The Dead(er) Sea: Saltiest Catch


Inkling Commander
Jun 7, 2016
Just lost a game where we had the lead because my teammates ignored my callouts and pushed forward while enperry dualies were invading our base. And I, a dynamo roller, had to attempt to deal with it, which I clearly couldn’t. I love this game
I absolutely hate this crap. It's happened to me several times when using slower long range weapons. Teammates have no idea how to support. Apparently it's the sniper's job to fight the spawn camping bucket. Yup.

Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
Honestly, I feel like this splatfest is less an appeal to the fans and more promoting their latest product. And during one of the best times of the year to attract a sizable number of Switch users to the event. Even the ones who don't own Splatoon 2 or have lapsed from playing.

But that's just me being cynical. But I still have my misgivings on the fest topic nonetheless.
No no, it's not just you. Or rather, it's not just your cynicism. The moment it got announced my thoughts turned to, "Well, this is a nice advertising gimmick!"

Seriously, you can even be a Octoling without having purchased and played through the Octo Expansion if you choose Team Octopus. It just screams of self indulgence and marketing. I think this is the first Splatfest theme I actively dislike because of that. That's even including the ones that were clearly just advertising gimmicks like that Transformers Splatfest of ye olde days of S1. This one just makes me feel bad. I hope it doesn't decide some kind of major outcome for the series like the Callie/Marie Splatfest did. All that having been said, I will be repping Team Octo as I find their lore and their mannerisms more interesting. But because of how Splatfests usually work, I am expecting to lose because Pearl almost always wins.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
To anyone who Squid Parties in TW:

For the love of god, please stop. You're gamethrowing, that's all it is. If you want goof off with your team, or others, do it in private battle where you can have all the fun you want. I get that people also like the idea of starting a party with strangers, but for every stranger that joins in there's the other half of the team who just wants to play the game the normal way. There's also people who want to earn flags, and just because you use a weapon with zero flags that does not make it okay to spoil the game for those who want to work to get their flags.

I'm only saying this because i saw 4 squid parties in my past session. They're never interesting, just people who hammer the ZL button for 3 minutes. And no, mashing prompts for the entire game won't get me to join, cut that **** out. I'm so sick of this and the only thing that'll happen in the end is another spot on my block list, and there's already more than 50 throwers on it.

Just keep that **** in Private Battles and we'll be fine, k?

edit: i regret writing this post now
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Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
So at The Reef I'm being an annoying adorable zippy inkbrush—as one does—when someone I annoyed greeted gave me the ten-missile-flip-off special. So I hid under the bridge—as you do—only to suddenly have ten polka dots on my outfit.

Is there an update bug letting Tenta Missiles go through the bridge, or am so I unlucky that when they surrounded me they angled just enough to dive under the bridge and squid party with me?

Reef Splat Zones are gonna be a lot more fun now...

Meanwhile in rank, I've been having a string of matches where players simply give up whenever during a match. And today has been really bad but maybe because it's the weekend. And sometimes the score isn't one sided; both teams can still have scores above 50 yet someone will just suddenly give up. Not always at spawn either, sometimes in the middle of a fight, such as one who just stood there watching while I went by with the rainmaker (I know I'm cute but do your job!) before finally dcing from inactivity. And then there's this one I tweeted about after we had went around-and-around-up-and-down in circles trying to defend/splat my rainmaker bearer during a reset. We didn't get the knockout and they didn't get any further but she remained there doing nothing for the rest of the match.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I was just waiting for the influx of tenta missile spam. Got to the point where i'm even seeing the H-3 of all things which i rarely saw before. Seeing weapons with the tenta kit being chosen over their other kit.

Like guys...really.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Congratulations, person who will go un-named, for being the first addition to my block list in months. It takes some real dedication to squid party for six matches straight, even when no one else wants to participate.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
So let me get this straight, me currently using the Squiffer in Salmon Run, is expected to deal with Stingers while while you guys with Blasters and Dualies just go on to splat common Salmonids even though there are currently so few while there are three Stingers in separate parts of the stage. That logic is flawed in so many levels, it isn't a Charger's job to deal with Stingers, that's for Blasters, Dualies and Shooters to deal with.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
SW-3241-7928-4020 wrong with most people in Rainmaker? Last night was hands down thee worst luck I've had in a minute.

