The Dead(er) Sea: Saltiest Catch


Inkling Commander
Oct 3, 2016
ur mom
Okay, so Update on that fight

I got my golden toothpick, after only 2 tries yesterday. Even though I faced her for a solid 20 minutes the other day and got slammed.

I think this is because I got pretty steamed after fighting her the first time, and I was just trying to make excuses as to why I couldn't destroy her immediately.

But yeah, agent 3 is still no pushover, she gave me a real rough time Tuesday, mostly because of my salt and not knowing what she's capable of.

One thing I did notice about agent 3 is that S/he always tries to make you peek to the left. This is because they want to get an advantageous angle on you, as you have to expose your body outward, while Agent 3 is covered, and having their gun peek out ever so slightly. Which is something most players don't do. Even your average X rank player doesn't know how to right side peek like that.

If you want to beat agent 3, definitely abuse the fact that they splashdown to your location every time. As you can hide around the side of the obstacles, and not get hurt. This is beneficial since you don't let them get so much paint from their splashdowns.

The Devs were not joking around when they made the AI for Octo Expansion though. It makes the single player octolings and bosses look like mere jokes in comparison.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I hate the new slosher. That is all. It's annoying. Very...very annoying.


Inkling Commander
Aug 31, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I hate the new slosher. That is all. It's annoying. Very...very annoying.
For the user, the victim, or both? I can see how for all three ways :)

Ballpoint is OP. When you get close, if they run away, get them with the long range. You can't approach it due to it being able to charge a bit and then charge again. Also, Inkjet. I like how, when it is fully charged, you run at a Mini's speed, so you can zoom across the map without dipping back into ink!

Explosher is really interesting, but I can tell that all the Comp. Players would class it with the Tenta Brella. It's slow, Ink heavy, and classed as a heavy weapon. However, I like it. It's a long range weapon that is used to take out groups of people, and using it in Salmon Run must be a blast (pun intended). The thing you need to be careful about is spacing. Also, because this is the longest-ranged slosher, walls aren't a problem for it :).

Bamboo II is really good compared to the first one because Toxic Mist basically is a mini Echolocator to the Cephalopods inside it, and popping a Burst Bomb Launcher on unsuspecting people is really fun. It might actually be used in Comp. now! I can't wait for people to finally feel the wrath of the Bamboo!

TSB was interesting because even though I'm a Brella main (I use ALL the Brellas!), I thought I would hate it for it's special, but it was actually decent. The Splash wall is useful when you're jumping into a fight, but don't have time to set up your brella. Using the splash wall in combat reminds me of the Undercover Brella, but you can also send your shield out to trick foes and escape/recover. The Curling Bomb Launcher is good to terrorizing people and pushing them far back, and then you swim up to them past your brella to OHKO them.


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Clam Blitz desperately needs some sort of "Give me!" button!

Soloing the new stage and my team is shutting out an overly aggressive 'what-are-clams-lol' splat-happy team. Most of the match I just followed a teammate who simply swam around the arena combat in the center the entire time. On our last delivery we get to the basket unscathed and are like "Hey, my teammate needs a couple more clams to end this match!"

So we frantically start throwing our clams. At each other. Pause. Start throwing clams at each other again. Pause. Seabag each other. Then she dances her money maker to signal I should give her the clams and break the basket.

Laughed so hard... I forgot to hit record...
(╯°□°)╯ ┻━┻


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Sigh. Why oh why does team mode in splatfests have to be 4v4 only? What's wrong with 4 pairs like League? Getting 4 adults together for a specific event can be tricky at the best of times, but if you want to do splatfests there's only that or solo. With one as divisive as Squids vs Octopuses it'll be even trickier.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Okay, if Splatoon 3 doesn't have playable Octolings from the get-go and some story reason is made up for not including them is some stupidly themed Splatfest just like how Callie was the one to be kidnapped in Splatoon 2 because she lost the last Splatfest in Splatoon 1, I'm going to hate the fandom. There is just no reason for a race war right after we just got playable Octolings, on the bright side, if Octopus manages to win, then I can expect Splatoon 3 to be more Octarian themed and having them in Inkopolis.

Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
This Splatfest seems very tone deaf to me. I can't think of a good reason for it to be essentially a glorified race war aside from something very akin to Nintendo essentially saying, "Look! We added Octolings to the game! Isn't that great? Hey, which one do you like better? Let's make sure everyone knows that we added playable Octolings to the game!"

It reeks of the developers smelling their own farts. Especially coming as it does from a game and an expansion that's been primarily about inclusion and togetherness. Now we have a Splatfest coming up that's going to be primarily about segregation. Awesome. Can't think of any time that's worked out in anyone's favor before!


