I had an awesome Rainmaker session today where I managed to get all the way from a completely fresh C- start to B+ in about an hour and a half, but my satisfaction was somewhat undermined by a match where I got lumbered with the actual worst team I've ever seen.
We started the match really strong, taking control of the centre and setting up for a great push. Except no-one wanted to take the Rainmaker. It ended up falling to me, despite my .96 Gal probably being a better support weapon than most of my teammates' (we had at least one Aerospray user who wasn't going to be useful for much else, that's for sure). But when I finally did grab the Rainmaker, my allies made no effort to ink a trail for me or generally support me at all. They all ****ed around painting the base leaving me to try and push into enemy territory alone, and unsurprisingly I ended up getting surrounded and slaughtered in seconds. For the entire rest of the game we had at least two people wasting time in the base while myself and my one sometimes-useful teammate actually tried to play the objective, and we came dangerously close to losing multiple times as a result. We somehow managed to pull out the win, but we ended up going to time and winning by an extremely narrow margin when, with a start like that, we should have been able to win quickly and conclusively.
The really baffling thing is that this happened in B-. I'd have understood it in C- and maybe even C or C+, but I have no idea how such a completely useless lot ever got into B to begin with.