people ive played against are ranked and its very diverse. Im currently a 42 in ranked. Ive seen b+ thru s on teams that ive played against. Id imagine the dude that was s, is on a heck of a losing streak


Full Squid
Aug 17, 2015
These last two Splatfests have been absolutely horrendous. No matter which weapon I play, no matter which map it is, no matter if I go 13-0 and get the most turf covered, my side will not win. Splatfests are no longer enjoyable in the slightest; they're a constant grind to get snails and that's it.
Likewise, I can't see the fun in them anymore. I find them too intense and stressful now, which is really a pity. Maybe I'm taking it too seriously? But then again, I can't really help it - that's just my mindset.

I really don't like how they've put all regions (minus JP) together. Because I'm from Australia it makes it really difficult to play with people from America and sometimes Europe. When the Splatfest started my connection was fine, a bit of lag here and there but nothing serious. I just started my game up again to try to reach Queen and I've already had 5 disconnections in a row. My Splatfest Power has gone down significantly because of this, so I've given up all hope of even being in the top 100. My connection is fine as well, so it must be connecting to far away places that's causing an issue.

I just wish I could have fun with Splatfests again, but the addition of Splatfest Power and playing with all regions has ruined it for me. I'm not kidding - I'm finding Splatfests stressful, like super stressful. :(


Prodigal Squid
Aug 18, 2015
These last two Splatfests have been absolutely horrendous. No matter which weapon I play, no matter which map it is, no matter if I go 13-0 and get the most turf covered, my side will not win. Splatfests are no longer enjoyable in the slightest; they're a constant grind to get snails and that's it.
I've been feeling this way since Art VS Science.

There is just too much value in snails to have them ONLY tied to splatfest. Especially since you have almost no control over the amount of snails you get.

I got to Spongebob King and quit. I had a really great team for that last run though. Got to 1546, which I have no idea is good or not (I missed the last splatfest so I missed all the conversation on the new system).

There seems to be a lot more Patrick shirts in the plaza. Do the more popular teams still always lose?


Inkling Cadet
Jan 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I played at the start of splatfest and I'm just gonna say things were awful. Team Patrick A rank. Whenever I was to get a good team, we'd be disconnected. There were many more disconnects on my team than I could imagine, and those we always lost. The opposing team, no matter how many new ones I went against, were always well coordinated, and my team couldn't seem to do anything. We'd get pushed back quite fast and be forced to defend 90% of the time. I think I went up against only 3 other Patrick teams my whole time of playing.

From my perspective, seems like Team Spongebob was the most superior. Took me 3 1/2 hours to make it to Queen, I stopped having fun about an hour in. Guess I'll see how things change when I go to get to Queen on my alt, which is S. Wonder if I'll get better luck.


Brella Aficionado
Jul 31, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I have seen maybe 10 spongebob teams total today, and I have a power of 2035, so I think popularity will be 65+% for Patrick, which is crazy!


Inkling Cadet
May 9, 2015
A ranked Team SpongeBob.

I kept on getting 3vs4 because of a teammate DCing. I have no idea why we kept losing, some maps I circled around the entire map inking everywhere, splatting a lot of enemies (10+)...Still lose.
Had one match where it was 4 :wst_shot_blaze01:! Almost every 20 seconds, two Inkstrikes appeared. Never had a match like that before.


Full Squid
Jan 22, 2014
In a pineapple under the sea
I'm Team Patrick. First 15 games were mostly battling against other Team Patricks with a few Spongebob here and there. I got into a losing streak but afterwards, I switched teams and we were doing well. We actually got into a game where it was 3v1 against another Team Patrick so we just did a squid party, which was fun. We actually timed our squidding to the music, lol.

I'm currently "Champion" at the moment so I might go back and go for the King rank.

There seems to be a lot more Patrick shirts in the plaza. Do the more popular teams still always lose?
Not all the time but it does seem like the "Most Popular" side is full of more causal players? That's just my impression anyway.

Anyway, speaking of snails: I wish they make the snails more of a personal thing like, if you do super well in your side regardless of if your side won or not, you still get tons of snails. It make splatfest less of a "I like this character/thing way more so I'll join this side!" and more of "Which one is probably going to get me the most amount of super snails?". It make the whole thing more stressful then fun tbh


Inkling Commander
Apr 23, 2015
Under a rock in Texas.
I played at the start of splatfest and I'm just gonna say things were awful. Team Patrick A rank. Whenever I was to get a good team, we'd be disconnected. There were many more disconnects on my team than I could imagine, and those we always lost. The opposing team, no matter how many new ones I went against, were always well coordinated, and my team couldn't seem to do anything. We'd get pushed back quite fast and be forced to defend 90% of the time. I think I went up against only 3 other Patrick teams my whole time of playing.

From my perspective, seems like Team Spongebob was the most superior. Took me 3 1/2 hours to make it to Queen, I stopped having fun about an hour in. Guess I'll see how things change when I go to get to Queen on my alt, which is S. Wonder if I'll get better luck.
This is exactly what I went through. Like 100% except for the technicality that I was working on/got to king


Inkling Cadet
Dec 30, 2015
The Changeling Hive, Equestria
From what people are saying, it sounds like Team Patrick is more popular. I too have faced my own team quite a bit. However, this is how it went for the last Splatfest, too. I thought for sure that team Sandcastle was more popular because I faced my own team so many times, but it turns out that it was only more popular at the Splatfest power I was at. It might not seem like it, but I think Team Spongebob will end up being more popular, simply because more people are bound to choose the main character over the side character. By looking at the poll, more people here on Squidboards (which is mostly comprised of the competitive Splatoon community) have chosen Team Patrick over Team Spongebob. Assuming that most of the people that voted are between A and S+ and are a good representation of all players A to S+ rank, then that means in the higher Splatfest power range, Team Patrick is more popular.

...Of course, I could also be completely wrong.


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Alright everyone! "C-c-c-c-c'mon-bo-bo-boo-boo-c'mon-boyah!" (I can be such a goofy goober.)

I think I'm done for this splatfest. Hungry and lag kept summoning invisible Kenshiro to visit my matches. Kids and squids on both sides were spontaneously inksploding everywhere!

But I did enjoy myself, granted I spent much of the time acting like a buffoon—while still staying on task! Just because I was riding the conveyor belts in the middle of Piranha Pit the entire match doesn't mean I was useless—I was locking down the area, honest! And somehow... splatted almost more squids than my team combined?! o.0

Little much else to do now but refresh and chill in the plaza.

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