We could get team wipes...early on in the match, or we'd splat one and manage to make them retreat. Someone picks up the rainmaker, we clear a path, have it fully inked, splatted 3 enemies with the other 1 nowhere near...but the rainmaker carrier would just sit there and fire into the abyss. Even with us spamming "This way!" they would keep firing. And they wouldn't move until it was unsafe, one or two of us got splatted, and then they die moving into danger. This happened literally like 6 or so times in the 21 matches I played. As well as situations where everyone except me is going on the opposite side of the opposing rainmaker carrier, as well as the infamous 1 person invading the enemies base even though they have the rainmaker and are near/in our base. If you choose to carry the rainmaker, you have to go, not be scared and move little by little or not at all, specially if your team is literally right there protecting you.

Like...why? I won't ask how you got into X because carrying is a thing, but how have you not got kicked out of X yet if this is how you play (I understand bad day/games are a thing, but I run into some of these people multiple times and they still play bad)? Can we have personal evaluation on how many points you win/lose instead of just if the team won/loss and win/lose points according to if statistically you were suppose to win/lose? Then again...sure that wouldn't work as well. Sorry for wall of text, just so frustrated.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Nov 3, 2015
In the Paradox of Spring
So... not that I have too much of a complaint, since I still won the match in the end, but... I don't think I've ever been in a match where literally (and I do mean literally) everybody apart from one opponent and myself disconnected. I can only assume that the server took a partial dump or something, but still.

$20 online btw


Inkling Cadet
Jan 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
So... not that I have too much of a complaint, since I still won the match in the end, but... I don't think I've ever been in a match where literally (and I do mean literally) everybody apart from one opponent and myself disconnected. I can only assume that the server took a partial dump or something, but still.

$20 online btw
Ever since the Octo Expansion update came, this has been a problem that has happened to a few people. This happened to me where everyone but me and an ally disconnected and we messed around until it was over. As well as I was watching one of Thatsrb2Dude's streams a while ago and this same exact thing happened to him in rank. Wonder why this wasn't looked into or fixed yet.


Inkling Commander
Nov 29, 2016
I hate how i can have fine matches playing on my own, but whenever i try to play with friends i get disconnected constantly after a few matches (if i’m lucky and it doesn’t happen right away)

It’s so annoying! It took me like 7 hours to get to splatfest king last fest and this time im not even gonna bother.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Stupid Salmon Run and it's jerkish RNG spawning three Steel Eels right after a player disconnected. This is something I want to bring up right now, Salmon Run is a great concept, but I feel like there needs to be major changes to the mode in order to make it more enjoyable. Like further dividing players based on rank, what I mean is that someone in Profresh 100 should NOT be matched up with someone in Profresh 400, that's a major skill gap right there.
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Pro Squid
Aug 14, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Another Splatfest, another opportunity for me to ***** about the Dualie Squelchers.
I know I've gone on about how much I hate the Dualie Squelchers enough, but not only are these things my kryptonite - thanks to the Tenta Missile buff; even when these things get a nerf, they still get buffed overall!

Also I can't stand The Frosties Song Nasty Majesty. It makes me irrationally angry and I have no idea why.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Disconnects everywhere, tryhards in Turf Wars and teammates throwing the game. Tell me how this is fair in any capacity. To add insult to injury, spawncampers also happened.


Inkling Commander
Jul 14, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Disconnects everywhere, tryhards in Turf Wars and teammates throwing the game. Tell me how this is fair in any capacity. To add insult to injury, spawncampers also happened.
I'm getting some conflicting messages here, you're complaining about tryhards in Turf War, but also complaining about squid partying? What are you supposed to do in turf war then? "Half try"? Or maybe we have different definitions of the word, but to me a tryhard in turf war is someone who kills squidpartiers to ruin their fun.
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Senior Squid
Jul 24, 2018
Switch Friend Code
My salt is just dualie squelchers in general because of that range.

And when I get rolled over by some dopey roller who didn't know I was there.

Zero Meddler

Inkling Cadet
May 21, 2015
Realized 2 things today:

1. Splatoon's netcode is utter garbage with either my teammates or myself lagging out of games.
2. Bloblobber, while fun is OP at the moment. Please nerf this weapon Nintendo. Never have I heard of Day 1 weapons become the meta within the day they're released.

Edit: Netcode probably isn't the best term for situations like that but the fact that this kept happening today is appalling.
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Inkling Cadet
Feb 6, 2018
Ontario, Canada
Switch Friend Code
Ok, sorry if I misinterpreted this and you know already, but the number of Bloblobbers being used is probably BECAUSE it’s new, not because it’s OP (although it’s no trash weapon.)
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