Rambling post:
This splatfest....man, I could not pull it together, longest losing streak I've ever had. S level Early Bird. Started at 1600, and we were consistently getting out *** kicked, down to 1400 something. Played from 2am -5:30am pst.
After 2 hours, I resigned myself to the fact that my teams were consistently going to lose, and I adjusted my play style to match. Once I adjusted to the S - Turf War Experience, and started playing much more cautiously my personal stats went up, but my teams kept losing.
thoughts I had, trying to explain the suck:
I'm S, but just barely, When its TC or SZ on maps I like, I'll play, and get average results. Maybe I was butting up against all the better more well rounded S players, in Turf War style, which doesn't happen except for Splatfest.
In ranked, my skills as a charger/splattling main are focused on a narrow range or area. It was a surprizing challenge it to Turf war, with opponents who were anywhere on the map, with the evasive and flanking skills of S players, And who were all playing to WIN.
I wonder if Nintendo keeps track of who wins when, did Night owls do better at night, and vice versa?
Next splatfest, I might intentionally drop to A+, although I'm not really sure if that was the issue.
tl:dr- sucked hard, licking wounds.