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
This Splatfest seems very tone deaf to me. I can't think of a good reason for it to be essentially a glorified race war aside from something very akin to Nintendo essentially saying, "Look! We added Octolings to the game! Isn't that great? Hey, which one do you like better? Let's make sure everyone knows that we added playable Octolings to the game!"

It reeks of the developers smelling their own farts. Especially coming as it does from a game and an expansion that's been primarily about inclusion and togetherness. Now we have a Splatfest coming up that's going to be primarily about segregation. Awesome. Can't think of any time that's worked out in anyone's favor before!
The worst part about this is that the fandom kept mentioning this theme, even some of them wanting this to be an actual Splatfest theme, which is why I'll blame the fandom for this. The idea of satisfying haters absolutely disgusts me in any fandom.


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Honestly, I feel like this splatfest is less an appeal to the fans and more promoting their latest product. And during one of the best times of the year to attract a sizable number of Switch users to the event. Even the ones who don't own Splatoon 2 or have lapsed from playing.

But that's just me being cynical. But I still have my misgivings on the fest topic nonetheless.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 6, 2018
Ontario, Canada
Switch Friend Code
I'm gonna have to go back and mess with Agent 3 more myself. After basically being all 10,007 prior agents attempting to take her down the first time I finally let Marina bail me out. I got her down to the last phase though every time and then she got the better of me.
Roommate beat her face against the second Agent 3 fight for three days and finally just gave up :'D
I've seen some people compare 3 to going up against a laggy player, but that's not it (in my experience anyway). It's more like she's mainlining every buff the game has to offer at the same time, including damage up.
On top of being rank X 2500+ power.

EDIT: Ah, whoops, didn’t see the last page and replied to an old post.
Last edited:


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Well, don't you just like it when none of your teammates pay attention to your Ouch! ping? When they do notice, it's too late anyways since the enemy team have already gotten the advantage. Also, why do I get the feeling no one ever checks the map of the stage, it doesn't hurt to check while you're respawning or when you need a quick overview of which areas need your attention.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
You know, I've mellowed out on this game considerably. It is what it is, and I enjoy it more by not caring (playing a lot less helps too). That said, people who throw matches will always make me angry. It's one thing to roll with the game's foibles, but someone ruining the experience of others will ALWAYS be unacceptable.

Guess what prompted this post.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Well, don't you just like it when none of your teammates pay attention to your Ouch! ping? When they do notice, it's too late anyways since the enemy team have already gotten the advantage. Also, why do I get the feeling no one ever checks the map of the stage, it doesn't hurt to check while you're respawning or when you need a quick overview of which areas need your attention.
Blame the people who constantly spam "ouch!" each time they die, even if they do something really dumb like falling in the water. I've gotten so numb to it from solo queue that i now completely ignore it, because 9 times out of 10 i'm wasting my time going back looking for nobody because the idiot got themselves killed by a tenta missile. That other 1 out of 10 is usually bad news, but it's a whole lot better than wasting precious seconds just to see my teammate dying to something stupid and pressing ouch nonstop.

I get that it's a knee-jerk reaction like you want everyone to know you're respawning, but people can already see that from the upper part of the screen. Just use it if your team is actually getting flanked and you want your team to know, or if you want someone to finish your assailant off for you. Don't use it whenever.

But far more annoyingly is the grating squid sounds you hear, especially the male inkling's NYUOHOO that really makes me want to punch his already dead face even deader. At least the Octolings are a whole lot less loud in that regard.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I don't use it whenever, I only use it when there's an enemy close by whether splatted by another enemy with a charger or by the mentioned enemy who used a shorter ranged weapon. And as I said, if an area needs your attention, like preventing a flank or it's being inked by an enemy and no one notices, then just go there. There's no reason whatsoever to ignore your surroundings, especially when the enemy team has someone who somehow got through your defense line. This goes double for Ranked as you can't just go lazying about during the match.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
That can be avoided if people bothered to actually pull up their map. Like if you're not in combat, bring up the map for like a second or two. If you're responding, look at the map. Like it's not that hard. I personally, too, ignore an "Ouch!" if I see/hear it. Because usually they traded with someone and no one's there or, like stated above, they jumped off or got splatted by a special. Most people don't use it right.

I was in rank earlier today, someone flanked and got in our base, but everyone else was trying to push the tower. Ally after being splatted in the base ouched, and I didn't pay it any attention. Then they ouched again and caught my attention. Swam back and someone was actually there and I splatted them to prevent any type of spawn camping. That's how you effectively ouch.

Usually a second ouch is more reliable than a random first ouch or something. Or even if you don't wanna risk wasting your time, pull up your map to see if it's worth going to. If you see ink appearing, you should probably head back to said spot. But still, 90% of ouches is usually nothing.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 6, 2018
Ontario, Canada
Switch Friend Code
Instead of an ‘ouch,’ I usually use ‘Booyah!’ when I get a trade or tye area’s safe for any reason.

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