This small packet of salt relates to Salmon Run again. Boy...I am getting fed up with this mode fast. I love the PvE aspect of this mode, but oh my gawwwdddd...I swear either it attracts really bad/not very bright gamers, or people let their 3 year olds hold the controller. I have had a few rants in the past on this very thread about SR, but this time it is about power eggs. Yes...the object of the game ISN'T power eggs, but I just had a match where we wiped because we were completely over run by not only bosses, but basic salmonid. When the score cards came up, I have something around 500 power eggs gathered, while nobody else in my team broke 200.
I said earlier that power eggs aren't the point of SR....but they are VERY important. If all you do is bounce from boss to boss to boss and ignore everything in between, we will lose in the most embarrassing way...being butchered by essentially foot soldiers of the salmonid army. Pro tip, KILL ALL OF THEM! This is not the first time we lost from being completely overwhelmed by basic troops, and at the end, I have a similar power egg count to my team mates, yet I have double the power egg count of anyone else. In a way, SR is more intense than turf war and even ranked. There is SO MUCH to focus on and think about. Prioritizing bosses, taking out bosses, keeping basic enemies at bay, keeping turf inked ahead of time for mobility in battle, inking walls for alternate escape routes, thinking which way you are gonna take back with the egg that doesn't land you in trouble, avoid bosses bs attacks, reviving team mates and staying close enough to your team to be effective as a please don't play if you aren't going to focus on every aspect of this mode that results in success...go back to the campaign or something you can handle XD