Are you wired or wireless? This is a common complaint with the wi-fi.I have had it with these stupid disconnects, sometimes there will be five in a row. It caused me drop a rank in salmon run and has put me on a time out three times. And I know my Internet is not busted. Tested it several times.
WifiAre you wired or wireless? This is a common complaint with the wi-fi.
I believe it. I'm going to make the suggestion that I make to everybody, spend around 10 bucks and get a lan adapter, you'll be much happier with your splatting experience.Wifi
:3 thanks for the feels brochacho.I feel for you. Sounds like you maybe got stuck on Port Mackerel against someone with the missiles. In which case, I feel for you, because that map is insanely easy to blitz people on with them new reason to love it. I should know, because I did exactly that today, and the guy I wiped twice in a row with them sent me a friend request after the match. XD
It's also probably going to increase your sodium level to know that a Splatfest Tee with two Special Up subs is in existence and I - a tenta-missile addict - am wearing it. I'm not at all sorry.
That being said, I get that special because I'm maining the Dualies right now, and the Dualies are supposed to be a front-line shooter. Now that I'm getting the real hang of them and the new maps, I'm more of a mid-fielder, but that doesn't really put me much out of the main scrim these days, and finding a 'safe' place to set the special off can be a real pain. I've been splatted while aiming more times than I can remember, and actually getting people with the things is still a cause for celebration on my end. I like to think I'm getting better with them though. It's hard as heck to avoid pretty much anything if you're right in the middle of the action. My advice would be to be in that position less, which is entirely possible unless you're playing for-glory. If the tenta-missiles salt you up that much, do what I do when it comes to snipers - preemptive strike. You're more than welcome to target me if we ever meet up in Turf, I'll understand it's not personal =p
You bring up something that irks the hell out of me too...when someone will not get out of my butt! I lost count a long time ago how many times I have seen an enemy in the distance (mind you I am not the best combatant, so I rely on surprise and trapping to secure splats) and so I begin to stalk my prey, being well aware of my surroundings and where I wanna ink to get to my kill......but there is often some idiot following me, bouncing around like a coked out rabbit, getting the enemies attention long before I wanted to....then they run in like freaking rambo and get nuked, and now the enemy had seen me and the fight becomes more fair (which is bad for me) and I often get splatted too. Good job noisy, clingy just gave them a double kill with your antics. GO AWAY...I do not want anyone joined at my hip or "helping" me. I function better as a lone wolf even in a team based game X'DBy far my worst splatfest everCurrently 20-30 inthe last 50 matches. When we loose, i loose 8-10 power points and when we win i gain like 2. Doesnt matter wich weapon i use or what stage i'm on. My team is always buried deep in our own zone and can't get out. There is always tons of ketchup to paint over but the roller on my team pretty much only wants to paint in areas i'm already painting. One in every 3 or so matchrs is an auto loss 3v4. Can't even count the amount of times the entire other team has had me pinned in spawn with no possible way to get out while my teammates are off slowly painting small areas of turf that don't matter.....Yet I can't just turn off the game for some reason.
Following an ally can be a good support tactic. Thaaaaaaaaat's not how you do it :PYou bring up something that irks the hell out of me too...when someone will not get out of my butt! I lost count a long time ago how many times I have seen an enemy in the distance (mind you I am not the best combatant, so I rely on surprise and trapping to secure splats) and so I begin to stalk my prey, being well aware of my surroundings and where I wanna ink to get to my kill......but there is often some idiot following me, bouncing around like a coked out rabbit, getting the enemies attention long before I wanted to....then they run in like freaking rambo and get nuked, and now the enemy had seen me and the fight becomes more fair (which is bad for me) and I often get splatted too. Good job noisy, clingy just gave them a double kill with your antics. GO AWAY...I do not want anyone joined at my hip or "helping" me. I function better as a lone wolf even in a team based game X'D
Following an ally gets you BOTH murdered by an ambushing roller XD then its suddenly 2v4...then the 4 kill your two...then they're sitting by your spawn camping you into oblivion and MORE salt to bring to this thread XDFollowing an ally can be a good support tactic. Thaaaaaaaaat's not how you do it :p
I can relate.When I get banned temporarily for having a bad internet.