What...is wrong with most people in Rainmaker? Last night was hands down thee worst luck I've had in a minute.
We could get team wipes...early on in the match, or we'd splat one and manage to make them retreat. Someone picks up the rainmaker, we clear a path, have it fully inked, splatted 3 enemies with the other 1 nowhere near...but the rainmaker carrier would just sit there and fire into the abyss. Even with us spamming "This way!" they would keep firing. And they wouldn't move until it was unsafe, one or two of us got splatted, and then they die moving into danger. This happened literally like 6 or so times in the 21 matches I played. As well as situations where everyone except me is going on the opposite side of the opposing rainmaker carrier, as well as the infamous 1 person invading the enemies base even though they have the rainmaker and are near/in our base. If you choose to carry the rainmaker, you have to go, not be scared and move little by little or not at all, specially if your team is literally right there protecting you.
Like...why? I won't ask how you got into X because carrying is a thing, but how have you not got kicked out of X yet if this is how you play (I understand bad day/games are a thing, but I run into some of these people multiple times and they still play bad)? Can we have personal evaluation on how many points you win/lose instead of just if the team won/loss and win/lose points according to if statistically you were suppose to win/lose? Then again...sure that wouldn't work as well. Sorry for wall of text, just so frustrated.