For the Carbon Roller

This Carbon Roller set focuses on being able to return as quick as possible to assist your allies after a splat, as well as having that Inkzooka on deck to possibly turn the tide in your favor. The headgear and clothes are easy to understand.
- Quick Respawn is mainly to take out an enemy or two, possibly trading in the process, then get right back info the fray in the blink of an eye.
- If you get killed, Special Saver ensures that you won't be losing too much meter.
- Damage Up is for Burst Bombs to deal more damage, making it more efficient at splatting.
The shoes are a bit of a toss up, though all have Swim Speed Up because this weapon thrives off of good positioning and movement.
- Ink Resistance Up is pretty self explanatory.
- Bomb Range Up is for keeping up the pressure from a greater distance than before.
- Quick Super Jump is always there if you want to return to the action even more quickly after respawning.
- Even more Quick Respawn because it never hurts to get back to the front lines even more quickly.
Give me some insight! This was my first set and I'd like to know what else could work.